Clara María Escobar

Clara María Escobar

프로필 사진

Clara María Escobar

참여 작품

끝없는 시
Poor Lady
알레한드로 호도로프스키의 자전 드라마 3부작의 두 번째 작품. 전작인"현실의 춤"에 이어 청년기 알레한드리토의 예술적 의지와 고뇌, 동료 예술가들과의 조우, 그리고 그 중심에 자리잡은 아버지와의 관계가 현실과 환상을 넘나드는 호도로프스키 특유의 화법으로 펼쳐진다. (2016년 제21회 부산국제영화제)
The Office Trip
Leo's Mother
An international company has acquired “Supermarkets Océano”. The long-awaited end-of-the-year tour has been replaced by a day of integration according to "international standards". A group of workers willing to demand their rights will make this Office Trip an unforgettable day.
Thirteen-year old Luchito lives in a working class complex of blocks in Santiago, Chile. He is obsessed with Manuel, a sixteen-year old who lives in the building across from him.
The Night Visitor
Aunt Sara
Elisa, a lonely and shy librarian, moves to live in a downtown building, without knowing the killing of a young student took place there some time ago. A strange feeling taking over her will cause a drastic personality change while also leading her to unveil the secret behind the murder.
Alberto: ¿Quién sabe cuánto cuesta hacer un ojal?
Alberto, a young law student struggles to realize his ultimate dream: to follow the call of his priestly vocation.
The Sentimental Teaser
Juan's Mother (segment "Patas negras")
A young and excentric radio DJ airs a successful program in which diverse calls come in from anonymous listeners, who reveal their love stories, all charged with mix-ups, disputes and passion.