Marta Fava

참여 작품

Digital Compositor
도굴꾼 아르투에겐 땅속 유물을 감지하는 특별한 능력이 있다. 부의 꿈에 도취된 동료들 사이에서 그는 잃어버린 연인, 베니아미나를 찾아 헤맨다.
Visual Effects
Suburbs of Rome (Italy), Summer of 1993. On top of a wide valley, a group of four kids has built a small shelter in which they spend the afternoons after schooltime. On one of those summer afternoons, the kids take their bikes and go for a journey through the paths of Tolfa and Allumiere. Suddenly, they discover a beautiful medieval farmstead. They don't know it yet, but what they'll find in it will change their lives forever.