Oleksandr Polovets

Oleksandr Polovets

출생 : 1969-06-14, Odesa, Ukraine

프로필 사진

Oleksandr Polovets

참여 작품

Carol of the Bells
SD officer
Immortalised as one of the most scintillating and uplifting Christmas songs, 'Carol of the Bells' adapted from a popular and loved Ukrainian folk melody, came to represent the spirit of brotherhood and unity all over the world. The peaceful and neighbourly existence of three families, Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish, sharing a large house, musical evenings and merriment in the city of Stanislaviv in the years preceding and post war, is shattered. First in the Soviet occupation and the persecution of the Polish family, then, by the Nazi occupation of Ukraine, and the decimation of the Jewish family. Sacrificing their lives the Ukrainian family manage to save their neighbours' children and their own daughter. Death and loss come to these families, but the healing power and joy , and a promise that the Future Will Not be Cancelled which "Carol of the Bells' evokes will be everlasting.
The Illusion of Control
Since childhood Victor perfectly manipulated others in his own interest. Until one day he discovered that his entire life Victor himself had been an object of some cleverly thought out manipulation.
오스만 제국 전쟁
general Morozov
영토 확장을 위해 무자비하게 전쟁을 벌이는 러시아 제국, 막강한 군사들을 내세워 오스만 제국까지 넘본다. 러시아 제국의 승리가 거의 확정된 무렵, 오스만 제국 전설의 용사 ‘안드레이’는 전쟁의 판도를 완전히 뒤집을 전략을 찾아낸다. 마지막 요새 ‘카자비’를 지키기 위해 ‘안드레이’는 자신의 군대를 이끌고 최후의 결전에 나서는데…
The Illusion of Control: The Beginning
Since childhood Victor perfectly manipulated others in his own interest. Until one day he discovered that his entire life Victor himself had been an object of some cleverly thought out manipulation.
1941: 세바스토폴 상륙작전
Non-commissioned officer
1942년 미국 국제 학생대회에서 루즈벨트 영부인의 시선을 사로잡은 한 러시아 군인. 어리고 왜소한 모습이었지만, 치열했던 1941년의 세바스토폴 전역에서 활약하고 살아남은 러시아의 전쟁영웅, 백발백중의 스나이퍼였다. 2차세계대전의 역사를 바꾼 한 명의 스나이퍼의 이야기가 지금 펼쳐진다!
In a Crimean filtration camp, after the evacuation of the White Army, an unnamed captain is haunted by memories of a brief romance as he tries to understand how the Russian Empire fell apart and who is to blame.