Childhood best friends Danilo, Tiffany and Stephanie embark on their senior high school year at the prestigious school in Manila. However, things take a turn for the worse when Danilo makes the wrong decision and a bad company leads him astray. As he nearly loses everything, he works his way back to his path. Personalities change, but with Danilo still pursue his dream to become a famous dancer and be able to stand the test of time.
두 젊은 연인이 가벼운 만남을 갖기로 한다. 그런데 헤어지기로 약속한 날이 점점 다가오면서, ‘편리한’ 계약 연애는 복잡미묘해지는데.
Cara / Caramel Arevalo
After an accident left a budding artist color blind, his best friend takes it upon herself to bring back the colors in his life and make him realize her unwavering love. But this proves to be no easy task when a potential rival enters the picture.
Maxpein Zin Del Valle / Taguro
A spunky teenage girl from Mindoro, moves to Manila to live with her estranged father and study in a prestigious school. She clashes with basketball varsity captain, unaware that their one-upmanship will blossom into something beautiful.
Gabbie Salazar
When their parents' marriage threatens to crumble, the teenage Salazar siblings plot to reconcile them before their 20th wedding anniversary.
It follows Pat Reyes who is a hardworking hostel manager and online vegetable seller who trains her boss' hardheaded and exiled grandson as a hostel employee.
Trixie Mae
A 50-year-old widow who hasn’t quite moved on from her husband’s death convinces herself that a pop star is the reincarnation of her dead husband. But is it really all in her head? And just how far will she go to prove it isn’t?
A girl named Mika decides to go on a road trip to look for aliens. During her trip, she accidentally bumps into Caloy whom she gives a free ride to until he reaches his destination. Mika then finds out that Caloy has cancer but despite it, he has learned to accept his fate. Both embark on a journey filled with adventures and misadventures not knowing they would fall in love with each other along the way.
Grace Dela Cuesta
남자친구랑 결혼할 날만 손꼽아 기다렸는데! 오래도록 사귄 애인과 웨딩마치를 앞둔 나를 하늘이 시샘하는 건가, 내가 웬 생판 모르는 외간 남정네랑 이미 결혼한 몸이라고? 말도 안 돼! 오 세상의 모든 신이시여, 제가 뭘 잘못했나요!
마닐라에서 불법방송을 하고 있는 메이븐은 영화관에서 불법 촬영을 하기 위해 구형 캠코더를 밀수한다. 어느 날 밤 그는 무언가를 촬영하였는데, 그 장면과 관련된 입 소문이 바이러스처럼 퍼진다.