Middle-aged Man in Bar
Bar Master
A sensual drama depicting a man who lives like a pimp with his wife and three other women.
Kimiyo's Older Brother-in-law
Real-Life stripper Madoka Mika plays the fictional ROSE RED, a former striptease queen who is now doing roadshow engagements while trying to raise her kid and balance her love affairs.
나미는 자학적인 고등학생으로, 잘생긴 무라키 선생님에 의해 구출되기 전에 불량배들에게 공격을 받고 거의 강간당할 뻔 했다. 하마터면 나미에게 이상한 환각을 일으키게 되고, 그녀는 무라키와 여러 S&M 상황에 휘말려 이름난 목마 위에서 구타를 당하고, 소변을 강제로 보고, 고문을 당하는 자신의 모습을 상상한다. 나미에게 환각은 점점 더 현실적이 되고, 곧 무라키는 나미를 강간한 혐의로 기소되어 교사 자리를 잃게 된다.
Yûji Hida - Apartment manager
A building manager spots a hooded jogger as he brazenly assaults a woman and drags her off. He follows and watches as the poor woman gets raped. After the rapist has left the manager hesitates and approaches the prone woman… and takes his turn. The next day the manager is on the lookout for the jogger, waiting for another chance.
A doctor develops a new scientific breakthrough in female psychotherapy with the discovery of the “Dream Ring,” a device that is inserted into a woman to record her thoughts and dreams. But, one dark and stormy night, the doctor and his assistant end up dead… hanging by ropes from the rafters of their lab. The lovely Reiko suffers from a condition known as “genophobia” (the fear of sexual intercourse), so she is admitted to the Tachibana Clinic for observation. Another group of doctors have the “Dream Ring” device and use it on Reiko to analyze her wildly erotic, and violent, dreams and nightmares. The clinic doctors have more sinister reasons to test this device on Reiko, however, and secretly put her under hypnosis so that the ring is activated at any time she hears the sound of a bell. Can she escape the evil doctors’ experiment and, even if she does, who is that strange person, dressed all in black, following her around?
우아하고 고상한 미인인 언니 레이코와 당차고 활동적인 마사코는 동네에서 예쁘기로 소문난 자매이다. 어느 날, 자매의 아버지가 운영하는 서점의 알바생 기요시가 이들의 집에서 하숙을 하게 되고, 레이코에게 관심을 보이던 기요시는 급기야 레이코를 겁탈한다. 점점 과감하고 거칠게 레이코의 육체를 탐하던 기요시는 유부남의 아이를 임신한 마사코를 도와주고 그녀와도 관계를 맺기에 이른다.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
1979 Nikkatsu Roman Porno film. Depicts a female professional golfer living as a hustler, banished from the golf world on suspicion of being addicted to stimulants.