Bertrand Scalabre

참여 작품

When the House Burns Down
From Brazzaville to Barcelona, a journey around the world in search of unique and diverse voices with the purpose of celebrating the collective dimension of life through words, music and the movement of bodies.
혁명을 말하자
시대와 대륙을 초월해 벌어지는 인간 사냥을 다룬 샤머니즘적 다큐멘터리. 작품의 원동력은 영혼과 육체의 저항을 물리치고 체계화하는 전술이자 치료법인 ‘춤’이다.
It Wasn't the Right Mountain, Mohammad
Production Manager
The same old adventure recited in a new synthetic world, starring: God, Abraham, Isaac, a lost shepherd and the antelopes in the role of the Ram. Nobody is innocent.
A Moon Made of Iron
In mid November, the dead ones appeared floating on the Strait of Magellan tied together to life vests, cellular phones, computers and passports. Two of them were found malnourished, another with scurvy and typhus and Yin Xinji’s body was never found. In June, Carmen’s cousin told her that on the lighthouse close to his ranch, a starving Asian man, hid there for three days before disappearing. Apparently, he headed towards La Pampa.
Young Men at their Window
Production Director
Two graphic designers at work, by mistake, start playing with an empty scanner's possibilities. They venture into assumptions, eventually open up to each other, and let go of the strange images, until they let go of themselves.
Los diablos azules
Executive Producer
More than 3,000 miners of Chile’s La Pampa were shot down by the national army during a demonstration in Iquique, a massacre told in Luis Advis’s 1969 cantata Santa María de Iquique. In The Blue Devils, Charlotte Bayer-Broc wanders through one of the ghost mining towns—a remote outpost in the Atacama Desert—interpreting Advis’s lament across eerily abandoned landscapes and industrial vistas. Bayer-Broc upends cinematic convention in a beguiling adaptation that is entirely her own; this medium-length musical is at once personal and political, reverent and burlesque.
Production Manager
On January 21, 1975, in a village in the north of Portugal, a child writes to his parents who are in Angola to tell them how sad Portugal is. On July 13, 2011, in Milan, an old man remembers his first love. On May 6, 2012, in Paris, a man tells his baby daughter that he will never be a real father. During a wedding ceremony on September 3, 1977 in Leipzig, the bride battles against a Wagner opera that she can’t get out of her head. But where and when have these four poor devils begun searching for redemption?
The Bride
Executive Producer
Dressed in a wedding gown, the Milanese artist Pippa Bacca leaves her native city in direction of Jerusalem. Accompanied by fellow artist Silvia Moro, both women hitchhike their way across the Balkans with a clear aspiration: opening themselves towards ‘the Other’. As their travel-performance unfolds, the artists decide to take two different paths and Pippa is later found dead in Turkey. The film embarked on a journey in quest of her memories.
Morning of Saint Anthony's Day
Production Manager
Tradition says that on 13 June, Saint Anthony’s Day (the national holiday of Lisbon’s patron), lovers must offer small vases of basil with paper carnations and flags with popular poems as a token of their love.
La rouge et la noire
Production Manager
Carrying on Luc Moullets unfinished screenplay about the theft of la pénélope, a camera created by Aaton and capable of recording equally well in 35 mm and digitally, LA ROUGE ET LA NOIRE is a film in kaleidoscope form. The portrait of Aatons founder, Jean-Pierre Beauviala creator, inter alia, of the time-code and the light cameras used by the New Wave (in particular the bush camera specially designed for Jean Rouch) is centered around the basic plot introduced by two women thieves who talk as voice-overs, and whose identities will only be revealed at the end.
Short lo-fi film set in Senegal. Mostly focussing on a group of Senegalese youths, discussing their hopes and fears concerning the crossing of the atlantic to get to Europe. Will life be easier there or not?