Jeffrey Chiang
출생 : 1967-12-23, Hongkong
Even though it upsets her mother-in-law, Diana decides to postpone having children so she can focus on her career. Her husband Zack agrees but she is unaware that he is hiding a secret about his architecture company. Meanwhile, repressed housewife Aishah feels estranged from her doctor husband and their teenage daughter, as both are seldom home. Then there's Norimah, a 40-year-old who finally gets pregnant after years of trying. She is also very supportive of her husband's dream to become a novelist after getting fired from his job as a chef. One day, the lives of all three women collide when Zack, while chasing after Diana, accidentally hits Aishah with his car. Norimah's baby is also at risk when the speeding car almost hits her.
Only after an ambitious property agent, Charlie, joins a successful agency run by a rich couple, Gordon and Lucy, did he realise the horrific secret behind the company's success. They make a high profit by buying properties for cheap after someone has died or been murdered there and then selling them back with exorbitant prices without mentioning the truth to the buyers. Charlie is caught in an ethical dilemma where he continues on selling these properties but is constantly haunted by the supernatural beings there.
Only after an ambitious property agent, Charlie, joins a successful agency run by a rich couple, Gordon and Lucy, did he realise the horrific secret behind the company's success. They make a high profit by buying properties for cheap after someone has died or been murdered there and then selling them back with exorbitant prices without mentioning the truth to the buyers. Charlie is caught in an ethical dilemma where he continues on selling these properties but is constantly haunted by the supernatural beings there.
귀요미 상어 ‘쥴리’(이영아)와 엉뚱 먹보상어 ‘빅’(김병만)은 둘도 없는 절친! 어느 날 사람들이 나타나 ‘쥴리’의 어린 동생들을 잡아가 버린다. 우연히 자신이 육지에서도 숨쉴 수 있는 특별한 능력이 있다는 사실을 알게 된 ‘쥴리’! ‘쥴리’는 바다 친구들의 걱정을 뿌리치고 동생들을 구하러 육지로 떠난다! 이 소식을 들은 먹보상어 ‘빅’은 ‘옥토 아저씨’(류담)가 발명한 로봇을 타고 ‘쥴리’를 돕기 위해 육지로 향하는데… 과연 ‘쥴리’와 ‘빅’은 동생들을 구출하고 무사히 바다로 돌아올 수 있을까?!
Lost on a trek high up in the foggy hills, Fatia, Badrul, Juli and Ronnie chance upon an abandoned bungalow where they seek shelter for the night. Within the shadows of their mysterious surroundings, they discover millions in loot, seemingly left behind in filthy duffel bags for no good reasons. That was not all they would uncover – for two rotting corpses and a loaded gun were next to be found. Already sickly, Fatia experiences strange recollections and trauma in the form of a strange young girl and as well, that of a sinister presence – all clues that point towards an evil that occurred within this dilapidated structure some time ago. Things take a turn for the worse when the gun goes missing, their friendship self-destructs and Fatia’s haunting escalate to a point where she teeters on the brink of sanity.
Kung Fu meets disco in Singapore. Hock is a grocery clerk longing for a motorbike. He lives with his parents and sister; they idolize his younger brother, Beng, a medical student calling himself Leslie. Hock loves Bruce Lee; he works out and imitates his moves. When Hock sees a cheesy local version of "Saturday Night Fever," he gets the disco bug, taking his pal Mei to nightly lessons in hopes of winning a contest and buying the bike. He's blind to Mei's falling in love with him, and, at the last minute asks another woman to be his partner in the contest. Meanwhile, Beng reveals a personal secret to his family and a crisis ensues. Hock, Beng, Mei and her rival: it's Night Fever.
90년대 홍콩. 구룡반도의 암흑가는 군웅들의 활거로 싸움과 유혈이 쉴 사이 없다. 그러나 묘가만은 유난히 평화롭다. 십이소라는 아직 젊지만 강력하고 지혜로운 매우 인간적인 존재가 질서유지, 의리, 도리를 법으로 정하여 거리의 평화를 책임지고 있기 때문이다. 십이소를 돕는 많은 사람들 가운데 특히 묘가에서 10년이상을 살아온 화저는 인간적인 친구로 그녀의 딸 아영은 이성으로서 사랑하며 돕는데 십이소는 아영의 그런 감정을 외면한다. 작덕판이라는 여자는 한 종교단체의 전도소를 지휘하며 십이소의 반대에도 불구하고 끈질기게 주민들 속으로 파고든다. 결국 단념하는 십이소와 굳은 의지로 전도소를 이끌어가는 작덕판은 곧 무언가 서로 끌리는 애정을 느낀다. 그러던 어느날, 옛 묘가의 폭력배 두목이었던 유비의 교도소 출감으로 긴장이 감돈다. 결국 유비가 옛 부하들을 규합하여 십이소에게 도전해 오지만 주민들의 봉기로 물러서고 만다. 묘가에는 평화가 지속되는데...
Fung is sent to Hong Kong to handle an antique smuggling case.