크비타는 성당에 헌신하는 관리자이지만 더 이상 아무도 그녀를 필요로 하지 않는 것 같아 상심한다. 그러던 중 그녀를 찾아온 먼 친척 예닉. 가족의 족보를 찾아 그녀를 찾아왔다는 예닉은 어딘가 이상하다. 호기심 많고 상냥한 의붓조카인 척 접근한 예닉은 사실 으리으리한 집에 산다던 크비타의 집을 털려는 도둑이다. 그러나 크비타가 열쇠를 창 밖으로 던지며 예닉은 크비타의 집에 갇히고, 예닉은 재물을 가지고 무사히 나갈 수 있는 방법을 궁리한다.
A dramatic love story, taking place in the final days of the Second World War when the American Army liberated the Pilsen region of West Bohemia. Anne lives with her mother, husband and stepchildren at a solitary country farm. But her life is not what she would wish it to be. She had previously lived with her aunt in London, and the only reason why she returned to Czechoslovakia was to look after the orphaned children of her sister. She married their father, but the rural environment is alien to her, and neither does she get on very well with her husband. A group of American soldiers arrives at the farm, having strayed away from their designated route of advance. To their great surprise, they are welcomed by a young woman who speaks fluent English, and invite her to go with them to Pilsen as an interpreter. Anne long hesitates, well aware that she attracts the affection of one of the soldiers, and herself becomes fond of him, too. She feels that the trip to Pilsen could mean an ....