Eight short stories of seduction and illicit encounters between lovers, filled with humor and eroticism, which use a circular structure located in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of a colonial city of Mexico.
In a world devoured by an invisible force known as disenchantment, the stories of three characters intertwine: Diego, who tries to make a movie about the dreams of Ximena, an adolescent experiencing her sexual awakening, who is secretly in love with him and who, in order to help him in his bizarre project, leads him to Ainda, a conceptual artist with bat wings, with whom the naïve filmmaker falls madly in love. Ainda is attracted by the purity of the young people and seduces them both, which leads to a magical moment in the lives of all three. But soon the young people discover that their beloved harpys heart belongs to a being from beyond the grave. Then the idyllic relationship of the three characters begins to crumble and they do everything in their power to prevent it, as the dark force of disenchantment closes over the city.
Line Producer
브래디와 클레어, 그리고 그들의 친구인 서니, 던컨, 킷은 봄방학을 맞아 소벡 호수로 캠핑을 떠난다. 그곳에 도착한 첫날 밤, 재미있게 캠프 파이어를 즐기던 그들은 어느 곳에선가 불길한 예감의 비명 소리를 듣지만 그것에 아랑곳하지 않고 계속 흥겨운 시간을 보낸다. 사실 그 비명 소리는 두 명의 남자가 호수 근처에 뒹굴던 악어 알을 물속에 던지면서 어미 악어의 습격을 받아 죽어가는 소리였던 것.
한편 던컨은 이곳 마을의 악어에 관한 죽음의 전설을 들려주지만, 친구들은 비웃기만 할 뿐이다. 그러나 악어알을 갖고 놀던 친구들이 악어의 복수를 받아 한명씩 죽게 되자, 급기야 보안관의 도움을 요청한다. 보안관은 이 마을 전설을 믿고 있는 레스터 일행을 찾아가 악어의 행방과 함께 악어의 공격에 대한 해결 방법을 물어보는데...
In 1959, in the midst of the cold war, where the two most powerful nations try to show their supremacy through the space race, the arrival of a Soviet Technological Exhibition to Mexico City will allow a Mexican agent, due to his charm and wit, to change forever the destiny of the conquest of the cosmos.