Ricardo Valor

참여 작품

The Playboy and His Sprees
Alberto / Aníbal
Several sketches of erotic character tell the stories, among others, of a man whith a heart condition that has never been with a woman; that of a young couple quarreling about how much they love each other; that of a man whom in his deathbed makes his wife promise to remake her life with his best friend; of the arts of seduction of a waiter with an enigmatic French woman...
링고의 귀환
전작 "총잡이 링고"는 기록적인 성공을 거두었고, 두치오 테사리는 곧바로 ‘정식 후속편’을 만들었다. 고향으로 돌아온 링고는 멕시코의 갱들로부터 자신의 가족과 약혼자를 지키기 위한 싸움을 시작한다. 그리고 이를 위해 정체를 숨기고 갱단에 잠입을 시도한다.
El sistema Pelegrín
Hector Pelegrin, an unsuccessful insurance agent is admitted to the prestigious school Ferran as a gym teacher. The only problem is that he completely lacks the necessary skills for the job. He organizes a game between the football team at his school and another center, a historic rival, resulting in a surprise full of humorous criticism to our society. Pelegrin tries to convince everyone that football is just a sport