Vlastimil Maršálek

참여 작품

House Call
Unit Production Manager
Third movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
On the Great River
Unit Production Manager
Second movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Unit Production Manager
Sunday in September 1977, a celebration of the Miners Day. The old Hepnar is sitting at the cemetery and is recalling events from ten years ago. That time the representative of the ministry Barvír announced at the miners meeting that mining in the mines would decrease. He reasoned this decision by the fact the deposits of coal are almost used up. The boss of the mine and most of the miners protested. Barvír did not take their critical objections into account. He announced at the communist district meeting the closure of the business as the mine according to new economic principles did not prosper.
Settlement of Crows
Unit Production Manager
First movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Paleta lásky
Unit Production Manager
Profesoři za školou
Unit Production Manager
Do We Match Each Other, Darling?
Unit Production Manager
Marta (Jana Brejchová) and Viktor (Vlastimil Brodský) celebrate the tenth anniversary of their wedding half-heartedly. They both think they don't suit together. While visiting Marta's friend Alena (Iva Janzurová), who just got married for the third time, they learn an interesting thing. It was a computer which selected a husband for Alena and she claims she is happy. The couple gets off after certain hesitation to a cybernetic institute, where the computer tells them that living together is a risk for them. At the same time the computer selects them ideal partners - Mrs Tuchlová, a doctor for Viktor, and Petr Karát, a music composer for Marta. By a coincidence Viktor and Marta meet wrong people.
The Man from London
Unit Production Manager
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner (Jirí Sovák) arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safe-breaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Pilsen whose owner fled to the West.
Maturita za školou
Unit Production Manager
Cesty mužů
Unit Production Manager
Kat nepočká
Unit Production Manager
Unit Production Manager
Production Manager
Hrozné děti
Unit Production Manager
Sedm žen Alfonse Karáska aneb Když holky berou, já nevím kterou
Unit Production Manager
Unit Production Manager
When You Have a Holiday Dominique
Unit Production Manager
Eight-year old Dominique has a name-day. Her parents have a gift for her, but only give it to her in the evening, when everybody has come home from work. Then she darts out, where her girlfriends are already waiting for her.
Who Wants to Kill Jessie?
Unit Production Manager
In this zany Czechoslovakian comedy, a scientist invents a machine that projects a sleeping person's dream on a screen; disaster soon follows when the machine malfunctions and the cartoon-like dream characters become very real!
Revue na scestí
Unit Production Manager
Ninety Degrees in the Shade
Unit Production Manager
A woman attempts to cover up the thefts committed by the manager at the shop she works at.
Bez svatozáře
Unit Production Manager
Horoucí srdce
Unit Production Manager
Unit Production Manager
Pohádka o staré tramvaji
Unit Production Manager
The Pilgrimage to the Holy Virgin
Unit Production Manager
Farmers get away from their arguments by embarking on a religious pilgrimage, enjoy a picnic en route, and on their return decide to form a cooperative.
Unit Production Manager
Spy film about a man with a face lift who gets recruited by western organisations.
Unit Production Manager
Life for Jan Kaspar
Unit Production Manager
The bridegroom Jan Kaspar is an officer in the Klement Gottwald's Nová Hut rolling-mill. After bidding farewell to his freedom, he accidentally takes a sip from the bottle of tetrachlore which he stores at home. He disregards the dizziness, but the next day, he faints in the factory and has a brain concussion. During her regular tests, doctor Dudková is shocked by a high percentage of residual nitrogen found in Kaspar's blood. Doctor Bohácek, with whom Dudková consults, thinks that it is a liver disease and informs the head physician Filip. The doctors know nothing about tetrachlore and are in the dark about the case. Despite that, they immediately start to fight for Kaspar's life and their struggle consequently affects their personal lives.
The Black Battalion
Unit Production Manager
A fictionalized account of Czech soldiers who fought for the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam.
Unit Production Manager
Sons of the Mountains
Unit Manager
Angel in the Mountains
Unit Manager
Mr. Angel goes winter sporting and at the same time investigates his son's fiancee.
Once Upon a Time, There Was a King...
Unit Production Manager
A selfish self-centered widowed ruler, barely tolerated by his subjects and called appropriately enough, 'King Myself, First' asks his three daughters to name the measure of their love for him. When one of them says, "more than salt", he banishes her from the kingdom. Not understanding what she meant the King assumes love can only be measured by precious metals or one's own talent, the 'correct' answers from his other two daughters. The arrogance of the King leads him to gather all the salt in the kingdom and destroy it. Of course, this backfires as he slowly learns the universal value of the substance, and of course, the essence of his daughter's reply. With the help of the wise and magical old 'herb woman', the King also learns what it means to be a true and wise ruler.
Olověný chléb
Unit Production Manager
Anna the Proletarian
Unit Production Manager
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.
Unit Production Manager