Every university must have mysterious tall tales in the past, where students die before graduating. Someone wants to create a class to help the spirits graduate college. Surprisingly, the class attendants are growing significantly, and no one wants to teach the class. Star, a popular student, Otaku, a nerd and ghost photography enthusiast, as well as students Moo, Meuk, and Kung, and Fay the chubby clown, have to participate in the class. What kind of terror and romp will they have to go through?
Every university must have mysterious tall tales in the past, where students die before graduating. Someone wants to create a class to help the spirits graduate college. Surprisingly, the class attendants are growing significantly, and no one wants to teach the class. Star, a popular student, Otaku, a nerd and ghost photography enthusiast, as well as students Moo, Meuk, and Kung, and Fay the chubby clown, have to participate in the class. What kind of terror and romp will they have to go through?
Assistant Director
낯선 남자와 문자를 주고 받으며 외로움을 달래던 소녀에게 벌어지는 끔찍한 사건. 결말의 반전이 돋보이는 "행복"부터 자신을 괴롭히는 학생들에게 죽음의 저주를 거는 "복수" 등 4색공포의 완벽한 체험!