A group of graduating students from a midwestern high school comes to New York City on a trip to celebrate the impending end of school. The students include: Roger Ellis, an ambitious teen aiming for success in big business; David, an aspiring rock star; Judy Matheson, a stagestruck coed actress wannabe; Denise, a free-spirited girl hoping to obtain a degree of sophistication; Fred, a lotharo looking for any Big City woman to be with; and Jon Lipton, a would-be artist hoping to make it big. Mickey Rooney also appears briefly as himself during the backstage scene at the play "Sugar Babies."
David and Carolyn marry in Hawaii and continue to work to find a cure for both their afflictions in a race against time.
On the run and presumed dead by the authorities, David Banner, using the name 'Benton', continues in his efforts to find a cure. He accidentally finds himself in the middle of a plot to kill a young, crippled girl so her unscrupulous relatives can inherit the family fortune.
케네스 존슨감독의 [두 얼굴의 사나이]의 77년 TV영화이다. 데이비드 베너 박사는 연구 도중 과다한 감마 방사선에 노출되어 극도의 흥분을 하면 엄청난 괴력의 헐크로 변하게 된다. 마침 이 사실을 목격한 맥키 기자는 데이비드 베너 박사를 끈질기게 쫏는다. 박사는 이 세상 사람이 아닌것으로 되어있고 끝없는 도망자의 신세가 된는데...
The captain of a downed airliner must help his crew and passengers survive on a deserted jungle island in the midst of a power struggle - an adult version of "Lord of the Flies."