Guillaume, a computer scientist in his thirties, has never managed to overcome his pathological shyness with girls. In desperation, he consults a seduction coach, but the course turns out to be a scam. Humiliated one too many times, Guillaume goes behind his computer screen to take revenge.
Guillaume, a neurotic, thirty-year-old computer expert, has a fantasy relationship with a famous actress via his computer screen. After discovering that she is no longer single, Guillaume suddenly finds himself gifted with the power to alter reality the way he does with his laptop.
The Jogger
파리에 살고 있는 이모 ‘마르타’에게 자신을 구해달라는 SOS 편지를 받은 ‘피오나’는 빨간 배낭 하나를 메고 무작정 파리로 향한다. 하지만 이모는 온데간데없고 수상한 남자 ‘돔’이 자꾸 따라온다. 에펠탑 앞에서 사진을 찍다가 짐까지 잃어버린 피오나. 동네 카페에서 얻은 정보에 의하면, 오늘 나이 든 댄서의 장례식이 있다는데 설마…?