Sarah Berger

출생 : 1960-01-01,

참여 작품

Rosamunde Pilcher: Die Braut meines Bruders
Marc and Sam have been a happy couple for a long time. But they have to hide their love, as Marc is a professional footballer and is afraid of losing his career if his relationship with a man becomes public. When he meets his old childhood friend Emma again, who was dumped pregnant by her boyfriend, he asks her to play his token wife. But she is in love with Charles, unaware that he is Marc's half-brother.
The Quiet Girl's Guide to Violence
A victim of childhood bullying decides she will no longer suffer silently in this darkly comic tale of revenge and Christmas.
Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell
Peter O'Toole stars as the complex, funny, charming, and hard-drinking Jeffrey Bernard in this live performance at the Old Vic Theatre in London.
히틀러의 부활
Leni Kalder
2차 세계대전이 끝난 후 독일은 유럽의 모든 나라를 거느린 대제국으로 성장한다. 하지만 20년이 지난 후 그때까지도 저항을 계속해온 러시아와의 싸움이 불리한 상황으로 치닫게 되자 미국의 도움을 요청해야만 하는 입장이 된다. 전쟁 중에 독일은 유대민족 말살작전을 감행하여 모든 유대인을 학살한다. 그러나 전후, 독일은 유대인을 동유럽에 이주시켜 정착시켰다고 사람들을 속인다. 그러던 중 유대인 학살작전에 직접 관련했던 고위층 인사들이 살해되거나, 자살하는 사건이 연이어 일어나면서 영화가 시작된다. 마침 히틀러의 75회 생일축하연에 초청받은 미국의 기자들이 독일에 입국하고, 학살작전 가담자 중 최후의 생존자인 프란츠 루터는 학살의 증거를 찰리 맥과이어란 미국 여기자에게 전한다. 살인사건을 수사하던 마치 소령과 찰리는 수사 과정에서 만나게 되고, 두 사람은 사건에 얽혀 들게 된다. 루터는 유대인의 학살현장을 담은 사진을 찰리한테 전한 후 곧바로 게슈타포의 총에 맞아 숨진다. 찰리는 그 사진들을 마치한테 보여주며 함께 독일을 떠날 것을 종용한 후, 미국 대통령과 히틀러가 만나게 되는 장소로 향한다..
Patricia Preece
The controversial English artist Stanley Spencer scandalised the art world when he painted the Resurrection taking place in the churchyard of Cookham, his home village by the River Thames; and further scandalised the village when he decided that to nourish his imagination he needed two wives.
Hard Travelling
Jessica's promising debut as a young artist is shattered by a sudden and violent death. She escapes into a restless succession of journeys whose encounters along the way bring humour, some comfort, but also danger.
Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen
An alien distress call draws the Doctor and Peri to Earth, 1985, where they uncover a Cyberman plot to change the course of history.
An Inspector Calls
Sheila Birling
An Inspector Calls is a play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley, first performed in 1945 (in Russia) and 1946 (in the UK). It is considered to be one of Priestley's best known works for the stage and one of the classics of mid-20th century English theatre. The play's success and reputation has been boosted in recent years by a successful revival by English director Stephen Daldry for the National Theatre in 1992. This is the 1982 BBC TV film adaptation
Bright Eyes
1999: Examination of family life and political ideals in a war-ravaged future Europe, compared and contrasted with ’60s equivalents.
Praying Mantis
A middle-aged professor's young bride and his assistant plan to commit a double murder disguised as a "Crime Passionel", but discover too late that one of their intended victims has become a fellow conspirator.
The Crucible
An adaptation of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, concerning the Salem witch trials.