"모난 돌이 정 맞는다"는 속담이 있다. 대학교수 다비트는 시장의 부정부패를 풍자하는 캐리커쳐를 그렸다가 도리어 횡령으로 고발당해 가택연금에 처하게 된다. 우리 엄마와 우리 고향 사람들이 모두 자랑스러워하는, 6개 국어를 구사하는 지성인으로, 떳떳함과 결백함을 주장하며 골리앗에 무릎 꿇지 않겠다고 다짐하던 다비트는 싸움이 길어지면서 점점 망가지는 아파트처럼 건강이 피폐해지고 가족들까지 위협에 노출된다. (제26회 부산국제영화제)
Andrej Vaseliev
임신한 아내가 살해되자 정의를 구현하고자 나선 한 엘리트 해군 특수 부대원이 그 과정에서 국제적 음모를 파헤치는 '톰 클랜시의 복수'. 작가 톰 클랜시가 창조한 잭 라이언 세계관에서 가장 유명한 액션 히어로 존 클라크의 폭발적 기원이 공개된다.
Lucjan Gadocha
Lucjan Gadocha
Lucjan Gadocha
Djamal Issa
Oleg Penkovsky
전운이 감도는 1960년 냉전시대, 소련 군사정보국 ‘올레그 대령’은 정부의 눈을 피해 핵전쟁 위기를 막을 중대 기밀을 CIA에 전하고자 한다. CIA는 MI6와 협력하여 소련의 기밀 문서를 입수하기 위해 영국 사업가 ‘그레빌 윈’을 스파이로 고용해 잠입에 성공한다.
Lucjan Gadocha
Lucjan Gadocha
Truck Driver‘s Voice
It's Christmas season in a small town somewhere in the Austrian countryside. Following tradition, the young local men parade in daemon-like masks to chase away the winter...
A tricky out-of-area mission for Peter Lohmeyer alias Chief Inspector Jan Fabel in his fourth case: in the hustle and bustle of Cologne Carnival, of all things, the introverted hamburger has to chase a serial killer and stop a colleague from going it alone. Lisa Maria Potthoff plays the policewoman Maria, whose traumatic experience turns into a blind thirst for vengeance, Stipe Erceg can be seen in the role of the burned-out top chef and Murathan Muslu as a macho criminal. The lost souls are what make this bestseller film adaptation by the author Craig Russell, which is extremely exciting right up to the last second.
Vadim Kalyagin
Alex Godman, the English-raised son of Russian mafia exiles, has spent his life trying to escape the shadow of their past, building his own legitimate business and forging a life with his girlfriend Rebecca. But when a murder forces his family's past to return to threaten them, Alex is drawn into the criminal underworld and must confront his values to protect those he loves.
Gabor Stern
뒷돈을 받으며 수용소에서 난민을 빼내주던 부패한 의사 '스턴'. 어느 날, 부상을 당한 시리안 소년 '아리안'에게 중력을 거스르는 특별한 힘이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. '스턴'은 국경에서 헤어진 아버지를 찾아주겠다고 돕는 척 하며 '아리안'의 신비한 능력을 자신의 돈벌이에 이용하는데…
과연 소년은 인생에 희망을 가져다 줄 천사일까? 아니면 그를 추락시킬 악마일까?
두 아이의 어머니이자 아내로 살아온 중년 여인. 그녀가 독립을 선언한다. 삼대가 모여 살던 전통적인 가정은 충격에 빠지지만, 그녀의 진짜 삶은 지금부터 시작이다.
Soviet Georgia, 1983. Preparations for Nika and Ana's wedding are in full swing and it's a big day for both of their elite families. For the newlyweds and their friends, however, the celebrations are in fact part of a cover-up, as they plot an audacious escape from the Soviet Union.
Friedrich Carl Andreas
독일의 작가이자 정신분석학자인 루 살로메가 독일의 젊은 학자 에른스트 파이퍼 뿐 아니라 니체, 릴케, 프로이트 등 당시의 지성인들과 사랑에 빠지며 창조적 영감을 나누는 과정을 담은 일대기이자 평생 동안 신앙을 고민한 이야기이다. 올해 베를린영화제에 진출했고 한국에서는 사랑영화제를 통해서 처음 소개되는 작품이다. (2017년 제14회 서울국제사랑영화제)
Since early childhood Peter has been obsessed with the world of puppets, but his greater obsession is with a real girl, Lisa. He crafts his perfect woman out of her. But Lisa isn't a docile marionette. She's a living human being and she rebels against her creator. Based on the critically-acclaimed, brilliant and poignant novel by one of the best contemporary Russian writers, Dina Rubina, "Petrushka Syndrome" is a multidimensional metaphor, where a sense of duality pervades everything. People and dolls, life and art, the Creator and the creation depend on one another. And where does one draw the line between them?
Soviet Main Interrogator
미국과 소련의 냉전으로 핵무기 전쟁의 공포가 최고조에 오른 1957년, 보험 전문 변호사 제임스 도노반은 소련 스파이 루돌프 아벨의 변호를 맡게 된다. 당시 미국에선 전기기술자 로젠버그 부부가 원자폭탄 제조 기술을 소련에 제공했다는 혐의로 간첩죄로 사형된 사건이 있었다. 미국의 반공운동이 극에 달했던 단적인 예로 적국의 스파이를 변호한다는 것은 자신의 목숨은 물론 가족의 안전까지 위협받는 일이었다. 여론과 국민의 질타 속에서도 제임스 도노반은 “변론의 기회는 누구에게나 주어져야 한다”며 자신의 신념과 원칙에 따라 아벨의 변호에 최선을 다한다. 때마침 소련에서 붙잡힌 CIA 첩보기 조종사의 소식이 전해지고 제임스 도노반은 그를 구출하기 위해 스파이 맞교환이라는 사상 유래 없는 비밀협상에 나서게 되는데...
Thank you for Bombing accompanies three correspondents to their working place in conflict areas and gives an insight into their daily routine aside from cameras and satellite phones - somewhere between bombing alarm, laundry and Bach flower therapy.
Nurick and Yaroslav are trying to robe a criminal boss. Unfortunately Nurick dies but returns to the world with a mission: to be the guardian angel of Yaroslav.
러시아혁명 100주년인 2017년을 배경으로 푸틴식 전체주의가 만연한 러시아의 초상을 그리고 있다. 이 장엄한 부조리극은 블랙코미디와 잔혹드라마를 오가며 정형화된 형식을 거부한다.
The Painter
A cinematic menage-a-trois between a photographer, a rentboy and a transsexual call girl.
Idris Maher
Joseph is in his mid-sixties and has just lost his beloved wife. Everything in his big old mansion reminds him painfully of the years they spent together. One day several visitors turn up unexpectedly. They seem to be relatives of his deceased wife. In the beginning, the uninvited guests treat Joseph with loving care, but bit by bit the situation begins to change. The visitors slowly, almost unnoticably, become aggressive, even hostile, invaders. They try to get rid of Joseph and take over his house, his world, his thoughts. Is this just the paranoia of an old man or really a ruthless invasion?
Wassyl Witrenko
A cruel serial killer keeps the Hamburg police in suspense. Two women have already fallen victim to him. Both were killed after a Viking ritual, the so-called blood eagle. Although the perpetrator, Chief Inspector Fabel sends mysterious e-mails, the investigator pats in the dark. Only little by little it turns out that you are dealing not only with a psychopathic killer, but with a mafia gang, in whose machinations even senior police officers are entangled.
From odd situations to complicated emotions, various obstacles test a group of people in their pursuits of true love in this collection of stories.
Nikolai Ilinescu
독일에서 기자로 활동하던 파울은 모스크바에 있는 타블로이드 잡지사에 새로이 부임하게 된다. 그의 새로운 아이디어와 능력으로 단 시간내에 회사에서 인정 받는 기자로 부각되고 러시아 정치운동가인 카트야를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 어느 날 카트야로부터 정치적인 기사를 실어 달라는 요청을 받아 자칫 민감할 수 있는 기사를 싣게 되고 그로 인해 상상치 못한 시련이 닥치게 된다. 러시아의 암울한 정치 세계를 파헤친 은 1999년 모스크바에서 벌어진 테러사건을 배경으로 한다. 자칫 너무 무거워질 수 있는 정치적인 소재를 훌륭한 스릴러로 변모시킨 은 정치를 소재로 한 그 어떤 작품에 견주어도 빠지지 않을 만큼 견고하고 훌륭하다. 특히 미스터리를 풀어가는 과정이나 간간이 나오는 액션 등 오락성에 있어서 관객들이 즐길 수 있는 많은 요소들이 갖춰져 있다. 할리우드 액션 스릴러와는 또 다른 재미를 선사할 은 이런 류의 작품을 즐기는 관객들에게 좋은 선물이 될 것이다. (2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
Alexej Romanowitsch
The pre-Christmas season is anything but contemplative for Lina, model and advertising jingle singer, and her best friend Nettie, who runs an event and partner agency: the two can hardly save themselves from second-class Christmas orders. And it's not for the first time that Lina and Nettie are preparing for lonely holidays. Nettie has long since given up hope of still finding the right one, and Lina's dream man Alex, a married doctor, has not yet separated from his wife.
For 11-year-old Kattaka it's an escape: she's looking for her biological father, a Russian sailor whose ship is currently moored in Gdansk and whose existence her parents have kept secret until now. For 70-year-old Lena it's a journey back: back to her home in Masuren, from which she fled in the Second World War. And back to her suppressed pain of having lost both parents. Only together can the mismatched couple regain the ground beneath their feet, and themselves.
Germany, Baltic Sea coast, May 1945, a few days before the end of World War II. A small Soviet patrol arrives at an isolated house where an elderly baroness gives shelter to a group of orphan girls and a boy who is determined to continue the fight.
전혀 다른 삶을 살아오던 전직 구조대원들은 일본에서 참사가 발생했다는 소식을 듣자, 모든 것을 뒤로하고 재난 구조를 돕기 위해 비행기를 탄다.
Moritz Haiden
Poland 1943: An unlikely pair - a concentration camp prisoner and a captain in Hitler's notorious SS - free themselves from the wreckage of a crashed SS airplane. The two appear to be strangely familiar with each other and the extent of their extraordinary relationship is thrillingly revealed.
Niklas Psathos
Erzählt wird die authentische Lebensgeschichte der Ursula Heye, Mutter von Uwe-Karsten Heye. Der Bogen reicht vom "Wegschauen" beim Nazi-Terror gegen die Juden Ende der 1930er Jahre über die Trennung und die erzwungene Scheidung von ihrem Mann Wolfgang, von dessen Desertion und Verschwinden bis hin zum - glücklosen - Wiedersehen in den 1950er Jahren.
What starts out as a relaxing weekend at lake Neusiedl ends in fear and horror for two friendly couples. Three children have gone missing from the neighbouring village. As tensions increase people start showing their true colours.
Doctor Daniil Pokrovsky
다니엘은 최초의 소련 우주비행사들의 건강관리를 담당한 이상주의 성향을 지닌 의사이다. 우주여행 프로젝트의 안전과 윤리에 대한 다니엘의 걱정은 그의 개인사와 맞물려 연인 베라와의 관계까지 의심하게 만든다.
Datho (Merab Ninidze) has been innocent in prison for many years. When he comes home nobody wants him. His angelic wife Elene (Anna Antonowicz) has fun with a fire-eater. The two children imagined the father as a hero, not as a sorrowful knight. But everything changes when Datho can freeze his enemies in the bathtub or he calls for rain so that they remain stuck in the mud.
Georgia's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2008
Russischer Offizier
Based on the childhood memories of actor Michael Degen, the movie deals with the everyday struggle to survive as a Jewish boy in Nazi Germany. As his father had died in 1940 after being released from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Michael and his mother fear to be deported themselves. They manage to live in Berlin with false names and faked papers, hidden by several, often broken, people...
André Schott
Thomas Landsberg
Peters Freund Gérard
Jackies' quiet life as a housewife and English teacher ends abruptly when her husband informs her that he is leaving her for a younger woman. In a quest for revenge, Jackie makes arrangements with a plastic surgeon for a general overhaul with the goal of landing a younger husband. A newspaper leads her to Peter who is as bored by his insurance job as he is by the young women he has been dating. Written by John W. Wrist
Ruben Costa
Michael Belajew
Summer of 1944. Young baroness Barbara is getting married. Her husband, Alexander, leaves to the war and disappears after giving Barbara the amber amulet as symbol of their love. Soviet soldiers, commanded by Major Belyaev are placed in the estate of Barbara parents. Barbara falls in love with a Russian officer.
Stefan, a gay bartender in a trendy club, doesn't care a lot about his professional and personal future. One night, the mysterious Martin stares at him, so he thinks that his guest searches a quick love affair. Stefan invites him to his apartment, where Martin is rather surprised at his intentions and explains that he doesn't want sex, but his attention for their common past. Martin searches his father, a foreign worker from Italy, who is also Stefan's originator, which he didn't know. Their mother kept Martin, while Stefan was adopted. After the first shock, Stefan decides to join his "new brother" on his trip to Italy. They only have some photos and letters of a holiday trip to Cattolica and their father's name: Giuseppe Iacoviello. This is the beginning of an odyssey across Italy and their way to themselves...
Lena is homeless. She couldn't get a foothold in the big city, she hasn't been at home in the country for a long time and she only knows the big, wide world, which she allegedly traveled as a waitress on a cruise ship, from hearsay. Her grandfather's funeral is now both an occasion and an excuse for her to return to the village in the hope of finding her place in life here after all.
Walter Redlich
2차 세계대전 직전, 유태인 변호사인 발터와 그의 아름다운 아내 예텔, 그리고 5살의 귀여운 딸 레기나는 전쟁의 소용돌이를 피해 불안한 여행길에 올라 아프리카 케냐에 정착한다. 독일에선 지식인 부유층으로 여유로운 생활을 했던 예텔은 아프리카의 여느 흑인들과 다를 바 없는 농민 신분이 되자 불만이 쌓이고 결국 발터와 갈등을 일으킨다. 그러나 딸 레기나는 호기심 어린 눈으로 아프리카에 호감을 가지며 흑인 요리사 오부워와 우정을 나눈다. 그러던 중 예텔과 갈등이 심해진 발터는 연합군으로 참전하고 예텔은 혼자 힘으로 농장을 경영해 나간다. 만남, 이별, 재회… 아름다운 자연에서 펼쳐지는 순수한 감동 이후 홀로 농장을 경영하는 예텔은 시간이 지날수록 끔찍히 싫어했던 아프리카의 아름다운 자연과 순수한 원주민들을 사랑하게 된다. 어느새 훌쩍 커버린 레기나는 원주민들과 서슴없이 어울리며 자연에 동화되고 학교에 진학해 똑똑하고 모범적인 소녀가 된다. 연합군의 승리로 사랑하는 가족과 재회한 발터는 새로운 지식인의 삶을 위해 독일로의 귀향을 원한다. 그러나 아프리카에 정이 듬뿍 든 예텔은 그의 제안을 거절하고 오부워와 헤어지기 싫은 레기나 또한 독일행을 망설이는데…
A small retirement home on the edge of Vienna where the city's oldest residents live. Patients over the age of 100 begin to die under mysterious circumstances. The police's secret investigation concentrates on the nursing staff at first. But the new medical director, Dr. Klein, discovers that one of the patients is the culprit.
russischer Soldat
A biopic of Alma Mahler, the wife of composer Gustav Mahler (as well as Walter Gropius and Franz Werfel), and the mistress of Oskar Kokoschka.
Valeri Sikorski knows from his doctors that his days are numbered because of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. He wants to make a last adventure in his life and goes to England, but first he stops in Berlin to pick up his best friend Victor. But Victor has disappeared. Now Valeri's journey turns into a search for his old friend Victor.
I Heaven's plot revolves around three friends with personal ambitions who must face the less pleasant aspects of reality. The story is told from the point of view of 17-year-old Csiwi, a loner who spends his evenings driving around in his brother's car or simply hanging out. He has no idea about the direction his future should take. He runs into Levi and Valeska and they easily become his bosom friends despite their differences. Levi, whose circumstances have constantly been changing, is looking for something stable in his life. He works very hard so that he can afford his own flat. Valeska is restless and fascinated by distant places and change. For her, postcards symbolize places where happiness is hidden. Valeska and Levi represent two different ways of living and Csiwi must decide for himself which road to take. He feels the first pangs of love towards Valeska, and Levi easily becomes a good friend. Together they set off in a new direction, which could be their heaven on earth.
The unborn child of Mamlakat is telling her story. She is 17, beautiful and vivacious, and dreaming secretly of becoming an actress. She lives with her father and brother in a small village in Central Asia. One night she is seduced by an actor from a travelling troupe, who poses as a friend of Tom Cruise, and makes her pregnant. She tries to abort, but her father and brother become determined to find the seducer, setting in motion a cascade of comic adventures.
Resa Madani
Nana Iaschwili, a teacher from East Europe, wants to emigrate to America to start a new life. After landing in Vienna, the authorities notice her falsified visa and arrest her. Nana, threatened with deportation, would prefer anything except being sent back and escapes.
She must keep on the move constantly. The police are hot on her trail. Together with other illegal aliens, Nana, alias "Suzie Washington", flees to the so-called "green border", the no-man's-land between East and West. The police, cows and lonely men keep getting in her way.
Unknown Man
Simon Granderath has been found dead in his appartment. His only daughter, Monika Besse, who lives in Luxembourg, arrives to arrange the funeral and settle his estate. She wishes to get back to Luxembourg and to her normal life as quickly as possible.
However, she quickly realizes that in fact, she hardly knew her father, and tries to trace the various stages and encounters that made up his life.
Much later, she realizes that the search for the identity of her father has actually become a search of her own identity – though still she believes she can get closer to her father after his death.
The lives of a Serb family are torn apart by the pressures of the not-too-distant war with the Croats. The film addresses the fundamental question "Can love survive between political enemies?"
This film is based on the actual events referred to as the "Mühlviertler Hasenjagd" (Hare-hunt in the Mühlviertel) which occurred in February 1945 around the Mauthausen concentration camp. 500 Soviet officers form death block 20 attempt to escape, but only 150 of them actually succeed.
Following the tally-ho of the SS, a barbaric manhunt begins. Only very few fugitives survive. With a lot of good luck, the two young officers Michail and Nikolai reach the Karner family's farm. Frau Karner persuades her husband to hide the two escapees.
A full-blooded, interesting life has long eluded the house where a mother, father, son and daughter live. Trivial household matters, conversation at dinner about duty — that's all that connects them. The situation changes when it becomes known that the family inherited the village house, and that it will probably be necessary to enter into a struggle with the joint heirs. From the bottom of chests, old albums and documents confirming the priority of the family are extracted, and intrigues begin ...
In the hot summer of 1917, the nineteen-year-old peasant Georgy Zakareishvili left his village in search of work and, settling on a French ship, soon found himself in Paris, where he married a Frenchwoman. Modest wealth, beloved wife, sons and a faithful friend helped him to endure separation from his homeland. When the opportunity came to his homeland, George was already old and could not postpone the upcoming meeting with his native Georgia. He tried to convey his love to his grandson George: he sang folk songs, taught Georgian, talked about the people of his village. And now, in fulfillment of his grandfather’s orders, George the Younger took his ashes to his homeland...
The day after the funeral of Varlam Aravidze, the mayor of a small Georgian town, his corpse turns up in his son's garden. Although it is secretly reburied, the corpse keeps returning until the police capture the local woman who is responsible. This woman says that Varlam should never be laid to rest since his Stalin-like reign of terror led to the disappearance of her family and friends.
Full Circle. Whirlwind.
Alexi leaves the house of his father and stepmother and rents an apartment. He wants to be independent and find his place in the world. But no basic changes ensue – he has the same friends, with the same trivial conversations and the same inactivity. Only the death of his favorite teacher, to whom the young man felt very close, really changes his habitual way of life. Alexi makes a decision: he refuses a place at a research institute and leaves for a teaching job at a village school, the same school his mentor used to work at.
Nina works in the only small hospital of a provincial town as an OB-GYN. Single and in abstinence from personal relationships, she is unconditionally devoted to her Hippocratic oath. When a newborn dies within seconds of being delivered under her supervision, she is accused of wrongdoings. Under investigation, every detail of Nina's personal and professional life is being scrutinized. Despite the risks, Nina remains devoted to her duty as a doctor, committed to doing what nobody else will.
Planning a wedding is rarely this tense. Even among gangsters. Parents of the groom visit the home of their soon-to-be-in-laws, where they plan the upcoming nuptials. Questions of class and tradition soon become a sticking point.