Ray Strachan

출생 : , Canada

참여 작품

바이올런트 나잇
Al the Security Guard
크리스마스 이브에 부유한 가정에 침입한 용병들이 가족을 인질로 삼아 많은 돈을 요구하지만, 산타클로스의 등장으로 행복한 크리스마스를 지켜내려는 산타의 활약을 그린 코미디 장르의 액션 영화
Sweet Autumn
Maggie, a successful entrepreneur, returns home for a will reading and discovers she’s inherited half of her aunt’s famed maple candy business. What she doesn’t understand is why Aunt Dee’s maple supplier, Dex, inherited the other half. Her return also coincides with the town’s Sweet Autumn Fest, and through a series of letters Aunt Dee left, Maggie and Dex search for the reason behind her aunt’s final wishes. As she and Dex grow closer, Maggie must decide if the life she built is the one she wants.
Once Upon a Christmas Miracle
Hotel Manager
Told she would have less than a few months to live without a liver transplant, Heather Krueger’s time was running out when a kind stranger, Chris Dempsey, heard of her plight and discovered he was a perfect match. The two met and before long a friendship developed into romance. The movie follows Heather and Chris’ journey over three Christmases as his selfless gesture leads to a Christmas miracle for everyone involved. Based on a true story.