Indra Perkasa

참여 작품

Teman Tidur
Sound Post Supervisor
AMANDA is a transfer student from Malang who has a goal of becoming first winner in the Biology Olympiad competition. At her new school, Amanda lives in the school's dormitory. At school Amanda often gets bullied from her classmates. But Claudia who was a classmate stood up for Amanda and the two of them ended up being friends. Amanda also met Claudia's friends, ADAM, BASKARA, and RANI. One day, a strange phenomenon occurred at school, Baskara received an SMS from KELLY, a student who had committed suicide at the school. Since that SMS, Baskara was found dead and Claudia also died a few days later. From this incident Amanda, Adam and Rani try to find out. Here is revealed an incident where Kelly died because Adam, Claudia, Baskara, and Rani threatened to share his personal video.
Panduan Mempersiapkan Perpisahan
Bara wants to get assurance about his relationship with Demi (25), but Demi can’t provide it because she is afraid of commitment. The ups and downs of this relationship are getting more complex as Demi comes and goes as she pleases while Bara continues to keep his high expectations. As a writer, Bara reflects on his chaotic relationship in a book called Eminus Dolore. Rendezvous, togetherness, and farewell, all framed in fragments of memory. It is a story about a person trying to get the whole picture of his past and seeking closure. And it’s about someone who has fallen many times and tried to rise above all the trauma.
자연을 지키는 7가지 믿음
Music Director
인도네시아에서 고유의 신앙과 문화를 통해 기후변화에 대처하는 사람들을 만나본다. 힌두교에 따라 탄소 배출량을 줄인 발리 종교인부터, 쓰레기장을 농장으로 바꾼 자카르타 주민까지. 7곳을 돌며 각지의 환경 보호 활동을 담은 다큐멘터리.
무딕: 고향으로 가는 길
Music Director
이슬람 최대 명절 무딕 기간을 맞아 고향방문에 나선 부부의 관계는 파탄 직전이다. 귀향길에서 고통사고가 나고, 사고로 죽은 남자의 집을 찾아 용서를 구하는 부부는 난처한 상황에 빠지게 되고, 죽은 남자의 아내의 비밀을 알게 된다. 이슬람 문화와 종교, 그리고 빈부격차 등 인도네시아 사회를 바라보는 하나의 시선.
Glorious Days
Music Coordinator
Because of an incident when they were in high school, members of the Bebas Gang were forced to separate. 23 years later, one of them is seriously ill and hopes to meet again one last time.
The Returning
A husband was declared missing during a rock climbing accident. Later, he returned home and strange things began happening around the house.
Music Director
인도네시아와 분쟁을 벌이던 동티모르 독립운동 시기, 성적으로 학대당한 마리아는 아직도 그 악몽에 시달리고 있다. 그리고 그 악몽 같은 일들이 딸에게도 일어나지 않을까, 두려워한다. 폭력적인 남성중심사회에 대한 감독의 근심.
Tabula Rasa
Original Music Composer
After his dreams of becoming a pro footballer are crushed, a young man discovers the joys of cooking through the owner of a struggling restaurant.