Elten Ting

Elten Ting

출생 : 1954-06-26,

프로필 사진

Elten Ting

참여 작품

Which One You Choose
Director Hsu
Li Chih-cheng, a C-list Taiwanese actor, is hand-picked by a renowned Chinese director to star in a project during the pandemic. On his last day of self-isolation in Shanghai, he discovers he has a fever. Worse still, he must make a decision between his wife in Taiwan and mistress in China over video call. But as it turns out, everyone has a hidden identity and secret. In order to make it through, Chih-cheng must deliver the performance of a lifetime.
ADHD Is Necessary
When her daughter's slipping grades threaten their status in life, a mother resorts to extreme measures to avoid losing social standing.
러브 투모로우
Master Wu
항상 행복할거라 믿어온 펑과 웨이청 부부. 언젠가부터 남편이 달라지기 시작했음을 느낀 펑은 언젠가 그가 떠날지도 모른다고 생각한다. 반면 펑의 시누이 맨디는 결혼 생활에 두려움을 느껴 약혼자와 헤어지기로 결심한다. 사랑과 행복의 진정한 의미를 묻는 따뜻하고 행복한 우화. (2013년 제17회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
《想念》描述一位住院的老頭子(茂伯飾),因為與他同病房的小女孩(林彥禎飾)無法跟同學去旅行,老頭子索性帶著小女孩翹院出去玩的故事。這部片從台北開始拍攝,一路經過了桃園、新竹、苗栗,一直拍到台中,茂伯笑說自己是「拚了老命」來完成這趟旅程的拍攝。開拍的第一天,為了呈現最真實的感受,他不惜在產業道路上,徒手推著拋錨的小貨車上山,片中他還揹著小女孩走山路,替牛接生、擠牛奶,並且拍攝跟流氓打架救小女孩的戲碼。劇組人馬為了這一老一小荒腔走板的旅程,每天趕路拍攝,不僅經歷屢創紀錄的炙熱高溫,同時也遭遇了「五」個颱風。不知道是不是離開台北的關係,這趟路下來,不僅他倆玩到了,劇組大夥也玩得很開心。 每個人的成長過程中都有一些印象深刻的經歷,不管大或小,對自己來說都是一件畢生難忘的回憶。初次拍攝自己小時候的回憶故事,非常感謝這麼多業界的好朋友前來支持,更感謝製作人陳振德和瞿友寧導演的大力幫忙完成我的夢想,希望這部片能勾起更多觀眾心中難忘的想念故事。
This Love of Mine
A housewife whose life only revolves her husband finds herself being cheated. She becomes angry and neurotic and can't accept the fact at all. Finally, she realizes that the only choice she has is to compromise and to forgive, but it was already too late.
Kuei-mei, a Woman
Arriving in Taiwan in the 1950s, Kuei-mei makes a disadvantageous marriage to a widower with three unruly kids and a bad gambling habit. Beautifully portrayed by celebrated actress Yang, she weathers pregnancies, her husband's infidelity, her daughter's resentment, a stint as servant in Japan, divorce, and illness while struggling to keep the family restaurant business afloat.