Mike Wise

참여 작품

Q & A
Executive Producer
A young district attorney seeking to prove a case against a corrupt police detective encounters a former lover and her new protector, a crime boss who refuses to help him.
사이보그 유리시즈
A reclusive scientist builds a robot that looks exactly like him to go on a long term space mission. Since the scientist seems to lack all human emotion he is unable to program them into his android and an eccentric woman is hired to "educate" the robot on human behavior. In the end she falls in love... but is the robot or the Dr. Mr Right?
The Day the Bubble Burst
Executive Producer
A fictionalized account of how the 1929 stock market crash hurt the elite and the struggling, and the forces that may have caused the crash to occur.
Executive Producer
잔혹한 중동의 테러 조직인 볼프카(Wulfgar: 룻거 하우어 분)의 뉴욕 침투를 입수한 경찰은, 강력계 민완 형사인 다실바(Deke DaSilva: 실베스타 스탤론 분)와 폭스(Matthew Fox: 빌리 디 윌리암스 분)에게 특수부대와 함께한 진압을 지시한다. 다실바는 아내와의 별거 문제로 고심 중이었으나 할 수 없이 성형 수술을 한 볼프가의 행방을 찾는데 몰입한다. 볼프가가 죽인 스튜어디스의 시체 발각을 계기로 다실바는 성형한 볼프가의 얼굴을 알아내서 추격을 시작한다. 보프가는 UN 총회때 잠입, 25명의 인질을 잡은 후, 그중 부인 한명을 사살하는데...
Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb
Executive Producer
The story of Col. Paul Tibbets and his crew who flew the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing World War II to a close.
The Child Stealer
Executive Producer
A young mother battles to get her children back after her ex-husband kidnaps them and the law won't help her in her efforts.