Based on the comic by Hiroyuki Yasuda
Yuka came to work as an intern nurse at a hospital and she met Shunichi again. They were school friends, and she liked him. But, she found out that Shunichi had an osteosarcoma.
Executive Producer
Japanese comedy film.
Executive Producer
Keiko Inagawa (Asami Kobayashi) pays a visit to neurologist Aizawa about her fiancé Tatsuo Tamura (Kaoru Kobayashi). A mysterious case involving the disappearance of Tatsuo’s three brothers, one after the other, is yet to be resolved and now Tatsuo, seized with the idea that he too may disappear, has had a nervous breakdown. Aizawa suggests that Tatsuo recount his dreams as a means of solving the mystery, since human beings have an instinct that foretells the near future in the form of a dream. Keiko and Tatsuo eventually discover that the three disappearances have a strange connection…
억척스러운 아내 오우메와 함께 인쇄소를 운영하는 소키치는 고단한 인쇄소 일에 지쳐있던 와중에 키쿠요를 만나 외도를 하게 되고 세 아이를 낳게 된다. 경제적인 도움이 전혀 없는 소키치에게 진저리를 치는 키쿠요는 결국 오우메 앞에 나타나고 세 아이를 맡겨놓고 종적을 감춘다. 금전적인 어려움을 겪고 있던 이들 부부에게 세 아이는 큰 짐이 된다. 세 아이를 어떻게든 돌려보내라는 오우메의 등쌀에 못이겨서 갈팡질팡하던 소키치는 자의반 타의반의 사고로 막내 아이가 죽음에 이르게 되자 남은 두 아이를 직접 처리할 결심을 한다.
Japanese drama film.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Death stalks a towering hotel under construction in Tokyo and love brings the guilty parties to a justice of their own choice. The motives are control of the hotel, blackmail and jealousy. The principals involved are two business partners, a political string puller and his son, lovers carrying on an illicit affair and a secretary turned blackmailer.