What happens when a man you've spent years forgetting winds up at your doorstep? Sunny Disposition is the story of Ben, a disgruntled actor, whose desire is to live his life without becoming the father he never knew. Ben returns home after a rehearsal to find a message from a father he hasn't seen in years on his answering machine. Tension rises as Ben and his father meet face-to-face. The next few hours Ben spends with his father will forever determine their relationship. Could their father-son connection be rekindled or will it go up in smoke?
Banker Pervey (fantasy)
Adventures of a train robber and his teenaged female partner, on the run from the law in the days of the Wild West. Suitable for younger audiences.
고교 졸업반인 로날드(Ronald Miller: 패트릭 뎀프시 분)는 잔디를 깎으며 모은 돈으로 망원경을 사러갔다가, 평소 사귀고 싶어했던 학교 응원단장 신디(Cindy Mancini: 아만다 피터슨 분)를 보게 된다. 그녀가 파티에 몰래 입고 갔다 망가진 엄마의 옷을 바꾸려다 거절당하는 광경을 목격한 로날드는 망원경을 사려했던 돈을 신디에게 주어 똑같은 새 옷을 사도록 한다. 대신 신디가 로날드의 여자 친구로 일정기간 지내기로 조건을 내건다.