Based on Buñuels Exterminating Angel (1962), this experimental feature film tells the story of five actors, stuck between fiction and seeming reality of a studio filmset. After the whole crew disappears and a boozy night in the studio, the left behind find themselves in the archaic equivalent of the scenery: a secluded cottage in the mountains of tuscany. Set back to themseslves, their roles and without catering „being professional“ turns out to be no adequate survival strategy…
Mia, Keks and Ian are at a turning point in their lives, searching for happiness but not sure of what will happen if they actually find it. Over a long night in Berlin, their storylines weave into one another.
Lenz is a daydreamer. Charming, visionary and – as it is good manners for a thirty-year-old in Berlin – radically incapable of decision making. After an intense party night, Lenz wakes up next to Ira, completely deranged. Lenz is in love. As well as Ira. The summer of love begins: fooling through the nights of Berlin, beers at the canal, talks about sex and childhood. Everything is beautiful. Up until the moment when Ira asks this one question that changes everything: „Do you want to have kids?“ Now is the time for Lenz to do what he knows best, when things get tricky. He runs off. Anchorless, he stumbles through the summer and has to take up with the heroes of his daydreams, who keep examining him about his feelings. Meanwhile, his friend Kenn covers Lenz with affectionate incomprehension. When autumn arrives, Ira eventually confronts Lenz and he has to face the big “whatsoever”.
살인이 허용되는 도시, 시민으로 정착하고 싶은 이민자 ‘러너’와 그들을 죽이고 돈을 벌려는 ‘헌터’ 간의 죽고 죽이는 생존 서바이벌이 시작된다. 헌터에게 죽임 당하려던 러너를 도와주고 만 평범한 시민 ‘조’. 법과 규칙을 어긴 그에게, 국가는 감옥 행과 게임 참여 중 선택을 강요한다. 결국 ‘러너’를 선택하고 만 ‘조’는 평범한 시민이자 행복한 한 가정의 가장에서, 한 순간 죽음의 도시로 내몰리게 되는데…
Rachel, a Jewish-American woman, moves to Vienna, Austria to work for the IAEA. She befriends Yitzhak, an Ethiopian Jew and former refugee, who lives in her apartment complex. When confronted with their shared cultural history, Rachel must reconcile her past with Austria's Holocaust history and the current refugee crisis gripping Europe.