Kaela Dobson

참여 작품

Hair Department Head
필(루크 윌슨)과 세라(올리비아 와일드) 부부는 1년 전 어린 아들 제시가 흔적도 없이 사라진 이후 슬픔과 고통 속에서 살고 있다. 경찰인 필은 치유 모임에 나가 아픔을 잊기 위해 노력하지만 가족조차 지키지 못했다는 자책감에 괴로워한다. 한편 교사인 세라는 제시가 살아 있다는 믿음을 버리지 못한다. 제시에 대한 생각에서 벗어날 수 없어 방황하던 세라는 운동장 한편에서 홀로 시간을 때우는 아담(타이 심킨스)에게 관심을 갖게 된다. 아스퍼거 장애를 앓고 있는 아담은 양부모의 무관심 속에 방치된 아이. 아담과 대화를 시도한 세라는 그의 진정한 모습을 발견하고 깊은 인상을 받는다. 그후 세라는 우연을 가장해 아담의 양어머니를 만난데 이어 양아버지에게 접근하여 자동차 열쇠를 빼낸다. 세라가 자동차에 아담을 태우고 여정을 시작하는 순간, 필은 용의자의 집에서 발견된 제시의 유품을 확인하는데…
Nasty Baby
Key Makeup Artist
Freddy and his boyfriend Mo are trying to have a baby with the help of their best friend, Polly. Freddy is an artist, and his latest work is all about babies – it’s clear he’s dying to be a father. Polly is a family practitioner who is more interested in having a baby than having a man. Mo is hesitant about the entire idea, especially when Polly isn’t having success with Freddyʼs sperm and the donor responsibility shifts to him. As they navigate the idea of creating life, they are confronted by unexpected harassment from particularly aggressive neighborhood man, nicknamed The Bishop.
Nasty Baby
Hair Department Head
Freddy and his boyfriend Mo are trying to have a baby with the help of their best friend, Polly. Freddy is an artist, and his latest work is all about babies – it’s clear he’s dying to be a father. Polly is a family practitioner who is more interested in having a baby than having a man. Mo is hesitant about the entire idea, especially when Polly isn’t having success with Freddyʼs sperm and the donor responsibility shifts to him. As they navigate the idea of creating life, they are confronted by unexpected harassment from particularly aggressive neighborhood man, nicknamed The Bishop.
Excuse Me for Living
Makeup & Hair
A charming, suicidal druggie must obey his rehab-clinic's demand to lead a seniors men's group or face incarceration and lose the love of his psychiatrist's daughter.
Illusive Fields
Makeup Department Head
An aging playboy throws a party to celebrate the first weekend in his new Hamptons home, but his young party guests begin suffering a series of bizarre accidents.