Su Ting (Young)
Zhao Di takes over her family farm with the help of Ah Long after the 1969 floods. After the government started reclaiming land for development in 1977, licensed owners like Zhao Di are compensated but her brother accuses her of having an affair with Ah Long to get the money for himself. Meanwhile, Osman does not approve of his son playing in a rock band as he fears the negative influence, causing his son to run away from home. As for Ah Hee and Rani, they decide to get married but their traditional parents are against it.
Su Ting (Young)
The story spans from 1965 to the early 1970s. Heavily pregnant Zhao Di, the unwanted second wife of an older man, was chased out by her husband's family and forced to return to her own family. She gave birth to a pair of twins, Shun Fatt and Su-mei. As Su-mei had two moles on her face, which was said to be bad luck, she decided to give her up due to the pressure of wanting to build a better life for the rest of her family.
Caiyun ('That Girl')
사랑, 정체성, 가족간의 유대 등을 다룬 정서적인 이야기 모음집. 싱가포르의 걸출한 영화감독 7명의 단편을 엮은 세븐 레터스는 개인적이고 가슴 아픈 면면을 포착하는 동시에 싱가포르 독립 50년에 바치는 헌사이기도 하다. (2015년 20회 부산국제영화제)
Twin Jeff
Beautiful University is a Short Comedy starring Shu Qi