When the life of Grace Wyatt, an esteemed music professor, is disrupted by tragedy, she finds herself thrown out of her lavish academic world and into the harsh reality of teaching at-risk youth.
셰프를 꿈꾸지만 도전하지 않는 ‘찰리’. 카페에서 일하는 러블리한 매력의 ‘엠버’를 보고 첫눈에 반하지만 고백을 망설인다. 밀당 고수 베프 ‘벤’의 도움으로 말을 걸어보지만 ‘엠버’는 이미 4년째 연애 중! 말이 잘 통하는 ‘찰리’와 ‘엠버’는 둘도 없는 남.사.친, 여.사.친이 된다. 하지만, ‘엠버’는 순수하고 때로는 엉뚱한 ‘찰리’에게 점점 친구 이상의 감정을 느끼고 남자친구에게도 말 못 하는 속마음을 그에게 털어놓는데… 아슬아슬 친구와 연인 사이를 오가는 ‘찰리’와 ‘엠버’.
Detective Perkins (as Gary Moore)
A lawyer-turned-preacher living in a small Appalachian town is pursued by an eccentric man to represent him in court. Now involved in a case that ties into his own small-town life, the former attorney agrees to help a man.
Charlie Fitzpatrick is the most successful high school basketball coach in Georgia history. While many of his players think of him as a father, his relationship with his own "bookworm" son, Evan, is strained. With the help of his wife, Laura and Evan's wife, Heather, Charlie determines the best way to connect and bond is to take his son and grandson, Markie, who has just announced he's dropping out of college to tour with his folk band, to a rustic mountain cabin for a weekend retreat. Only this cabin is the same site where he took his many winning teams to test their mettle over a grueling military-style obstacle course, the same one Evan, as a student never got the chance to complete. This is Charlie's idea of fun, Evan's idea of a nightmare, and Markie's idea of-well he's young and idealistic; he's just going with the flow. .
Featured and Background
Told in flashback from the perspective of Megan, the storyline unfolds when her commitment to faith and family is renewed after reading the blog of Julie Locke, the online journal that Julie kept after her 13 months old Dax was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
세력을 확장하는 나치당이 네덜란드를 통째로 삼켜버리고, 모든 무고한 유대인을 학살하려 한다는 사실을 깨닫게 되면서, 코리 텐 붐은 훈련되지 않은 십대들로 구성된 군대를 조직하여 그 죽음의 위협에 맞선다. 한편 나치당 가입을 거부한 대학생 한스 폴레는 학생들로 구성된 비밀 조직인 ‘틴에이지 아미’에 가입해 위대한 임무를 수행하기 시작한다. 하지만 나치의 압박은 숨통을 조이고 설상가상 유대인 고아원을 대상으로 한 집단학살 계획을 알게 된다. 아이들을 구할 수 있는 시간은 단 4시간! 과연 한스는 아이들을 구하고 목숨을 건 임무를 수행할 수 있을까?
Lorenzo Adams
Uncle Frankie (Danny Trejo) is not the kind of guy you want to meet in a dark alley. Especially when you owe him money and have been giving him the slip for a few years. Such is the fate of Lorenzo Adams (Gary Moore), a top bill collector at Lump Sum Collections. Uncle Frankie has tracked Lorenzo to Norfolk, Virginia and is coming to collect.