Hans Appelqvist

참여 작품

Original Music Composer
Director Mikel Cee Karlsson is working on a film with and about his best friend Mathias – a young father who one day reveals that he is living a double life. Circumstances have driven Mathias into a criminal underworld where debts seem impossible to pay off. In a spiral of threats, lies and violence, Mathias is desperately looking for a way out. When things finally seem to look up for him, the pressure he has lived under for several years has fatal consequences, leaving Mikel forced to make crucial decisions about the film he is working on.
Something to Remember
Original Music Composer
A bittersweet look at life’s many challenges, albeit as experienced by furry, feathered, and slimy creatures who sound and feel all too human.
Something to Remember
Sound Designer
A bittersweet look at life’s many challenges, albeit as experienced by furry, feathered, and slimy creatures who sound and feel all too human.
Original Music Composer
1973년 여름, 다섯 명의 남성과 여섯 명의 여성은 소형보트 ‘아칼리’에 몸을 싣고, 장장 101일에 걸쳐 대서양을 가로지르는 해양과학모험을 떠난다. 멕시코 인류학자 산티아고 헤노베스가 처음 착수한 이 실험은 폭력의 근원과 성적 매력의 역학관계를 탐구하기 위한 것이다. 보트에 오른 열한 명의 사람들은 전세계에서 엄격한 기준을 거쳐 선발되었는데, 특히 피실험자의 종교와 성별, 국적을 다양하게 유지하여 선상에서의 갈등을 극대화하고자 하였다.
흔들리는 계절
Sound Recordist
변방의 삶을 조각조각 모아 엮은 이야기. 생전 처음 스웨덴에 도착한 계절노동자 베이아터, 실연으로 인한 상심에 빠져 어릴 적 살던 고향으로 돌아온 청년 에런, 그리고 생애 첫 여름 휴가 기간에 방황하는 시기를 보내는 소녀 빌리가 등장한다. 서서히 풍경과 하나가 되어가는 이들의 삶을 따라가며, 영화는 기계와 인간, 그리고 동물 사이에 이는 혼란의 지도를 그려나간다. 자신의 터전에 잔혹한 각인을 남긴 인류에 의해 미래가 불투명해진 이 시대에, 지구에 존재하는 모두가 어떻게 서로 의존하는지가 분명해진다.
The Burden
Original Music Composer
A shopping center along a large highway is the scene of an apocalyptic musical. Animation with a strong sense of form set to auto-tuned music by Klungan. About liberation through great catastrophy.
The Burden
A shopping center along a large highway is the scene of an apocalyptic musical. Animation with a strong sense of form set to auto-tuned music by Klungan. About liberation through great catastrophy.
Every Face Has a Name
Original Music Composer
Recalls the day when Holocaust survivors took their first steps into freedom, unaware of their future. Every Face Has a Name puts a name on those nameless faces and lets them recount their feelings of that day, the 28th of April, 1945.
Bath House
Six characters meet in a bath house. The pedant bath house manager, a couple with a strange way of communicating and a gang with shady intentions. Something goes wrong.
Glorious Accidents
Original Music Composer
Car crashes are instant art and sculptures made in seconds. At least to a certain Buenos Aires photographer, who spends his nights driving through the city in search of capturing the perfect accident. Meanwhile, another man is trying to find a legendary cock sucker who hides somewhere in the dark rooms of a gay sex club. Accidentes Gloriosos tells nine different stories of death and transformation. From the man who undergoes a heart transplant and wakes up with new and strange artistic powers, to the woman who receives a last letter from her husband, written just before he freezes to death in one of history s most dramatic polar expeditions.
Tord and Tord
One day Tord accidentally walks in to the apartment next to his own. Another person named Tord lives there, he has just moved in. Tord and Tord start to spend time with each other.
Greetings from the Woods
Inside and outside the well-kept hedges life carries on as usual. The King buys his daily newspaper. Bertil searches the parking lot for dogs to photograph. Hans and Gun-Britt is planting a big, but still too small rock in their garden. Trying to get their minds off it all. As darkness falls over the little village in the woods, the Indians gather for a meeting in the town house as angst, frustration and silent prayer echoes in the night. With visual precision and attention to detail, director Mikel Cee Karlsson captures people and their existence in a small village deep inside the Swedish forest. Over a period of four years, the music video director and former professional skateboarder Mikel has been capturing singular scenes from a part of today’s Sweden where reality inexorably seeps in behind the colourful fasad. With a mixture of playful precision, humour and melancholy he portrays people’s dreams, their relationships and everyday destinies.