TV Reporter
A tyrannical landlady in Hemet, California lords it over her tenants, pitting them against each other in a web of paranoia spun for deadly results.
A trip to California leaves a popular travel video blogger the victim of a stalking after one of her local followers becomes too close for comfort.
Executive Producer
A competent lawyer is infatuated with his young caretaker and becomes consumed with desire and obsession after losing touch with reality.
A competent lawyer is infatuated with his young caretaker and becomes consumed with desire and obsession after losing touch with reality.
Starring George Jac, Jade Kaiser and directed by Robert Anthony Padilla. Adapted from the Stephen King short story, a young woman attends her boyfriend's graduation party at his parents' home when events take an unexpected turn.
Starring Tony Gorodeckas, Kelly Potts and directed by Ryan Binse. A man surrounded by wealth makes the most important decision of his career.
Starring Tony Gorodeckas, Kelly Potts and directed by Ryan Binse. A man surrounded by wealth makes the most important decision of his career.
SAF Hitman
돈도 직업도 없는 희망 없는 세상. 은행강도단은 한탕에 목숨을 건다 연쇄 은행털이는 매번 성공하고 베니셔 은행강도단으로 명성도 얻는다. 경찰의 추적이 시작되지만 모든 것은 최후의 계획을 위한 속임수였다. 모든 예측은 무너진다. 마지막 반전을 목격하라!
Starring George Jac, Kayla Schaffroth and directed by Tony Olmos. When an over-eager recruit is matched up with an absent-minded detective, the well-meaning pair end up doing more harm than good.
Herman Hill
Starring George Jac, Kayla Schaffroth and directed by Tony Olmos. When an over-eager recruit is matched up with an absent-minded detective, the well-meaning pair end up doing more harm than good.