When Marie’s boyfriend proposes to her in front of his entire family, she doesn't know what to say and flees to the countryside to think it over alone. But her thoughts accompany her. They sit around her in flesh and blood: Her mother pesters her with baby names, exboyfriends climb down trees and a woman in a sari narrates her life in poems. Her would-be fiancé eventually joins her, clashing his own luggage of thoughts with hers. But what if you show your thoughts to each other? How much honesty can a relationship take? In her first feature, director Zora Rux, an apprentice of Swedish filmmaker Roy Andersson, tells a surrealistic story of the search for one’s true self in poetic tableaus.
Jonathan lives in a world ruled by an inhumane courtship ritual forcing him to find a partner. But he doesn't want to dance. This will lead to his certain death, sooner or later. A charming neighbour appears to be his last chance, but her only interest is the revelation of his true shape and thus helping him to break free.
A weekend alone at home with the children - and already breaks out of the mess with Papa minor. For while Moll pushes overtime in the chocolate factory, between his children and the offspring of his boss a merciless battle breaks out: for cotton candy, homework - and the most famous circus dog in the world.
늦은 밤, 심리학자 엘리안 헤스는 병원으로부터 교통사고로 부모와 형제자매들을 잃은 8살짜리 소년 이브를 돌봐달라는 전화를 받는다. 엘리안은 충격을 받음과 동시에 트라우마에 빠진 소년에 대한 궁금함이 생긴다. 시간이 지나면서 그녀는 이브와 점점 가까워지기 시작하고, 소년을 둘러싼 친척들 간의 갈등이 고조될 때, 엘리안은 그녀의 삶의 궤적과 다른 결정을 한다. 트라우마에 빠진 아이의 심리를 스릴러 장르 영화의 문법으로 탁월하게 묘사한 작품이다. (2017년 제14회 서울국제사랑영화제)