Nneka Elliott
출생 : 1981-07-10, Quebec, Canada
Nneka Elliott is a Canadian television news reporter, anchor, lifestyle blogger and content creator, occasionally playing this role in film and television productions. She's a graduate from the Radio and Television Program at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
초능력자들이 로봇의 엄격한 감시를 받는 세상. 출소한 코너는 부패한 경찰로부터 십 대 소녀를 지키기 위해 싫지만 마약 조직의 보스와 힘을 합쳐야 한다.
Today Show Host
범죄 실화 다큐멘터리가 제작되고, 뉴요커 작가의 완벽하게 쌓아올린 삶이 흔들리기 시작한다. 이제 고등학교 시절의 끔찍한 사건을 마주해야만 한다.
The rise and legacy of Canada’s most decorated Caribbean Carnival Queen, Joella Crichton, as she aims to win a historic tenth title in her last ever competition. This immersive arts and cultural documentary explores expressions of cultural identity, Caribbean artistry and a community’s struggle against a lack of understanding of Carnival in the larger society.
Editor in Chief
When talented interior designer Emily Barnes is hired by a foreign embassy in D.C. to decorate for their annual holiday charity ball, the newly appointed ambassador Magnus Andersson's "minimalist" approach creates a roadblock between them. As Emily's undeniable love for the holiday season begins to thaw his heart, an unexpected romance begins between the two.
Reporter #1
경찰서로 배달된 의문의 소포. 그리고 시작된 경찰 연쇄살인. 또 다른 살인이 시작되기 전 단서를 찾고 사건을 해결하라!
Middle school principal Addison Tate wants this Christmas to be special for her kids especially since the School Board has decided that it will be the last as the school will be closing. When Addison invites Hollywood actor Dylan Davidson, a former alumni and old flame, home to reconnect with his roots, sparks fly, uniting the two to save the school from closing right before Christmas Eve.
근 미래, 인류의 4%뿐인 초능력자 ‘특수 인간’의 능력이 통제 받는 세상. 인간들은 그들을 범죄자로 취급하며 감시와 탄압을 일삼는다. 죽음으로 내모는 인간들의 악랄함에 ‘특수 인간’은 살아남기 위해 목숨을 건 최후의 전쟁을 시작하게 되는데…
News Reporter
미스터리의 연쇄살인범을 뒤쫓는 형사. 이성과 논리로는 그녀가 저지른 살인을 설명할 수 없다. 수사가 평생에 걸친 집착으로 변해가면서, 그는 조금씩 무너지기 시작한다.
10대 소년 빌리 뱃슨은 어릴 적 엄마와 헤어진 뒤 위탁 가정을 떠돌고 있다. 한편 어둠의 존재를 봉인 중인 마법사는 자신의 뒤를 이를 후계자를 찾고 있다. 어린 시절 순수하지 못하다는 이유로 마법사에게 거부당한 시바나는 오랜 시간 숨겨진 장소를 찾던 끝에 영원의 바위에 도착하여 7개의 대죄를 해방시키고 어둠의 힘을 얻는다. 이에 마법사는 빌리를 후계자로 정하고 샤잠의 힘을 전수한다. 슈퍼 파워를 얻게 된 빌리는 자신의 능력을 깨닫고 악당을 물리치는 슈퍼히어로로 다시 태어나는데...
When new author Cassie is paired with successful author Elliot on a promotional book tour, she learns to believe in her talent. She also finds truth in the old adage “you can’t judge a book by its cover” as she falls for the guy she once thought to be pompous and full of himself.
Candace, daughter of lifestyle mogul Liz Livingstone, has never lived up to her mother’s standards. When a young girl posts a video begging Liz to help arrange a special Christmas party, Candace is sent in her place. As she struggles to prove herself worthy of running the company, Candace meets—and begins falling for—the girl’s uncle, a reporter writing an expose on her.
Sara Sheridan
Lifestyle guru and romance expert, Joanna Moret, has developed a fool-proof strategy for ending holiday loneliness and it's all detailed in her best-selling book, The Love Audit. After appearing on a morning show, she is offered the biggest opportunity of her career—to throw the MacAllen Holiday Gala—and if all goes well she'll get her own TV show. Little do her fans, or the MacAllen's, know that she is newly single and can't seem to apply her principles to her own love life. Joanna asks the morning show producer, Ted to pretend they are a couple or risk being exposed as a fraud.
Female Reporter
어느 밤 납치를 당한 리사, 극한의 공포 상황에서 기적처럼 탈출한다. 죽을힘을 다해 집으로 돌아온 그녀. 하지만 아무도 그녀의 말을 믿어주지 않는다. 가족도 경찰도. 실화가 바탕인 영화. (넷플릭스)
News Reporter
매일 10대소년,소녀의 새로운 몸에 살아가는 소녀로 어느날 A라는소년과 사랑에 빠지는 수줍은 10대소녀 '리안 넌'은 어느날 '저스틴'이라는 10대소년으로 깨어나고 여자친구를 매일 만나고 같이있고싶어하고 그가 원하는 누군가가 될 수 있다는 것을 발견한다
When Elizabeth is abducted by a fugitive sexual predator, she realizes she must take matters into her own hands and plot her escape. Based on a true story.
Female Tv Host
Pop superstar Adelaide Kay is so fed up with her controlling manager that she sneaks off the tour bus after their latest squabble. Though exhilarated to be free, she finds herself stranded in the freezing cold of a Pennsylvania winter, with no money and no plan. A local family, the Lapps, take her in. They know the true meaning of the season, even if they’re close to losing their dairy farm. No one in the family recognizes Adelaide except Dillon, the oldest son. He figures she’s the ticket to fast cash and plots to snap photos of Adelaide around the farm and sell them to the tabs. What he doesn’t plan, however, is their mutual attraction.
News Anchor
An emotionally gripping family action drama about a mother who will do whatever it takes to save her family.
아내가 죽고, 은퇴한 후 조용히 살던 거트만은 치매가 오기 시작한다. 거트만은 치매가 오기 전 마지막으로 해야 할 일을 시작한다. 가족을 죽인 아우슈비츠의 나치를 찾아 원수를 갚기 위한 여정을 시작하는데...
Tina Richards
With Christmas approaching, a struggling single mom finds herself working as a department store Santa Claus, as a real-life angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance.