Stefan Oliveira Pita

참여 작품

Julius, an eloquent young museum attendant loved by the people around him, invites his colleagues on a sailing trip on his aristocratic family's boat, but something goes wrong. Julius is not who he seems to be.
Bewildering, amusing, insightful: Anke Engelke acts out eight authentic interviews, assembling them into a gigantic mosaic about motherhood.
유쾌한 바흐만 선생님
Additional Editor
Mr. Bachmann And His Class explores the close bond between an elementary school teacher and his students. His unconventional methods clash with the complex social and cultural realities of the provincial German industrial town they live in.
브라질리아, 기계적 유토피아
브라질의 외딴 황무지 한가운데 있는 우주적 꿈과 신비한 건축물에 대한 다큐멘터리. 4명의 인물들로 구성된 새로운 형식의 다중 텍스트를 통해 영화는 초디자인의 우주 시대 도시 브라질리아에서부터 UFO 숭배, 정신주의 사원, 유토피아적 전초지의 드넓은 번영의 풍경으로 옮겨간다.
Berlin Bouncer
A portrait of Berlin’s most famous bouncers – Sven Marquardt, Frank Künster and Smiley Baldwin. The three men have been part and parcel of the capital’s club scene for more than 25 years – from the days after the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present day – but aren’t yet considering calling it a day even though life makes more demands on them as they turn 50.
A small town in Japan's exclusion zone searches for normalcy in the five years following the greatest nuclear catastrophe since Chernobyl.
Young police officers are supposed to enforce the law and suppress their personal opinions. After their training, protected by bullet proof vests, shields and a gun, they are sent out on the streets. This documentary accompanies students at a German police academy over the course of their first year. A remote location in Saxony-Anhalt. Real-life simulations and practice at the shooting range are the preparation for the second phase of their training - going out on the streets and facing the real world. It's their first year at the academy and on the beat, and these young men and women are often confronted with realities that take them to their limits. This documantary takes an uncensored look at the German police for the very first time.
The Prize
Architect Alexander Beck has just won an architecture prize. He wants to modernize GDR building blocks in Thuringia. Alex travels to the heart of rural Eastern Germany where he grew up and where people remember him as Alex from the Free German Youth, a pro-GDR youth organization.
Portraits deutscher Alkoholiker
The people at the centre of this film are lawyers, civil servants, housewives, managing directors and mothers. They are also alcoholics. In her documentary, Carolin Schmitz explores the protagonists’ stories and their strategies for survival: the little tricks they employ in order to try and get through their daily lives – lives which become increasingly difficult to manage the stronger the addiction becomes. Their fear of losing control and being exposed as a drinker create their need to conform, but the protagonists can only cope with this pressure by increasing their alcohol intake.