Aysha Rafaele

참여 작품

Life and Death in the Warehouse
Executive Producer
Follows Megan, who in a desperate attempt to keep her new job at a Welsh warehouse, presses Alys – who is pregnant – to get her "pick rate" up, putting her and her baby at risk.
The Left Behind
Executive Producer
Support for the far right is growing in Britain’s post-industrial towns and cities. This factual drama from the BAFTA-winning team behind Killed By My Debt and the Murdered by… films tells the story of a young man with no secure job, housing or future as he is drawn into a devastating hate crime. A steel-tipped state of the nation drama based on deep research into the realities of life in ‘forgotten Britain.’
어게인스트 더 로
Executive Producer
2017년, 1967년 성범죄법 제정 50주년을 맞았다. 동성애가 범죄였던 1950년대에 성소수자들은 억압과 공포 속에서 살았다. 성소수자들이 영국에서 평등에 도달하기 까지는 아직도 수십년이 걸리겠지만 이 법안은 그 여정의 시작이다. 피터 와일드블러드와 몬태규 재판의 실화를 그린 영화이다. 와일드블러드와 그의 친구 몬태규 남작과 마이클 피트리버스는 동성애 범죄로 유죄판결을 받고 수감되었다. 그러나 대중은 재판이 불공정하다고 항의하고 정부는 마지못해 동성애가 합법화 되어야 하는지 조사하는 위원회를 구성하기로 한다. (2017년 제7회 서울프라이드영화제)
Don't Take My Baby
Executive Producer
Factual drama which tells the story of a disabled couple's agonising struggle to keep their newborn baby. Based on real-life testimony, this emotional tale will call viewers' prejudices and beliefs about the disabled community and society as a whole into question, as we learn about a situation many disabled couples find themselves in as new parents. Can 21-year-old wheelchair user Anna and partially-sighted Tom provide the care and attention their daughter needs, or will social worker Belinda have to consider alternative care?
The Ultimate Guide to Penny Pinching
Commissioning Editor
The Ultimate Guide to Penny Pinching shows the incredible savings dedicated bargain hunters can make in modern day Britain. With the cost of living rising and the world economy faltering, perhaps these penny wise people have valuable lessons for us all.