When Marie’s boyfriend proposes to her in front of his entire family, she doesn't know what to say and flees to the countryside to think it over alone. But her thoughts accompany her. They sit around her in flesh and blood: Her mother pesters her with baby names, exboyfriends climb down trees and a woman in a sari narrates her life in poems. Her would-be fiancé eventually joins her, clashing his own luggage of thoughts with hers. But what if you show your thoughts to each other? How much honesty can a relationship take? In her first feature, director Zora Rux, an apprentice of Swedish filmmaker Roy Andersson, tells a surrealistic story of the search for one’s true self in poetic tableaus.
Jonathan lives in a world ruled by an inhumane courtship ritual forcing him to find a partner. But he doesn't want to dance. This will lead to his certain death, sooner or later. A charming neighbour appears to be his last chance, but her only interest is the revelation of his true shape and thus helping him to break free.
Мистер Молл — ответственный сотрудник шоколадной фабрики и примерный отец семейства. Он живет в маленьком уютном городишке с женой и тремя детьми — рассудительной Эви, решительным Фритцем и умником Вилли. Что же может пойти не так, когда в один прекрасный выходной день супруга господина Молла уезжает на курорт, оставив его присматривать за детьми? Всего за день непоседливые детишки ухитряются начать войну с соседскими ребятами, похитить из цирка летающую собаку и насолить местным полицейским. На этом беды господина Молла не заканчиваются, ведь на фабрике выходит из строя оборудование, грозя затопить город тоннами расплавленного шоколада. Мистеру Моллу и его детям предстоит спасти целый город и одну летающую собаку.
Late at night, the psychologist Eliane Hess is called to the hospital to take care of Yves, an eight-year-old boy, who just has lost his parents and siblings in a car accident. Eliane is both shocked and curiously drawn to the traumatized boy. As time goes by, she loses the professional distance to the patient, and when Yves' relatives begin a heavy dispute about the boy's future, Eliane makes an unorthodox decision, that throws her life off track.