Simone Liberati

Simone Liberati

출생 : 1988-04-27, Roma

프로필 사진

Simone Liberati
Simone Liberati
Simone Liberati

참여 작품

Holy Shoes
Libre Garance !
It is the summer of 1982. Garance is eleven years old and lives in a remote hamlet in the Cevennes where her parents are trying to lead an alternative life. When two Italian activists rob a bank in the area, things go wrong. This event turns Garance and her family's life upside down.
La regola d'oro
L'ultimo piano
더 매치
Ragazzo in macchina
로마의 한 교외 지역. 다가오는 축구 챔피언십을 두고 마을이 떠들썩해진다. 경기의 승패에 운명이 달린 선수와 감독, 그리고 축구팀의 수장. 지금 수단과 방법을 가릴 처지가 아니다! 이들은 운명의 날을 앞두고 도덕적 딜레마에 빠진다.
내겐 너무 어려운 연애
이탈리아에서 태어나 로마 근교의 이슬람 커뮤니티에 살고있는 이민 2세 ‘파임’(파임 부이얀). 부족한 것 없는 그에게 딱 하나 없는 것. 바로 여자친구! 공연장에서 밴드 공연 준비를 하던 그는 자유롭고 매력적인 이탈리아 여자 ‘아지아’(카를로타 안토넬리)를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 사랑이 깊어질수록 그녀와의 사이에 있는 안전선을 넘고 싶어 지는 파임. 평생 지켜온 가치관과 사랑 사이에서 깊은 딜레마에 빠지고 만다. 이때 파임의 가족들은 영국으로의 이민을 결정하게 되고… 파임이 넘을 선은 국경선이 되고 마는 것일까?
Love Under House Arrest
A young insurance salesman takes advantage of the fact that a beautiful young woman he is attracted to is under house arrest, so cannot go anywhere to escape him.
골든 유스
Paris, France, 1979. Rose, a rebellious orphaned teenager, and Michel, a young aspiring painter, enjoy their crazy love under the neon lights of the decadent nightclub Le Palace, where they establish an ambiguous relationship with Lucille and Hubert, two bohemian bourgeois who will change their lives.
The Armadillo's Prophecy
A 27-year-old guy from a peripheral Roman suburb leads a normal but repetitive life: his conscience manifests in the form of an armadillo with whom he has conversations bordering on paradoxical during which he updates him on what's happening in the world. Based on the best-selling graphic novel.
Sun, Heart, Love
While her best friend Vale can afford to be a full-time performer, aspiring dancer Eli has an unemployed husband and four children to take care of, and works all day long in a cafe on the opposite side of the city, meaning she has to wake up before dawn and comes home late at night. Her kind and effervescent nature still manages to overcome this hardships.
Pure Hearts
Agnese and Stefano are profoundly different. She is only seventeen, lives with her mother – a harsh and devoted woman – is a regular church-goer and is about to take a vow of chastity to last until marriage. He is twenty-five, has a violent temper and a difficult past behind. He works as a warden in a car park that borders a Roma camp. Their unexpected meeting engenders a true sentiment, made of little stolen moments and mutual help.
The Furlough
The story of four inmates during their 48 hours furlough, of their reality and how it has brought them behind bars. The characters are described with realism, with their contradictions, their desperation, the temptation of an escape, but the cornerstone of the movie is the sincerity of the positive feelings of each and everyone of them: the love of a father for his son, the love for a woman, for friends, and most of all the pursuit of a lost (if ever had) personal dignity and pride. Four characters of different ages and extractions, three man and a woman: Luigi, Donato, Rossana and Angelo.
수부라 게이트
Mirko, guardaspalle di Numero 8
2011년 11월, 혼돈의 이탈리아. 국회는 최악의 경제난에도 수부라 유흥 지구의 재개발법을 밀어붙이고, 여당의 정치인은 성매매 도중 어린 매춘부가 현장에서 마약쇼크로 죽는 사고가 발생한다. 하지만 사체 유기에 가담한 마피아는 오히려 정치인을 협박해 재개발 사업의 이권을 요구하고 나선다. 그리고 마침내 수부라 지역을 둘러싸고 정치권, 종교계, 마피아간의 거대한 음모가 하나 둘씩 드러나며 걷잡을 수 없는 범죄 전쟁이 시작되는데....
La prima volta (di mia figlia)
Fabio Puccioni
Alberto (Riccardo Rossi) is a local doctor, neat freak, separated by ten years and totally dedicated - emotionally and emotionally - to old daughter, Bianca (Benedetta Gargari). A day like all the others of his life completely organized, methodical and tidy, comes a bolt from the blue: the law of the hidden diary of Bianca that his little girl is going to make love for the first time! Alberto is in a panic, had not imagined it could get that day for her daughter: the angel of his life ...