Evgeniy Melentev

Evgeniy Melentev

프로필 사진

Evgeniy Melentev

참여 작품

Forgotten Experiment
A group of heroes assembled by the eccentric billionaire goes into closed Perimeter full of abnormal activity which is inexplicable in terms of science. This journey will change all members of the group and reverse their notion of reality.
제미나이: 지구 최후의 날
치명적인 바이러스로 지구의 식물들이 파괴된 지 3년 후 산소가 부족해지고 과학자들은 전 인류를 구하기 위해 새로운 행성을 찾는 미션을 받고 우주로 떠난다. 하지만, 우주선은 입력한 궤도와는 전혀 다른 방향으로 이끌려가 알 수 없는 행성에 고립되고 비행 멤버들은 상상할 수 없는 존재로부터 공격을 받기 시작하는데…!
정부는 전염병의 창궐을 막기 위해 도시를 통제하고 감염자들을 철저히 격리시킨다. 애비게일은 감염자로 의심받아 격리됐던 아버지를 찾을 수 없게 되자, 무언가 잘못되었다는 것을 깨닫는다. 동시에 자신에게 믿을 수 없는 능력이 생겼음을 알게 된다. 아버지를 찾기로 결심한 애비게일은 정부가 감추고 있는 거대한 비밀을 마주하게 되는데…
hooligan dancer
The three main characters of “Stepney” are the manic hipsters of the future, the golden youth. In order to catch the crowd, they decide to cut the way through dysfunctional neighborhoods - and get into fantastic Gopnik. “God is out of the car” in the guise of a busted Moscow taxi driver of the old school saves the heroes and their taxi.
비욘드 엣지: 카지노를 털어라
카지노를 상대로 사기를 치는 전문 도박꾼 ‘마이클’ 공들인 카지노에서 한탕을 치려는 순간, 역으로 사기를 당해 거액의 빚을 지게 된다. 빚을 일주일 안에 갚아야만 하는 ‘마이클’은 자신이 당한 사기가 초능력에 의한 것임을 알게 된다. ‘마이클’은 초능력자들을 모아서 더 크게 카지노를 털어 빚을 갚을 계획을 세우는데… 과연 ‘마이클’과 초능력자들은 아무도 생각 못한 한탕을 칠 수 있을까!
레볼루션 아일랜드 2
핵전쟁으로 모든 것이 파괴된 세계. 살아남은 지도자들은 도시 에너지원으로 인간의 생체에너지를 사용하기 시작한다. 생체에너지를 모으기 위해 전통이 되어버린 대회에 참가한 12명의 참가자. 대회에서 ‘코스타’는 ‘아냐’를 만나고 도시 속 더 큰 음모를 알아내는데…
미스틱 게임
저주에 걸린 여성을 구해내기 위한 심령술사들의 대결을 그린 환타지 영화
Under The Big Top
Not so lucky scam artist Jesse hides from the police in a travelling circus. He learns that the circus performers have real superpowers, and makes with them a deal to pull a series of incredible schemes. However, it turns out that the circus troupe is cursed. The actors are threatened not just by death, but also by eternal confinement in a lost dimension for wayward souls. Jesse decides to risk his life and save friends from the circus.
The hero wakes up after a terrible accident and discovers that he was in 2035. The last thing he remembers is how in 2019 he worked for the Corporation, which created robotized control systems for vehicles, buildings and various devices. Trying to find out who he is and what happened to him, the hero comes to a shocking discovery: twenty years ago another's mind was implanted into his brain. To regain his identity, the hero must figure out who and why he stole it.
Forgotten Gods
The plot of the film develops in two different time periods. The main character wakes up and realizes that he has spent over 50 years in a coma, but has not aged at all. Nobody knows what happened to him. Fragments of memories lead him to a remote village, far away from civilization, where he had traveled half a century ago to study a mysterious radio signal. There is now a research station there that studies strange local anomalies. The main character starts his own investigation and gradually uncovers the events of the past. Many years ago, local residents discovered a crashed alien spaceship a few kilometers away from the village. The ship contained alien bodies inside sarcophagi. It turned out that the ship’s technology slows down the aging process, and the village residents started worshipping the dormant aliens, believing them to be gods.
The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis led to the nuclear exchange between major superpowers. As a result, instead of further development of technology, humankind invested all the resources in genetic engineering. Newborns got improved genes, and in the late 80's the first generation of people with various improvements entered the picture. But there were still those whose genes for some reasons were not improved. In a genetically engineered society, such people became outcasts, placed in clearly marked ghetto areas. The protagonist is an outcast, whose body did not accept genetic improvements. From the very childhood, he tries to fix this using various design tools of his own making. Once he is wrongly accused and enters the fight to clear his name. But it turns out that his home, the entire area of "genetic outcasts" is out on a limb. The protagonist directs his abilities to protect those who cannot protect themselves.