Sam Schweikert

Sam Schweikert

출생 : 1990-05-21, Dallas, Texas, USA

프로필 사진

Sam Schweikert

참여 작품

The Red Tide Massacre
Tommy Fuller
A television reporter is attacked by a monster while investigating an environmental disaster in Florida.
The Wrong Inside Man
Tara again displays her smarts when she discovers Eve's true identity and motive; Webb falls for Lance's ruse hook, line, and sinker.
The Wrong Marriage
Tara travels to England to dig into Eve's background. Carrie and Lance have a very public blow-up.
The Wrong Nemesis
With new husband Webb now deceased, Robin stands to inherit a fortune with a little help from Sheldon, the family’s lawyer. Carrie’s philanthropic endeavors have always taken a backseat to the family’s business ones, but now, with Lance at her side, she plans to expand her role. Kayla is enjoying the single life until she meets Carter whom she quickly falls for, and lest she be overshadowed, Tara begins an affair with her college professor. Pam begins a friendship with Stephen Napoli, the CEO of the construction company building the family’s new water facility and becomes even closer to him when the facility is vandalized. But she has bigger problems when the child whom she gave up for adoption years ago suddenly returns!
The Wrong Murder
Nobody, least of all Pam, knows how to handle her long-lost daughter Eve, so they ask Sheldon for his counsel. The more Eve is brought into the fold, the more it rankles Tara, who doesn't believe Eve is who she says she is.
Triassic Hunt
Deacon Forrester
When two genetically created dinosaurs end up on the loose, it's up to a team of rag tag mercenaries to capture them. When the realize that the dinosaurs are bred as smart as humans, the game of cat and mouse turns for the worst.
Taipei Jesus
Jesus Of Nazareth
Washed-up writer Roy Frankel sees his dreams dashed when three boneheaded Hollywood execs hijack his biblical adaptation, "The Gospel of Matthew," and turn it into an 'edgier' holy reboot: "Taipei Jesus."
Taipei Jesus
Washed-up writer Roy Frankel sees his dreams dashed when three boneheaded Hollywood execs hijack his biblical adaptation, "The Gospel of Matthew," and turn it into an 'edgier' holy reboot: "Taipei Jesus."
Taipei Jesus
Washed-up writer Roy Frankel sees his dreams dashed when three boneheaded Hollywood execs hijack his biblical adaptation, "The Gospel of Matthew," and turn it into an 'edgier' holy reboot: "Taipei Jesus."
Taipei Jesus
Washed-up writer Roy Frankel sees his dreams dashed when three boneheaded Hollywood execs hijack his biblical adaptation, "The Gospel of Matthew," and turn it into an 'edgier' holy reboot: "Taipei Jesus."
저주의 집: 악마의 숭배자들
귀신이 나오는 시골집을 배경으로 한 공포물
기묘한 이야기들: 아이스크림 트럭
프리랜서 작가인 매리. 어릴 적 살던 교외로 다시 이사를 온 후 글감을 찾기 위해 노력한다. 남의 일에 간섭하기 좋아하는 동네 엄마들, 고향에 오니 떠오르는 즐거웠던 젊은 시절, 묘한 기류가 흐르는 옆집 청년과의 뜨거운 만남, 그리고 왠지 모르게 으스스한 아이스크림 트럭... 남편과 아이들이 도착하기 전 며칠 동안 매리는 뿌리칠 수 없는 달콤하고도 오싹한 유혹에 빠진다.
Other Halves
Directed by a different Matthew Price than the MAMO host, this film follows a team of programmers develop a revolutionary new dating app called Other Halves. On the night before the app is set to launch, they discover it causes strange side effects: users lose all self-control, becoming amoral, lascivious, violent... evil. They consider shutting the app down, but... Evil is profitable.
This is Me
When Zach finds his relationship and musical career in tatters he looks to a chance meeting with his rock idol Ryder Lane for answers.
This is Me
When Zach finds his relationship and musical career in tatters he looks to a chance meeting with his rock idol Ryder Lane for answers.
This is Me
When Zach finds his relationship and musical career in tatters he looks to a chance meeting with his rock idol Ryder Lane for answers.
This is Me
When Zach finds his relationship and musical career in tatters he looks to a chance meeting with his rock idol Ryder Lane for answers.
Cash Fitzwater
He'd gotten out of the clown life, that is, until they went and clipped his best friend. Welcome to Big Top, USA. Trading paint for blood, by the gallon.
Additional Photography
He'd gotten out of the clown life, that is, until they went and clipped his best friend. Welcome to Big Top, USA. Trading paint for blood, by the gallon.
He'd gotten out of the clown life, that is, until they went and clipped his best friend. Welcome to Big Top, USA. Trading paint for blood, by the gallon.
He'd gotten out of the clown life, that is, until they went and clipped his best friend. Welcome to Big Top, USA. Trading paint for blood, by the gallon.
Key Set Production Assistant
A hot one-night stand turns into an awkward morning after when Guy and Holly get stuck in a dead-stopped traffic jam.
22 점프 스트리트
Spring Break Student
위장 수사로 인정받은 젠코와 슈미트 콤비가 대학교에서 유행하는 신종 합성 마약 '와이파이' 공급자를 색출하는 임무를 맡는다. 이에 MC 주립대 학생으로 위장한 두 사람은 사건의 단서를 남기고 죽은 신시아의 주변을 탐문한다. 곧 풋볼팀의 주크를 의심하게 된 젠코는 풋볼 선수로 뛰면서 그의 동태를 살핀다. 그런데 젠코는 본분을 망각한 채 주크와 둘도 없는 콤비가 되고, 젠코에게 소외감을 느낀 슈미트는 예술전공 학생 마야와 가까워진다. 그러던 어느 날, 신시아를 딜러로 의심하고 그녀의 방을 수색하던 두 사람은, 마약 공급자가 도서관의 책을 이용하여 마약을 거래했음을 알게 된다. 이에 도서관으로 간 슈미트는 '유령'으로 불리는 남자의 마약 거래 현장을 목격한다. 하지만 슈미트와 젠코는 유령을 놓치고, 경찰은 다른 사람에게 혐의를 씌우고는 사건을 종료하는데…
22 점프 스트리트
Key Set Production Assistant
위장 수사로 인정받은 젠코와 슈미트 콤비가 대학교에서 유행하는 신종 합성 마약 '와이파이' 공급자를 색출하는 임무를 맡는다. 이에 MC 주립대 학생으로 위장한 두 사람은 사건의 단서를 남기고 죽은 신시아의 주변을 탐문한다. 곧 풋볼팀의 주크를 의심하게 된 젠코는 풋볼 선수로 뛰면서 그의 동태를 살핀다. 그런데 젠코는 본분을 망각한 채 주크와 둘도 없는 콤비가 되고, 젠코에게 소외감을 느낀 슈미트는 예술전공 학생 마야와 가까워진다. 그러던 어느 날, 신시아를 딜러로 의심하고 그녀의 방을 수색하던 두 사람은, 마약 공급자가 도서관의 책을 이용하여 마약을 거래했음을 알게 된다. 이에 도서관으로 간 슈미트는 '유령'으로 불리는 남자의 마약 거래 현장을 목격한다. 하지만 슈미트와 젠코는 유령을 놓치고, 경찰은 다른 사람에게 혐의를 씌우고는 사건을 종료하는데…
낫 세이프 포 워크
Set Production Assistant
다국적 법률 사무소에서 일하는 톰. 그는 회사에 의뢰된 큰 사건 두 가지중, 감비지 사건에 집중하려 하지만, 회사는 데닝 건을 처리하라고 독촉한다. 그러나, 감비지 사건에 흥미를 느껴 계속 파고드는 톰을 회사는 해고하게 된다. 그날 저녁 짐을 챙겨 나가던 톰은 정체불명의 수상한 남자를 보게 되고, 그를 쫓아 다시 회사로 들어간다. 이제 톰은 남자의 수상하고도 살벌한 행적을 쫓기 시작하는데...
나쁜 이웃들
Set Production Assistant
갓 태어난 아기와 함께 내집 마련의 꿈을 이룬 신혼 부부 맥(세스 로건)과 켈리(로즈 번)는 깔끔하고 조용한 주택가 마을로 이사를 한다. 모든 것을 다 이룬 듯 마냥 행복해하던 이들의 기쁨도 잠시, 옆집에 50명의 섹시가이들이 시끌벅적하게 새로 이사를 오게 된다. 그들은 바로 대학교 남학생 클럽이자 파티 클럽인 ‘델타 싸이’. 50명의 파티보이들은 조용히 해달라는 맥과 켈리 부부를 끌어들이기 위해 하우스 파티에 초대하고, 이들의 계략을 눈치 채지 못한 맥과 켈리 부부는 이들과 함께 진탕 신나게 놀고 난 후 쿨하게 평화협상을 맺고 집으로 돌아온다. 하지만 이들의 시도 때도 없이 계속되는 파티 소음과 난장판에 맥과 켈리 부부는 참다 못해 경찰에 신고하지만 이도 통하지 않자 부부는 급기야 파티를 열지 못하도록 갖가지 기막힌 훼방을 놓게 되고, 이에 델타 싸이도 돌변하기 시작하는데… 과연 맥과 켈리는 평화롭고 행복한 가정을 지킬 수 있을까?
파라노말 액티비티: 더 마크드 원스
Production Assistant
캘리포니아 옥스나드. 고등학교를 갓 졸업한 제시(앤드류 제이콥스)는 어느 날부턴가 이웃집에서 신음과 같은 섬뜩한 소리가 나는 것을 느낀다. 제시는 절친 헥터(조지 디아즈)와 함께 환기구를 통해 카메라 선을 연결하고 옆집을 엿본다. 제시는 동네 사람들이 마녀라 부르는 아나가 나체의 한 여인에게 이상한 의식을 행하고 있는 것을 본다. 며칠 후, 아나가 죽고 호기심이 발동한 제시와 헥터는 몰래 아나의 집에 숨어 들어간다. 아나의 집에 있는 악마를 상징하는 물건들과 자신의 사진을 발견한 제시. 그리고 그 날 이후 설명할 수 없는 일들이 제시의 주변에 일어난다. 제시의 행동은 과격해지고 점차 자신을 통제할 수 없게 되는데…
Set Production Assistant
테오도르는 다른 사람들의 편지를 대신 써주는 대필 작가로, 깊이 아꼈던 아내와 이혼 소송 중이다. 타인의 마음을 전해주는 일을 하고 있지만, 정작 테오도르 자신은 너무 외롭고 공허한 삶을 살고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 스스로 생각하고 느끼는 인공 지능 운영체제인 사만다를 만나게 된다. 사만다는 따뜻한 목소리와 뛰어난 전산처리 능력을 통해 테오도르가 더 편안한 삶을 살 수 있도록 돕고, 테오도르는 자신의 육체를 통해 사만다가 더 많은 세계를 경험할 수 있도록 격려한다. 그렇게 둘은 직접적인 접촉보다 밀도 높은 정신적 교감을 나누는데...
Just a Hero
Funky Drunk Thug
A naive reporter discovers that it doesn't take superpowers to make a hero when she comes face-to-face with a mysterious do-gooder.
Just a Hero
Camera Operator
A naive reporter discovers that it doesn't take superpowers to make a hero when she comes face-to-face with a mysterious do-gooder.
Just a Hero
Additional Photography
A naive reporter discovers that it doesn't take superpowers to make a hero when she comes face-to-face with a mysterious do-gooder.
Just a Hero
Assistant Director
A naive reporter discovers that it doesn't take superpowers to make a hero when she comes face-to-face with a mysterious do-gooder.
Just a Hero
A naive reporter discovers that it doesn't take superpowers to make a hero when she comes face-to-face with a mysterious do-gooder.
Just a Hero
A naive reporter discovers that it doesn't take superpowers to make a hero when she comes face-to-face with a mysterious do-gooder.
Key Set Production Assistant
눈에 장착하는 컨택트 카메라로 누구나 인터넷 방송을 할 수 있는 시대. 예멘에서 복무하던 군인 제이는 형인 와이엇이 사고사했다는 연락을 듣고 미국으로 돌아온다. 유품을 살피던 중 형의 방송용 렌즈 카메라를 장착한 제이. 그 뒤에 의문의 여성에게 전화가 걸려 와, 형이 살해당했다는 말을 듣는다. 제이에게 전화를 걸었던 태라는 와이엇의 방송 파트너. 태라와 와이엇은 훔친 차로 경주하는 방송을 진행하다 누군가에게 습격을 당하고, 와이엇은 그 사고로 목숨을 잃은 것. 와이엇의 파트너였던 태라와 그의 동생이었던 제이는 함께 와이엇을 죽인 범인을 찾아 나선다. 스폰서를 얻고 돈을 벌기 위해 모든 것을 생방송하는 사람들. 생방송되는 사람의 인생을 두고 도박을 벌이는 뒷세계와 그 모든 세계를 미션으로 지배하는 미션전달자의 정체는 무엇일까? 인터넷 방송이 혼돈으로 치닫는 모습을 그린 SF 영화
A Man Called McClane
CQC Donnie
He was a man on a mission of vengeance. She was a woman losing her grip on reality. Together, they cleaned up the streets. Together, they were unstoppable.
A Man Called McClane
Camera Operator
He was a man on a mission of vengeance. She was a woman losing her grip on reality. Together, they cleaned up the streets. Together, they were unstoppable.
A Man Called McClane
Special Effects
He was a man on a mission of vengeance. She was a woman losing her grip on reality. Together, they cleaned up the streets. Together, they were unstoppable.
A Man Called McClane
Assistant Director
He was a man on a mission of vengeance. She was a woman losing her grip on reality. Together, they cleaned up the streets. Together, they were unstoppable.
A Man Called McClane
He was a man on a mission of vengeance. She was a woman losing her grip on reality. Together, they cleaned up the streets. Together, they were unstoppable.
Life's an Itch
Key Production Assistant
A married man reaches the point where he questions everything: career, creativity and even his marriage. Hilarious complications and temptations arise when his wife invites her open-minded (and very sexy) yoga instructor to stay in the guest house while she’s away on vacation with the kids.
파라노말 액티비티 4
Set Production Assistant
옆집이 이사 온 뒤로 섬뜩한 현상을 경험하는 알렉스. 하지만 그녀의 가족들과 남자친구, 어느 누구도 그녀의 말을 믿지 않는다. 한밤 중 깜박이는 불, 저절로 열리는 현관문 등 계속되는 기이한 현상에 잠을 잘 때도 밥을 먹을 때도 매 순간이 공포로 다가온다. 극도의 공포와 두려움에 사로잡힌 알렉스는 어렵게 남자친구와 영상통화를 시도하고 안정감을 찾으려고 하지만 갑자기 나타난 케이티로 인해 세상과 단절되며 끔찍하고 오싹한 공포감에 휩싸이게 된다. 6년 전, 행방불명 되었던 케이티와 헌터의 등장. 그들은 왜 알렉스 앞에 정체를 드러낸 것 일까…
The Crossing
Thug 1
When his brother is abducted by a vengeful mafioso, Sam will stop at nothing to get him back alive.
The Crossing
Assistant Director
When his brother is abducted by a vengeful mafioso, Sam will stop at nothing to get him back alive.
The Crossing
When his brother is abducted by a vengeful mafioso, Sam will stop at nothing to get him back alive.
The Crossing
When his brother is abducted by a vengeful mafioso, Sam will stop at nothing to get him back alive.
No Good Deed
Henchman 3
When a voice from the past returns asking a favor, Sean Hunt is powerless to resist. But as the stakes raise, Sean quickly finds himself in over his head.
No Good Deed
Camera Operator
When a voice from the past returns asking a favor, Sean Hunt is powerless to resist. But as the stakes raise, Sean quickly finds himself in over his head.
No Good Deed
Special Effects
When a voice from the past returns asking a favor, Sean Hunt is powerless to resist. But as the stakes raise, Sean quickly finds himself in over his head.
No Good Deed
Assistant Director
When a voice from the past returns asking a favor, Sean Hunt is powerless to resist. But as the stakes raise, Sean quickly finds himself in over his head.
No Good Deed
When a voice from the past returns asking a favor, Sean Hunt is powerless to resist. But as the stakes raise, Sean quickly finds himself in over his head.
Captain of My Desire
Jerry's Friend 1 / Smelly Pirate
When her relationship sours, Claire turns to the fictional world of her romance novels to ease the pain. But as the lines between fiction and reality blur, she is swept away in an adventure on the high seas.
Captain of My Desire
Assistant Editor
When her relationship sours, Claire turns to the fictional world of her romance novels to ease the pain. But as the lines between fiction and reality blur, she is swept away in an adventure on the high seas.
Captain of My Desire
Special Effects
When her relationship sours, Claire turns to the fictional world of her romance novels to ease the pain. But as the lines between fiction and reality blur, she is swept away in an adventure on the high seas.
Captain of My Desire
Assistant Director
When her relationship sours, Claire turns to the fictional world of her romance novels to ease the pain. But as the lines between fiction and reality blur, she is swept away in an adventure on the high seas.
Captain of My Desire
Production Manager
When her relationship sours, Claire turns to the fictional world of her romance novels to ease the pain. But as the lines between fiction and reality blur, she is swept away in an adventure on the high seas.
Captain of My Desire
When her relationship sours, Claire turns to the fictional world of her romance novels to ease the pain. But as the lines between fiction and reality blur, she is swept away in an adventure on the high seas.
Bad and Classic
Assistant Camera
When a Senator needs her controversial daughter to disappear, she calls on two goons from a Craigslist ad. Together, Vincent and Craig concoct a plan so foolproof, only they could screw it up. Sanitation masks, rope, hot pockets, and titty magazines. All part of the slick, stylized ride that is both 'Bad and Classic.'
Bad and Classic
Sound Editor
When a Senator needs her controversial daughter to disappear, she calls on two goons from a Craigslist ad. Together, Vincent and Craig concoct a plan so foolproof, only they could screw it up. Sanitation masks, rope, hot pockets, and titty magazines. All part of the slick, stylized ride that is both 'Bad and Classic.'
Bad and Classic
Assistant Director
When a Senator needs her controversial daughter to disappear, she calls on two goons from a Craigslist ad. Together, Vincent and Craig concoct a plan so foolproof, only they could screw it up. Sanitation masks, rope, hot pockets, and titty magazines. All part of the slick, stylized ride that is both 'Bad and Classic.'
Bad and Classic
When a Senator needs her controversial daughter to disappear, she calls on two goons from a Craigslist ad. Together, Vincent and Craig concoct a plan so foolproof, only they could screw it up. Sanitation masks, rope, hot pockets, and titty magazines. All part of the slick, stylized ride that is both 'Bad and Classic.'
Bad and Classic
When a Senator needs her controversial daughter to disappear, she calls on two goons from a Craigslist ad. Together, Vincent and Craig concoct a plan so foolproof, only they could screw it up. Sanitation masks, rope, hot pockets, and titty magazines. All part of the slick, stylized ride that is both 'Bad and Classic.'
After Drew's friends force him out of his house while they prepare for his surprise birthday, he must survive several dangerous encounters to get back home.
After Drew's friends force him out of his house while they prepare for his surprise birthday, he must survive several dangerous encounters to get back home.
After Drew's friends force him out of his house while they prepare for his surprise birthday, he must survive several dangerous encounters to get back home.
A Love Not Standing
Stunt Coordinator
When he's faced with another blind date, Ryan can't help but recall his past hallucinations that have proved problematic to sustaining a potential love life.
A Love Not Standing
When he's faced with another blind date, Ryan can't help but recall his past hallucinations that have proved problematic to sustaining a potential love life.
A Love Not Standing
Special Effects
When he's faced with another blind date, Ryan can't help but recall his past hallucinations that have proved problematic to sustaining a potential love life.
A Love Not Standing
Executive Producer
When he's faced with another blind date, Ryan can't help but recall his past hallucinations that have proved problematic to sustaining a potential love life.
'Tis the Season
Elf Thug 4
Jerry is a grouchy low-life who makes his dough snatching bags during the holiday shopping rush. Alvin is a lonely loser who loves Christmas maybe a little too much. And when a vindictive gangster names 'Uncle Santa' comes calling, these two misfits team up for the wackiest Christmas ever.
'Tis the Season
Camera Operator
Jerry is a grouchy low-life who makes his dough snatching bags during the holiday shopping rush. Alvin is a lonely loser who loves Christmas maybe a little too much. And when a vindictive gangster names 'Uncle Santa' comes calling, these two misfits team up for the wackiest Christmas ever.
'Tis the Season
Special Effects
Jerry is a grouchy low-life who makes his dough snatching bags during the holiday shopping rush. Alvin is a lonely loser who loves Christmas maybe a little too much. And when a vindictive gangster names 'Uncle Santa' comes calling, these two misfits team up for the wackiest Christmas ever.