Rune Hansen

참여 작품

Six Feet of Separation
Sound Mixer
A corona love story. Dina and Noah live separately in London and the lockdown puts their relationship to the test. Uncertainty arises and Dina wants to go back to her home country, whilst Noah wants her to stay. The world has changed. Have they changed with it?
Four Seasons in a Day
Sound Designer
Every day, the Carlingford ferry takes travelers from Northern Ireland to Ireland, a short sea voyage across an invisible border that invites reflection on the consequences of Brexit.
Four Seasons in a Day
Sound Editor
Every day, the Carlingford ferry takes travelers from Northern Ireland to Ireland, a short sea voyage across an invisible border that invites reflection on the consequences of Brexit.
The Wire
Sound Designer
The inhabitants of the canyon of river Kupa, located on the border between Croatia and Slovenia, have historically been united due to their harsh living conditions, but this peaceful cohabitation between members of different cultures is threatened by the construction of iron fences to prevent the transit of refugees from Bosnia.
The Wire
Sound Editor
The inhabitants of the canyon of river Kupa, located on the border between Croatia and Slovenia, have historically been united due to their harsh living conditions, but this peaceful cohabitation between members of different cultures is threatened by the construction of iron fences to prevent the transit of refugees from Bosnia.
Reconstructing Utøya
Sound Designer
This documentary picks up after the horror has ended. Almost 500 teens are in grief as 69 of their friends have fallen. They've been shot dead. How could this island ever become a safe place again? Here, we see how Utøya was first the safest place on Earth to the most terrible and how it was restored and stands as a beacon of hope for the survivors and the Norwegian people.
For All The Fathers Fought
Sound Designer
The film tells about the Second World War, when the Norwegians and Russians fought side by side to expel the fascists from their native land. About those who won the war, but lost the world. This is a tape about wounds inflicted by wars, about people whose fates turned out to be broken in the millstones of big politics. This is a story about how a son is trying to find out the truth about his father's past.
Bog Hole
Sound Recordist
Jenny accompanies her mum’s friend and his daughter on a camping trip. The Norwegian wilderness is notorious for its areas of treacherous swamp land, something it’s really best to avoid. When the only adult has to go back to the car to retrieve the forgotten tent poles, the two girls are left alone, with only one another and the wilderness.
Bog Hole
Sound Designer
Jenny accompanies her mum’s friend and his daughter on a camping trip. The Norwegian wilderness is notorious for its areas of treacherous swamp land, something it’s really best to avoid. When the only adult has to go back to the car to retrieve the forgotten tent poles, the two girls are left alone, with only one another and the wilderness.
12번째 솔저
ADR Recordist
1940년 4월 9일, 제2차 세계대전 중인 나치군은 노르웨이를 점령하고 히틀러는 노르웨이 연안에 요새를 구축한다. 노르웨이 군의 마틴 레드작전이 다음 해 3월 24일 시작되고, 영국군으로부터 중요 임무를 수행하기 위한 훈련을 받은 12명의 노르웨이 저항군이 노르웨이로 급파된다. 그들의 임무는 독일 항공기지를 파괴하는 것. 하지만 작전 도중 발각되어 이들 중 11명은 체포되고 단 1명, 얀만이 총상을 입은 채 탈출에 성공한다. 혹독한 추위와 험난한 설산 속에서 냉혈한 나치 친위대 쿠르트 슈타게는 집요하게 추격해 오는데...
Drawn to Trouble
Sound Designer
When the siblings Theodor and Vilja run from the scary bully Bremer, they have to seek refuge with the strange cartoonist Tusj. Theodor finds a magic brush that makes drawings come alive.
Sealers - One Last Hunt
Sound Designer
Ocean, ice and bitter cold in a seemingly untouched corner of the world. A crew who can only trust each other in the kingdom of polar bears and sudden storms. Until now this has been an annual ritual for the obstinate, ageing skipper Bjørne and his first mate Espen. In the beginning of the 20th century, more than 200 Norwegian sealing vessels were active, now there’s only one ship left. Massive international condemnation and the EU ban on all imports of seal products has almost wiped out the industry. But the skipper and his first mate refuse to give in. With a motley crew of greenhorns and old-timers, they set out on the dangerous journey into the polar ice. They are the last seal hunters of Norway. Sealers is a chilling feelgood roadtrip story of blood, sweat and frosted cream cakes.
우리는 고깃덩어리
Associate Producer
버려진 건물에 숨어든 남매가 정체불명의 한 남자에게 서서히 압도되어 가는데... 차마 보고 싶지 않은, 하지만 결국 볼 수 밖에 없는, 강력한 비주얼과 충격적 퍼포먼스의 향연. 잔혹함과 욕망으로 물든 멕시코의 현실을 비유적으로 담아낸, 논란의 멕시칸 아포칼립스.
The Chronicles of Polyaris
Sound Designer
A surreal portray of the abandoned Russian settlement Pyramiden on Spitsbergen from the point of view of a traveller lost in space and time.
Sound Designer
The confused old age home patient Nils creates a bond with the new substitute Karen, but is she able to help him with his last wish?
Siblings Are Forever
Sound Designer
The siblings Magnar and Oddny never left their childhood home. They run the family farm as it was run by several generations before them. Time seems to be standing still, as it is running out.
Sound Designer
Orpheus is the great musician of Greek mythology, who played so beautifully that everyone who heard it was bewitched. When his beloved Eurydike dies on their wedding day, he travels to the underworld to retrieve her. A stop-motion re-imagining of the story about Orpheus and Eurydice from Greek mythology with a northern folk tale inspired style. Shot on 16mm with a Bolex and inspired by Czech puppetry, German expressionism, and body horror.
Levi's horse
Sound Designer
14 year old Jonas lives in a small rural place and has few friends. In quest for acceptance Joans is faced with a difficult choice. A boy's gang wants him to harass the little pony belonging to the village's mental retarded man, Levi.
Det akutte menneske
The acute man is a film about hope and despair. It is the story of idealism and arrogance of power, a story of friendship across borders and religions. But above all it is the story of a person who refuses to give in, a doctor who has a goal to work for.
The beginning of no night
Two teenagers are on their way to their secret hiding spot, a bunker from World War II. The tension in the relationship between the two youths is increasing as they stumble across an old rifle.
Assistant Sound Editor
12 year old Torgeir is dyslectic, and his best friend Asta is hearing disabled. Together they make up a fantasy world, when and his grandmother has told about kids set out in the woods back in old times.