Niels Arestrup

Niels Arestrup

출생 : 1949-02-08, Montreuil, Seine [now Seine-Saint-Denis], France


Niels Arestrup is a French actor, film director and screenwriter. His father was Danish and his mother was French. He has won two César Awards for Best Supporting Actor for De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté and Un prophète, both films where he was directed by Jacques Audiard.

프로필 사진

Niels Arestrup

참여 작품

Sergiu Celibidache
95-96, year of high school. Only 17 years old, Zahia Ziouni becomes aware that her dream of becoming a conductor and her ambition to make symphonic music accessible to all and in all territories, will go through the creation of an orchestra unique in its diversitý and composition. Helped by her twin sister Fettouma, a cellist, and while she was about to conduct her very first concert, she created the Divertimento orchestra. The latter still exists and, at 44 years old, Zahia is now a conductor recognized worldwide.
Villa Caprice
Luc Germon
Famous lawyer, Luc Germon adds Gilles Fontaine, one of the most powerful bosses in France, to his clients. He is suspected of having acquired a magnificent property, Villa Caprice, under questionable conditions.
Jacques Audiard, le cinéma à cœur
Self - Interviewee
In eight films, Jacques Audiard has renewed French cinema, without alienating either the critics or the success. It is only at the age of 42 that he starts directing, after having been an editor and a scriptwriter. In 1994, he directed his first film, "Regarde les hommes tomber", whose conflicting shooting was an ordeal for this misanthropic beginner. It was with "Sur mes lèvres", in 2001, that he forged his cinematographic language: contained lyricism, deliberate imperfection of images, ellipses plunging the audience into a maelstrom of sensations. With each of his films, Jacques Audiard intends to renew himself, at the cost of challenges and doubts always more vivid.
고흐, 영원의 문에서
빈센트 반 고흐는 생전 단 한 작품 밖에 그림을 팔지 못했으나, 지금은 전 세계에서 가장 유명하고 사랑받는 화가로 꼽힌다. 광기의 예술가, 비운의 천재 등 수많은 수식어와 함께 그의 굴곡진 삶은 신화 그 자체가 되었다. 가난과 외로움 속에 살던 화가 빈센트 반 고흐는 운명의 친구 폴 고갱을 만난다. 그마저도 자신을 떠나자 깊은 슬픔에 빠지지만 신이 준 선물, 자연의 아름다움을 담기 위해 몰두한다. 불멸의 걸작이 탄생한 프랑스 아를에서부터 오베르 쉬르 우아즈까지, 빈센트 반 고흐의 눈부신 마지막 나날을 담은 기록.
맨 오브 마스크
Marcel Péricourt
제1차 세계대전 직후의 프랑스 사회를 배경으로 한다. 종전을 앞두고 한 전선에서 아군에게 살해당할 뻔한 두 남자는 전쟁이 지나간 폐허에서 생존을 위해 거대한 사기극을 꾸미기로 한다. 전쟁이 끝난 후 끔찍한 전장에서 가까스로 살아 돌아왔지만 국가는 그들을 반기지 않는다. 영화는 전쟁이 평범한 일상을 꿈꾸던 젊은이들의 삶을 어떻게 바꾸어놓았는지, 그리고 그들이 그렇게 바뀌어버린 삶을 다시 살아가기 위해 얼마큼 처절해져야 하는지 보여준다.
리턴 투 몬타우크
미국에서의 책 투어 중, 맥스는 만나서 젊은 여성과 사랑에 빠진다. 몇 년 후 맥스는 젊은 애인과 재결합되기를 바라고 미국으로 돌아온다. (구글번역)
바이 더 씨
결혼 14년차, 위기를 극복하지 못한 부부 ‘롤랜드’와 ‘바네사’는 뜨거웠던 사랑의 순간을 되찾기 위해 낯선 바닷가로 여행을 떠난다. 다가갈수록 멀어지는 아내가 원망스러운 남자. 거부할수록 애틋해지는 자신이 서글픈 여자. 이 여행이 끝나면... 우리 영원히 행복할 수 있을까?
So Long Africa
Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, April 2011. Jacques and Safi arrive from Abidjan, from where they've been repatriated in an emergency. He's as tough as nails, after too much time in the African sun and enjoying an expatriate lifestyle while running a hotel. Safi, his fourteen-year-old daughter, is used to living with her mother and doesn't know what to think about her loud-mouthed and useless father who has suddenly taken her away with him. Moved to a hostel in Nice, they learn to get to know each other, to be able to look each in the eye, perhaps to love each other. But there's also Gloria, Safi's mother, left behind in the upheaval of Abidjan, and impossible to contact...
The Dune
Through the course of several accidents and chance encounters, Hanoch and Ruben will meet and each of them will have to face a page of his personal history, a page that they both need to turn for good.
96 heures
Victor Kancel
Carré is the boss of the BRB (Brigade for the Repression of Banditry). 3 years earlier, he arrested a big mobster, Kancel. Today, thanks to an extraction, Kancel kidnaps the cop. He has 96 hours to elicit a single information: know who gave him.
General Dietrich von Choltitz
The night of August 24, 1944. The fate of Paris is in the hands of General von Choltitz, governor of Grand Paris, who is preparing, on Hitler’s orders, to blow up the French capital. The descendent of a long line of Prussian military men, the general has never had any hesitation when it came to obeying orders. This is what’s on Swedish consul Raoul Nordling’s mind as he takes the secret staircase that leads to General von Choltitz’s suite at the Hôtel Meurice. The bridges on the Seine and the major monuments of Paris (including the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower) are mined with explosives, ready to be detonated. Armed with all the weapons of diplomacy, the consul will try to convince the general not to follow Hitler’s order of destruction.
The French Minister
Claude Maupas
Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is a force to be reckoned with. With his silver mane and tanned, athletic body, he stalks the world stage as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic concepts: legitimacy, lucidity, and efficacy. Enter Arthur Vlaminck. Hired to write the minister's speeches, Arthur must contend with the sensibilities of his boss and the dirty dealings within the Quai d'Orsay, the ministry's home.
Our Children
André Pinget
Young and full of life, Murielle has a promising future ahead of her when she meets and falls head over heels for Mounir. A wedding soon follows, and the happy couple quickly set about preparing to make a family. However, with family come ties, and none come as tight as that between Mounir and his adoptive father. As Murielle continues to bring new life into the family, frictions between Mounir and Doctor Pinget reach boiling point. Helpless to extract her husband and children from the wealthy nest that Doctor Pinget has provided for them, Murielle is drawn into an unhealthy family dynamic. There is only one way out of this nightmare, and for Murielle all sense of reasoning begins to abandon her.
워 호스
아버지가 사온 ‘조이’를 만난 순간부터 운명처럼 함께 했던 소년 알버트. 그는 ‘조이’에게 각별한 애정을 보이며 피를 나눈 형제처럼 모든 시간을 함께한다. 그러던 어느 날, 세계 1차 대전이 벌어지고 ‘조이’는 기마대의 군마로 차출되어 알버트 곁을 떠나게 된다. 혼돈으로 가득한 전장의 한 복판에서도 ‘조이’는 알버트에게 돌아가야 한다는 희망의 끈을 놓지 않는다. 그리고 이 희망은 ‘조이’가 전쟁 속에서 만나게 되는 많은 사람들에게 또 다른 희망과 웃음을 가져다 준다. 한편, 알버트는 ‘조이’를 찾기 위해 입대를 감행하게 되는데...
포도밭의 후계자
Paul de Marseul
전통과 명성을 자랑하는 와인 농장의 주인 폴은 대대로 이어 온 가업과 와인에 대단한 자부심을 갖고 있다. 아들인 마르텡은 아버지의 마음에 들기 위해 노력하지만, 마르텡에게 좋은 와인을 만드는 데 필요한 감각과 재능이 없다고 여기는 폴은 아들이 못미덥기만 하다. 포도 수확을 몇 주 앞두고 관리인 프랑수아가 암으로 시한부 판정을 받게 되자 그의 아들 필립이 돌아오고, 폴은 와인에 대한 감각이 뛰어난 필립을 후계자로 삼으려 하는데… [제1회 서울국제음식영화제]
Small World
Conrad Lang, a handyman in a rich family - he has been raised like a brother with Thomas, who has the same age -, accidentally puts fire to the big holiday house he keeps. He returns to the town he grew up in, to the family home, where Philippe, Thomas's son, and Simone are getting married. Conrad's frequent memory loss and behavioural problems rapidly reveal a neurological disease (Alzheimer's is suggested by doctor Cohen when he examens Elvira) which leads Elvira, Thomas's stepmother, to install Conrad in a guesthouse on the property, with the help of a nurse. When Conrad looses more and more his landmarks in present and past, memories of his youth come back to surface. They intrigue Simone, since these memories do not entirely fit together with the official family history...
고액 연봉, 고급 차, 그림 같은 집, 아름다운 아내와 귀여운 아이들. 사진작가의 꿈을 포기한 것을 빼고는 변호사로써의 내 삶은 완벽했다. 이웃집 사진작가 그렉과 아내의 불륜을 알기 전까지는. 사실 그를 죽이려던 건 아니었다. 정신을 차려보니 깨진 병조각 위에 그가 죽어있었다. 내 아들을 ‘살인자의 아들로 만들 수는 없었기에 자수도 할 수 없었다. 그래서 그렉의 죽음을 나의 사고사로 위장했고, 그렇게 죽은 나는 주목 받는 사진작가 그렉 크레메르가 되었다.
사라의 열쇠
Jules Dufaure
1942년 7월, 어느 날. 갑자기 들이닥친 경찰들이 유대인들을 하나 둘씩 체포하기 시작한다. 10살 소녀 사라는 경찰들의 눈을 피해 동생 미셸을 벽장에 숨기고 열쇠를 감춘다. 사라는 동생에게 금방 돌아와서 꺼내주겠다는 약속을 남긴 채, 부모님과 함께 수용소로 강제 이송된다. 수용소에 갇혀 있는 내내 오직 벽장 속에 갇혀있는 동생을 구해야겠다는 일념뿐인 사라. 벽장 열쇠를 목숨처럼 지키던 사라는 수용소에서 탈출을 시도하는데... 그리고, 2009년 프랑스의 어느 신문사. 프랑스인과 결혼한 미국인 기자 줄리아는 1942년 프랑스 유대인 집단 체포사건에 대해 취재 하던 중, 자신과 묘하게 이어져 있는 사라의 흔적을 찾게 된다. 그리고 사라의 발자취를 따라 사건에 얽힌 실타래를 풀어갈수록 줄리아와 가족의 삶은 점점 흔들리게 되는데… 사라진 소녀의 흔적… 이제, 그 진실의 문이 열린다.
Behind Bars
A documentary that chronicles how ‘A Prophet’ came to exist.
An intricate thriller about an ordinary man thrust into the biggest theft of Soviet information of the Cold War. Right after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. A French businessman based in Moscow, Pierre Froment, makes an unlikely connection with Grigoriev, a senior KGB officer disenchanted with what the Communist ideal has become under Brezhnev. Grigoriev begins passing Froment highly sensitive information about the Soviet spy network in the US.
César Luciani
6년 형을 선고 받고 감옥에 들어가게 된 19살의 말리크. 읽을 줄도 쓸 줄도 모르던 그에게 감옥은 선생님이 되고, 집이 되고, 친구가 된다. 감옥을 지배하던 코르시카 계 갱 두목 루치아니의 강요로 어쩔 수 없이 같은 아랍인 레예브를 살해하게 된다. 이후 레예브의 유령은 말리크의 곁을 떠나지 않고 남아 앞으로 일어날 일들에 대해 예언해준다. 살인이라는 첫 임무를 완수하면서 보스의 신임을 얻은 말리크는 빠르게 냉혹한 감옥 세계에서 살아남는 법을 배우기 시작한다. 그러던 어느 날 보스는 수감 생활 3년만에 외출을 나가게 된 말리크에게 특별한 임무를 맡기게 되고 이를 수행하면서 그는 남몰래 마약 거래를 시작하면서 자신만의 조직 세계를 구축하기 시작한다. 감옥 안팎에서 서서히 거물로 성장해가기 시작한 그는 자신이 현재 몸담고 있는 코르시카 갱 조직과 같은 아랍계 조직 사이에서 중요한 선택을 해야 하는 기점에 다다르게 된다. 이윽고 그는 자신의 운명을 바꿀 엄청난 계획을 비밀리에 세우게 되는데...
Le temps des cerises
Le Temps des cerises is a sentimental comedy, full of charm, on the life of two beings whom everything opposes, but which chance brings together. He is a painter and out of inspiration. She is young, pretty, full of life, not very sure of herself. They have nothing in common except their humor, their charm, their need to create and their passion for painting. They will live a few days together and both will emerge transformed from this parenthesis.
잠수종과 나비
최고의 권위를 자랑하는 세계적인 프랑스 패션전문지 엘르의 최고 편집장인 쟝 도미니크 보비. 잘나가던 그는 어느 날 갑자기 뇌졸중으로 쓰러진다. 그리고 20일 후, 의식을 찾은 쟝은 오로지 왼쪽 눈꺼풀만으로 의사소통을 하게 된다. 좌절의 순간에서도 쟝은 희망을 가지며 자신의 상상력에 의존한 삶을 살아가기 시작한다. 눈을 깜빡이는 횟수로 스펠링을 설명하여 자신의 일과 사랑, 그리고 인생에 대한 이야기들을 상상하며 담담하게 책으로 써내려 간다. 쟝은 자신의 책 속에서 영원히 갇혀버린 잠수종을 벗어나 자유로이 날아다니는 한 마리 나비로써 또 한번의 화려한 비상을 꿈꾼다.
The Candidate
The Candidate
Fragments of Antonin
le professeur Lantier
A psychiatrist who probes the mind of traumatized soldiers attempts to unlock the secret that drove a gentle but deeply-disturbed World War I veteran to the edge of insanity.
내 심장이 건너뛴 박동
Robert Seyr
많지도 적지도 않은 애매한 나이, 스물 여덟. 사람들을 길거리로 내쫓는 부동산 브로커 일로 살아간다.저명한 피아니스트였던 어머니처럼 살고 싶었으나, 꿈은 저버린 지 오래.유일한 가족인 아버지는 자꾸 감당하기 힘든 일을 들이밀곤 한다. 그러던 어느 날, 우연히 어머니의 옛 에이전시 대표를 만나 오디션 제의를 받게 되고,10년 동안 손대지 않았던 피아노를 다시 치게 된다.하지만 생계인 브로커 일이 그의 발목을 잡게 되는데…
사랑한다고 말해줘
별거한 부부가 아이들을 통해 재결합을 꿈꾼다는 이야기로, 미녀 배우 소피 마르소의 감독 데뷔작. 몬트리올 영화제 감독상 수상.
A Private Affair
Le père de Rachel
Divorced private detective Francois Maneri is assigned by his agency to investigate the disappearance of Rachel, a young student who has been missing for six months. After interviewing Rachel's family, friends and classmates, Francois is attacked and injured by an anonymous assailant and becomes reluctant to continue his search. But when Rachel's body is found, Francois is drawn deeper into the investigation as he discovers the dead girl's secret life.
Lulu Kreutz's Picnic
Jascha Steg
Joseph and Olga Stegudith, who are elderly Parisians of Viennese Jewish extraction, come to luxurious Evian with Olga's brother Michel Mazelsky to hear their son, virtuoso cellist Jascha, perform. Jascha is lovesick over violinist Anna Ghirardi, with whom he had a brief affair a year ago, although she's happily married to naturalist Primo.
Fabrice Rivail
Les Derniers Jours de la victime
Mendizábal, a reputed hitman, is commissioned to eliminate Rodolfo Kulpe, a small-time criminal.
Délit mineur
A teenager named Guillaume admits to being guilty of his father's murder in order to protect his dear mother.
Albert Savarus
Albert Savarus
Adaptation of the Balzac story as told by Rosalie, a young girl in love with the idea of her extraordinary neighbor, Albert Savarus, and the lengths she goes to ensure their marriage, even after she learns he is in deeply in love to another woman.
La femme abandonnée
Oskar de Wilno
Tired of Parisian life, Louis de Nueil settles in a provincial village to rest from his hectic life. But he quickly gets bored. He then meets Fanny de Lussange, as beautiful as she is mysterious. The young man decides to court Fanny.
Meeting Venus
Zoltan Szanto
Celebrated Swedish opera star Karin Anderson is slated to appear in an internationally-telecast production of Tannhauser. Ms. Anderson balks at the notion of working with obscure Hungarian conductor Zoltan Szanto. The much-anticipated production may never get off the ground, thanks to labor-management difficulties, intramural jealousies, and clashing egos. Amidst all this chaos, the mismatched Anderson and Szanto fall in love.
Doux amer
A married woman, Anne Lambert has a child with her lover. But her lover becomes afraid and refuses to recognize the baby. Very invested in her career, Anne, an architect, decides to raise her child alone.
La ruelle au clair de lune
Professeur Hans Klemm
Ville étrangère
An Austrian diplomat assigned to Paris wakes up after having a strange nightmare and finds himself emotionally distanced from his world. He feels absolutely nothing as he attends to his daily routine. He gradually begins to behave in an increasingly strange manner. The story is based on Moment of True Feeling, a novel by Peter Handke.
Charlie Dingo
Charlie (Guy Marchand) returns home after being declared legally dead to reclaim his wife Georgia (Caroline Cellier) and cash in on a lucrative life insurance policy in this shadowy drama. He finds Georgia is married to the crooked cop William (Niels Arestrup), who has his eye on the insurance money. Antihero Charlie and the villainous police inspector head towards an inevitable confrontation, while Georgia is caught in the middle.
La Rumba
Paris, 1938. In a lavishly decorated nightclub, couples dance the syncopated rhythms of Latin America: Rumba, Cucaracha, Tango, and also the Charleston, Foxtrot and Boston. Among beautiful women, local pimps and Mussolini's spies brush each other on the dance floor, and in the streets. A police inspector is charged with a difficult task, to clean-up the city streets - just when bodies start falling around, as the Mafia and the spies tend each other deadly traps.
Among Wolves
An American general with highly confidential defence information has been kidnapped by terrorists and is being held in a cliff-top fortress in the Mediterranean.
A prostitute, released from prison, tries to change her life, but a murderous slave organization, the Consortium, is determined to bring her back to the fold or kill her, which forces her to seek help from Liberty, an anti-Consortium group.
Sincerely Charlotte
In a most unusual, near menage a trois, Charlotte is a terrified young singer who is forced to hide out at the home of her ex-boyfriend -- her current male companion has been murdered in his apartment, and she fears the worst. The trouble is that Mathieu, her ex, is happily living with his new love Christine.
The Future Is Woman
In this improbable, ponderous story about a couple who do not want to have children of their own, and a pregnant, single woman who needs a home for awhile, the relationship between the three is strange, at the very least.
One Man's War
Via the New York Times: "...a dialogue between found objects... the remarkably calm, somewhat banal wartime journals of Ernst Junger, a German writer and army officer living in occupied Paris in World War II, and newsreel footage of Paris as it really was."
Les Secrets de la princesse de Cadignan
La Cerisaie
Le Retour d'Elisabeth Wolff
Stan Pilgrim
Jean (Niels Arestrup), the lead character in this psychological journey is torn by a search for his lost childhood, the overwhelming need to love a woman of his dreams (someone he has invented), and a struggle with his latent bisexuality. Jean finds some photos inside an automatic photo station that look like his mother who died soon after he was born. He starts to fantasize about the woman, giving her a name and identity and waiting for her to appear. During this time, he meets Carole (Christine Boisson) and has an affair with her, all the while pretending he has this other relationship with the woman in the photo. Significantly, the couple who introduce him to Carole is childless, and they eventually split up - perhaps a comment on the importance of childhood to the adult world. In the end, Carole discovers that Jean's "other woman" has no real existence, causing a crisis that finds a symbolic expression as the last scenes close on the story.
Bruges la Morte
Hugues Viane
Memoirs of a French Whore
Marie is nineteen and bored in her little suburban life with no future. In a café, she meets the charismatic and beautiful Gerard. Blinded by adoration, Mary decides to leave her parents and her clerk job to live with the man she considers as the love of her life. But Gerard is a pimp, who soon forces her into prostitution. From within homes to out on the streets, the young woman gradually discovers a world of decay and violence.
The Song of Roland
Le commerçant / Oton
Roland des Roncesvalles is a legendary knight from the age of chivalry in France. In the 11th-century epic La Chanson de Roland, he is depicted as a key figure in halting the advance of the Arabs into France. In this story, the 10th-century legend is staged by a group of 12th-century pilgrims using the 11th-century poem. Their acting is interrupted by a violent peasant uprising, which kills many of the pilgrims. However, one of the survivors, is converted to the peasant cause and later speaks out in favor of more just treatment for the downtrodden.
The Sorceror's Apprentice
A thriller in which the characters are Latin-American exiles living in Paris. It is also a comedy about artists who play at revolution rather than actually participate in one
Plus ça va, moins ça va
나, 너, 그, 그녀
칩거 중인 소녀 ‘나’는 집에서 가구들을 옮기고, 바닥에 드러 누워 설탕을 퍼 먹으며 ‘너’에게 편지를 쓴다. 부치지 못한 편지들을 찢어버리고 거리를 방황하던 ‘나’는 트럭 운전사 ‘그’를 만나 욕망에 관한 얘기를 나눈다.
더 빅 나이트
자본주의를 경멸하는 레옹은 스위스의 로잔 지역에서 여러 일을 하며 살아가고 있다. 어느 날, 레옹은 레닌주의를 표방하는 급진적인 청년들을 만나고, 이중 레아에게 사랑의 감정을 느낀다. 하지만 폭력을 사용하는 혁명의 방법을 둘러싼 견해 차이로 동료들과 갈등을 빚는다. 1976년 로카르노영화제 황금표범상 수상.
A Second Chance
Henri Lanot
Imprisoned as an accessory to murder, Catherine gives birth to a son she conceived in prison. Eighteen years later, her sentence served, she is reunited with the boy, Simon, who has remained in an orphanage the entire time. She is accompanied by toothsome prison buddy Sarah, and gradually these people whose lives have been frozen in time "thaw" and get on with the business of living.
Tomorrow's Children
The hero of this bleak science-fiction story is a married man who, along with his wife, survives the mysterious destruction of the world. After his wife dies, he makes plans to seek out whatever remnants of civilization exist. However, the arrival of a group of children and their older mentor changes his plans.
Sarah, an actress nearing her forties, has invited 3 friends to join her for a holiday in Provence. This is the prologue for what happened a year ago in Paris with a man Sarah had long considered a platonic friend. She had just finished a film, had also finished her relationship with the director and was about to receive an award…
Rudolph, le secrétaire de Trotski
스타비스키(장 폴 벨몽드 분)는 프랑스 상류 사회에 속하기를 갈망했던 유태계 러시아인 아버지의 꿈을 언젠가는 자신이 이루겠다는 생각으로 살아 왔다. 그리고 그는 아버지의 그 꿈을 극단적으로 실천한다. 세련된 매너와 영리함으로 무장한 이 매력적인 사기꾼은 곧 프랑스 상류 사회 여성들이 가장 사귀고 싶어하는 인물이 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 스타비스키는 경찰의 지명수배 대상이 되고, 얼마 후 자살한 채로 발견된다. 핵심권력과 관련된 이 사건은 곧 프랑스 전역에 걸쳐 겉잡을 수 없이 퍼져나갔다. 스타비스키는 거짓말과 속임수로 많은 정재계 인사들 사이에서 거액의 뇌물을 수수해 왔던 것이다. 1933년 7월 24일 일요일 어느날, 그날도 어김없이 스타비스키는 성대한 파티를 즐기고 있었다. 늦은 저녁, 그의 충복인 보렐리는 벌이던 사업이 심각한 상태에 있음과 최근 꾸민 정크 본드 계획을 비롯해 이제까지 해왔던 사기 행각이 밝혀질 것 같다는 사실을 스타비스키에게 알린다. 그와의 대화 를 끝으로 파티장을 빠져나간 그는 돌아가신 아버지의 무덤을 찾는다. 그리고 그는 산 속의 작은 오두막에서 자살한 채로 발견된다.
Miss O'Gynie and the Flower Men
Pierre and Yves, two homosexuals, live a cozy love in a small Breton village until the arrival of Anne, the ex-girlfriend of Pierre, who will try to separate them.
Tiens ferme ta couronne