Lauren Haber

참여 작품

Billy Preston: That's The Way God Planned It
Co-Executive Producer
With his signature gospel sound on the Hammond B3, Billy Preston doublehandedly elevated the greatest artists of his time – from the Beatles to the Rolling Stones, from Aretha Franklin to Eric Clapton, from Ray Charles to Barbra Streisand to Sly and the Family Stone. In our film, we explore Billy's career and influence on generations of musicians, as he scored several number one hits of his own and became one of the most sought-after musicians in the world. He did all of this as a soul divided -- by his deep roots in the church, in constant conflict with his identity as a gay Black man, searching for a family of his own that would accept him for who he was.
Executive Producer
The Amazon Labor Union (ALU) — a group of current and former Amazon workers in New York City’s Staten Island — takes on one of the world’s largest and most powerful companies in the fight to unionize.
Another Body
Executive Producer
A college student searches for justice after she discovers deepfake pornography of herself circulating online.
Going Varsity in Mariachi
Executive Producer
In the competitive world of high school mariachi, the musicians from the South Texas borderlands reign supreme. Under the guidance of coach Abel Acuña, the teenage captains of Edinburg North High School’s acclaimed team must turn a shoestring budget and diverse crew of inexperienced musicians into state champions.
It's Only Life After All
Co-Executive Producer
An intimate look into the lives of one of the most iconic folk-rock bands in America - the Indigo Girls. With never-before-seen archival and intimate vérité the film dives into the songwriting and storytelling of the music that transformed a generation.
애프터 쇼크
Co-Executive Producer
An alarmingly disproportionate number of Black women are failed every year by the U.S. maternal health system. Shamony Gibson and Amber Rose Isaac were vibrant, excited mothers-to-be whose deaths due to childbirth complications were preventable. Now, their partners and families are determined to sound a rallying cry around this chilling yet largely ignored crisis.
Paper & Glue
Executive Producer
A documentary following JR's artwork giving a global voice to everyday people.
다시 찾은 우리
Co-Executive Producer
DNA 검사 후 서로가 친척이었다는 놀라운 사실을 알게 된 세 소녀. 각기 다른 미국 가정으로 입양돼 지금까지 다른 삶을 살았던 소녀들은 친부모를 만나길 희망하며 중국으로 떠난다.
Co-Executive Producer
미국 현대무용의 선구자 중 한 명인 흑인 안무가 앨빈 에일리. 영화는 힙합 안무가 레니 해리스가 앨빈 에일리에 대한 새로운 무용극을 준비하는 과정과 알빈 에일리의 작품세계를 촘촘히 엮으며 그가 오늘날 미국 무용계와 사회 전반에 남긴 유산을 기록한다. 1931년 짐크로우법 시대에 텍사스 시골에서 태어난 앨빈 에일리는 아프리카계 미국인들의 정체성과 역사에서 영감을 받은 새로운 움직임을 미국 현대 무용에 도입하고, 58년 앨빈 에일리 어메리칸 댄스 시어터를 창립한다. 개척자였던 그는 늘 외로웠지만, 그가 뿌린 씨앗은 오늘날 미국 현대무용의 풍요로운 기반이 되었다. (2021년 제17회 제천국제음악영화제 / 김소혜)
러브 애프터 러브
A sixty-something mother and her two adult sons cope and move onward following the death of their larger-than-life father/husband.
This in-depth look into the powerhouse industries of big-game hunting, breeding and wildlife conservation in the U.S. and Africa unravels the complex consequences of treating animals as commodities.
더 위치
신대륙에 정착한 청교도들. 그중 한 가족이 척박한 뉴잉글랜드의 숲으로 밀려난다. 이들에게 마녀의 그림자가 드리우면서 서서히 움트는 불신의 싹. 가족이 마녀라는 생각에 사로잡힌 순간, 진정한 비극이 땅을 피로 물들이기 시작한다.
Untitled Mistress Dispeller Project
Executive Producer
Teacher Wang works as a 'mistress dispeller' in China, hired to break up affairs by any means necessary. Through one of her cases, we explore the ways class, capital, and culture collide to shape romantic relationships in contemporary China.