Mika Braun

참여 작품

Dad Got Grounded
Costume Design
Paul is living the dream. He’s a pilot who gets to fly across the globe, and at home, his beautiful younger wife Susan waits for him. The only catch: he promised to retire early and take care of their 4-year-old son Franz. But when he breaks his word, Susan leaves him… alone with Franz. On top of that, the kids from his two previous marriages appear on his doorstep: lovesick, morbidly shy 22-year-old Jonas, and Tabea, a teenager in trouble. His kids make him face the dire truth: he’s a bad dad. Now, Paul has one week to show he’s capable of being a father, or Susan won’t come back. When Paul reluctantly shows his kids how much he loves them, they finally bond! But is that enough to win Susan back? - BetaFilm
Costume Design
미카는 화가 난다. 다음 학년에 올라가지 못한 이유로, 부모님은 강제로 그녀를 엄한 할머니네 농장에서 여름방학을 보내게 한다. 그곳에서 그녀는 부끄러움을 많이 타는 야생말 오스트윈드를 만난다. 비록 아무도 오스트윈드를 길들이는데 성공하지 못했지만, 그녀는 특별한 교감을 느낀다. 몇 주가 지난 뒤, 그들 사이엔 특별한 우정이 나타나고 미카는 그녀의 진짜 재능과 열정을 발견하게 된다.