Michèle Seeberger

Michèle Seeberger

프로필 사진

Michèle Seeberger

참여 작품

One Deep Breath
Eros and Thanatos. One deep breath: this is what Maël might need to cope with his partner Adam's suicide, a tragic event that, apart from great sorrow, has caused him to have a physical breakdown. He is troubled by his doubts about his lover's last drastic act, by how he put an end to his life and to their difficult relationship. But his grief turns into anger when he discovers that Adam had a secret long-term relationship with a woman called Patricia: he digs deep into his own memories, recollecting past events and eventually meeting his rival. On her part, Patricia will have to face unexpected dangers. A claustrophobic melodrama, with an unstructured and evocative narrative style. Here, South African director Antony Hickling, 34, confirms his visionary talent and ability to adopt a fresh point of view on queer cinema. All the performers are strictly gay and transgender, including Manuel Blanc, who was once André Téchiné's muse.
고 패스트
파리 조직범죄 퇴치반 경찰인 마렉은 그의 파트너이자 가장 친한 친구가 임무 수행 중 마약 밀매 조직에 의해 살해 당하자 이성을 잃게 된다. 이로 인해 마약범죄 단속 본부로 발령이 나고 동료의 죽음을 복수하기 위해 범죄자로 위장하고 마약 밀매 조직에 들어가게 되는데... (THE MOVIE)
Le souffleur
Dame taxi
A man who works as a theater prompter and can't always tell the difference between fantasy and reality, asks a girl on a date and then writes a successful script based on said date without telling her.