Azamat Satybaldy

Azamat Satybaldy

프로필 사진

Azamat Satybaldy

참여 작품

토미리스: 전쟁의 여신
기원전 5세기, 중앙아시아 초원 지대. 마사게타이 부족 내 반란으로 족장 스파르갑이 죽고, 유일하게 살아남은 군주의 딸 토미리스는 복수를 다짐하며 고향을 떠난다. 훗날 뛰어난 전사로 성장한 토미리스는 아버지의 원수를 갚고 여왕의 자리에 오른다. 그러던 어느 날, 세계의 반을 정복한 거대한 페르시아 제국이 초원 지대를 넘보기 시작하고, 토미리스의 남편 아르군과 아들이 잔인하게 살해당하는 일이 벌어진다. 분노에 찬 토미리스는 정예부대를 이끌고 초원 지대로 쳐들어온 키루스 왕과 맞서 싸우게 되는데…
Because of You
Desperate husband cheats on wife after many years of childless marriage and accidentally knocks up the lover lady.
The Leader's Way. The stars have aligned
The film covers a period from 1984 to 1991 and tells about the rise of new independent states, including Kazakhstan. In addition, it features the role of the first President of Kazakhstan in the reforms carried out in the country, as well as the initiatives, which today have turned into global scale projects.
Racketeer 2
Sayan has survived the accident but 10 years later the past comes after him.
Look Out, Cow!
In 1993 in Alma-Ata, a young fatty girl and student Aigul, nicknamed the Cow, suffers from the constant taunts of her classmates. Like the other girls, the heroine is in love with a handsome boy from their class, Marlen. At one of the parties, she confesses her love for him, which ends in an embarrassing fiasco. However, they get together in the political race twenty years later...
Native Dancer
Aidai the baksy, or witch doctor, lives in the mountains and helps people. She uses mysterious actions to cure the sick and to give infertile couples children. As capitalist forces begin to encroach on tradition, the first casualty is any culture's most fundamental inheritance - land. The healer has to leave her land because the mob thinks the location is suitable for a filling station. A harsh battle between supernatural good and earthly evil ensues.