This documentary explores the legacy of one of the most notorious British sitcoms of all time. Launching alternative comedy onto our screens, the show made household names of its performers and writers and proved to be a huge influence, despite the BBC reportedly being baffled by what they'd commissioned back in 1982. Never before had a flagship comedy show contained so much violence, depravity and anarchy - it was a shot across the bow to mainstream comedians that things would never be the same again.
Man in Room
The Welsh writer Arthur Machen wrote many acclaimed stories of the supernatural which brought him great fame in the 1920s. His work has faded from view in the decades since leaving just a dedicated following including Stephen King and Mick Jagger. Holy Terrors is a new film aiming to bring Machen to a new audience and adapts six of his tales into a spine-tingling portmanteau film. Effectively capturing the unique atmosphere and feel of Machen’s writing, Holy Terrors is sure to provide a night or two of uneasy sleep for the viewer.
Executive Producer
Susana Barriga’s documentary, the illusion, begins with violence. A long shot reveals a man standing on a street corner, his features indiscernible in the night. He moves out of the camera’s line of vision, but the filmmaker, persistent, moves with him as the jostling of the camera marks her steps. As we learn moments later, the man in the distance is Susana’s father – and this is the clearest image of him we will have. Suddenly, an angry British man demands that Susana cease filming. Susana protests in heavily accented English, “He is my father!” Glimpses of a man’s torso are followed by blurred images as the camera spins rapidly over surfaces. The image cuts to black. A new male voice asks in carefully spaced out words if Susana would like him to call the police. When she doesn’t respond immediately, he speaks louder, as though volume would compensate for the language difference. She gives her name; she refuses the offer of an ambulance.
Jesus Christ
고고학자 앤거스는 메리와 이브 자매의 집뜰에서 공룡과 비슷한 두개골을 발견하고 자기방에 안치한다. 그날 밤 파티에 갔다온 앤거스와 매리는 어니로부터 동굴에서 발견했다는 아버지의 시계를 받는다. 메리는 홀연히 자취를 감춘 부모가 살아 있다고 믿었으므로 내일 동굴 수색에 나서기로 한다. 다음날 파티에서 밤을 샌 이브가 제임스와 함께 온다. 그녀는 무서운 환상을 보고 제임스는 불길한 예감에 두개골을 찾지만 어디론가 사라지고 없다. 제임스는 봄이면 신전의 저택에 오는 실비아가 뱀의 화신이라고 확신하고 메리, 앤거스와 함께 동굴을 탐사한다. 그리고 혼자 집에 오던 이브는 실비아의 마법으로 저택에간다. 앤거스가 발견한 두개골과 인신공양할 처녀가 있으면 어둠의 왕 다이오니온을 부활시킬 수 있는 것이다. 앤거스는 이브를 구하기 위해 혈청주사를 맞고 신전의 저택으로 간다. 사녀로 변한 실비아에게 물리면서도 간신히 이브를 구출하고, 실비아와 되살아나려던 흰구렁이를 수류탄으로 박살낸다.
Three postal workers and their dysfunctional families interact over cups of tea and Sunday dinner.
Wolf's Brush is a 1926 silent drama