John Mancini

참여 작품

You Bury Your Own
NYPD Police Officer
A soldier returns home to New York to solve the mystery behind his younger brother's sudden violent death.
프리미엄 러쉬
Cyclist (uncredited)
고정기어, 노브레이크! 나는 도시를 누비는 바이크 메신저다! 명문대 출신의 와일리는 따분한 직장생활 대신 자신이 좋아하는 자전거를 타면서 도시를 누비는 퀵서비스를 직업으로 살아간다. 고정기어와 노브레이크 자전거로 쉴 새 없이 페달을 밟는 그는 1,500여명의 뉴욕 바이크 메신저 중 하나다. 여자친구 바네사 역시 같은 사무실에서 바이크 메신저로 일하고 있다. 어느 날, 와일리는 바네사의 룸메이트인 니마의 의뢰를 받는데, 작은 봉투를 차이나 타운으로 배달하는 일이다. 봉투 속에는 중국에 있는 니마의 어린 아들을 밀항시킬 티켓이 들어있다. 그것은 자신이 모은 돈을 모두 털어 비밀리에 티켓을 마련한 니마의 유일한 희망이다. 한편 차이나 타운에서 도박을 일삼던 부패한 경찰 바비는 도박 빚으로 폭력배들의 협박을 받던 중 니마의 티켓을 훔쳐야 하는 상황에 처한다. 봉투 속에 들어있던 티켓의 진실을 알지 못했던 와일리는 계속되는 경찰의 추격을 따돌리는 와중에 니마를 통해 모든 진실을 알게된다. 바비는 추적에 실패를 거듭하자 티켓의 배달지를 임의로 바꾸고, 뒤늦게 모든 진실을 알게 된 와일리는 바네사와 함께 티켓을 시간 안에 원래 목적지로 배달하기 위해 고군분투하는데…
You Can't Kill Stephen King
Sheriff Pangborn
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.
You Can't Kill Stephen King
Sherriff Pangborn
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.
You Can't Kill Stephen King
Executive Producer
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.