Christopher Chisholm

참여 작품

Rick Rubinski
What could go wrong when a family of Die-Hard Buffalo Football Fans come together under one roof to watch their beloved team play in the biggest game ever? Everything.
The Mulligan
An inspiring story about relationships, forgiveness, and priorities. Paul McAllister seems to have it all, but his life starts to fall apart. Guided by the wisdom and advice of an old golf pro, Paul learns about playing a good game both on and off the course.
Jack Simmons
After living in an old mansion for almost 10 years a family suddenly discovers a ghost-like presence trying to communicate with them. A super-natural thriller.
Remove All Obstacles
Dave, an over worked, underpaid warehouse manager of Waycold Logistics meets a mysterious Guru who explains traditional techniques to teach him ways to end his frustrations forever.
Jane Street
Life for the young and beautiful Kim becomes unbearable. Her boss, Marshall, helped to find her apartment... where the previous tenant was killed. Kim begins to suspect Marshall may be the murderer.
코리나, 코리나
John Brennan
갑작스럽게 아내를 잃은 매니(Manny Singer: 레이 리오타 분)는 어린 딸 몰리(Molly Singer: 티나 마조리노 분) 조차 학교에도 가지않고, 우울증에 빠져 말을 전혀 하지않자 더욱 실의에 빠진다. 이로 인해, 매니는 휴직을 하고 몰리를 돌보는데 전념을 하나, 아빠가 해줄 수 있는 엄마의 역에 한계를 느낀다. 그래서, 보모를 두기로 결심한 매니는 여러 사람을 인터뷰 하지만, 마음에 드는 보모를 찾기가 쉽지 않아 고민에 빠지는데...
The Walk-On's
Executive Producer
After a local factory closes-down in a small town, a group of men that have been friends since High School decide to join their local D-III College Football Team and help their sons have a National Championship Season.