Olivier Pelletier

참여 작품

Maria Montessori
Set in 1900, Lili d’Alengy, a Parisian cocotte at the height of her fame, flees Paris to hide her “idiot” daughter. There she meets Maria Montessori, who is pioneering a teaching method that may help the child.
Libre Garance !
It is the summer of 1982. Garance is eleven years old and lives in a remote hamlet in the Cevennes where her parents are trying to lead an alternative life. When two Italian activists rob a bank in the area, things go wrong. This event turns Garance and her family's life upside down.
The Other Louis
Who remembers Pierre Céran? Nobody except Louis, his old friend, who is worried about not having any news. Especially since the last time he saw him, Pierre Céran was not well. Louis goes to look for him.
더 디먼스 오브 도로시
볼품없는 인생을 살아가는 영화감독 도로시, 오늘도 즐겁게 대본을 써 내려간다. 그때, 동성애 코미디는 그만하고 주류 영화나 만들자는 제작자의 전화. 도로시는 좋아하는 TV 프로그램 '벰파이어 사냥꾼 로미'를 보며 흔들리는 멘탈을 잡으려 하지만 결국, 그녀 안의 악마는 깨어나고 마는데...
Planet Gloom
Rémi has made a few short films, but they haven't had the resounding success he hoped for. So this year he agreed to give a filmmaking workshop at a high school in the Paris suburbs. As the weeks go by, he and the students begin to form a bond.
소피의 낭만적 연애와 그 후의 일상
레스토랑 알바로 근근이 살아가는 28살 소피. 한 가지 꿈은 자신의 그림을 책으로 출간하는 것. 그런데 꿈에도 나이 제한이 있다고?! 유명 출판사에 취직하며 지긋지긋한 현생에서 벗어나나 했더니 임신과 함께 남자친구는 떠나고 출판사 사장은 빌런 오브 빌런! 사랑, 희망 없음. 직장, 다닐 가치 없음. 이것 저것 없다 없다 침대까지 빈대에게 빼앗긴 20대 소피의 파리 생존기!
사랑의 감각
고등학생인 샘은 곧잘 싸움질하는 불량 학생 트로이를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 항상 상처로 뒤덮인 몸을 하고 있는 트로이는 샘에게 자신은 사실 통증을 느끼지 못한다고 고백한다. 그는 내성적인 성격의 샘에게 자신을 샌드백처럼 사용해 보라고 제안한다. 한 번도 폭력을 사용해본 적이 없던 샘은 트로이의 제안을 처음에는 거절하지만, 트로이를 구타하면서 어느새 억제되었던 자신의 감정을 서서히 발산하고 쾌감을 느끼는 자신을 발견하게 된다. 트로이를 좋아하는 그녀는 그런 자신이 너무 두렵다.
The Coronation
Jonathan Littell revived Monteverdi’s baroque and decadent opera L’incoronazione di Poppea in a modern and fantastic production. From allusions to the Roman era, to the Renaissance and modern age, Little twists shamelessly Monteverdi’s score to highlight the dialogues and create a background music. The Coronation shatters the film-opera’s cliché only to better put it back together, with patience and clockwork precision.
Words in Your Hair
Sound Recordist
Two bored extras from the ‘Tristan and Isolde’ opera roam the underground of the Garnier Palace.
Love Blooms
Sound Editor
Martin, in a last ditch hope, comes to meet Léa in Paris. They are both twenty-five and shared their first love story together. They are both now striving to mature.
Love Blooms
Martin, in a last ditch hope, comes to meet Léa in Paris. They are both twenty-five and shared their first love story together. They are both now striving to mature.
Why did I write the Bible
Francis, a man in his sixties, is found in a diving suit, swimming in a river in the city center. Even his children, accustomed to their father's escapades, are surprised: since Francis knows he is condemned, it seems really unmanageable. Samuel and his sister must therefore find a way to accompany him at any cost.
Debout demain
Outside, things are rumbling. We must go out, rebel, but it's too hard.
J'ai tué ma femme
Sound Director
Max and Minou are having a relationship crisis: she's crying, he's getting annoyed. Their car has been vandalised but this is not why she's crying. While looking for a car repairer on a small industrial estate, they come across some people who are even more troubled than they are. The world seems about to erupt.
Here and There
One summer evening in a small town in France, two teenage boys, Clarinet and Piano, say goodbye. For twelve years, they rejoin each other at irregular intervals in the same town, discussing their ambitions as they drift apart. Michaël Dacheux's 'Here and There' is a delicate exploration of the eager aspirations of two young men, wise beyond their years yet still innocent in their experience.
Night Moves
Sound Engineer
Lila suffocates in her brother's hospital room, she his the road. Vintimiglia. Women are loading a truck for a food distribution for refugees who try to cross the border. It's ramadan, they must eat before the prayer. Carrying bread loafs in her arms, Lila meets Youssef. Youssef doesn't speak a word of french and he's starving.