Song Haolin

Song Haolin

출생 : 1978-01-29, Shandong, China


Song Haolin is a director, screenwriter and actor from Mainland China. He graduated from the Central Academy of Drama.

프로필 사진

Song Haolin

참여 작품

Water Boys
Five high schoolers join the swim team by accident and find themselves in a situation where they have to complete a synchronized swimming performance.
Water Boys
Five high schoolers join the swim team by accident and find themselves in a situation where they have to complete a synchronized swimming performance.
인간과 요괴가 공존하는 세상. 청렴한 서생 ‘왕자진’은 과거 시험을 보기 위해 상경하던 중, 여우 요괴 ‘백십삼’을 만난다. ‘왕자진’의 몸속에 있는 원혼 구슬을 얻어야만 불멸의 여우신이 될 수 있는 ‘백십삼’은 호시탐탐 ‘왕자진’을 사지로 몰아넣고 구슬을 빼앗을 순간만 노린다. 하지만 함께 악귀를 물리치고 목숨을 건 모험을 헤쳐나가면서 ‘백십삼’과 ‘왕자진’은 진정한 친구로 거듭난다. ‘백십삼’이 원혼 구슬과 우정을 두고 갈등하는 사이, 그들에게 더 큰 위험이 몰려오는데…
Mr. Zhu's Summer
Mr. Zhu teaches in an elementary school. He is not very smart but always tries to remain his integrity. His care and affection for students are not appreciated by all. Fellow teachers also complain about his innovative ways to inspire students. Two problematic students, King Kong and Grasshopper are headache to Mr. Zhu. Their mischievous behavior results in Zhu's humiliation and frustration. He resigns. Now it's the task for the students to win him back...
Mr. Zhu's Summer
Mr. Zhu teaches in an elementary school. He is not very smart but always tries to remain his integrity. His care and affection for students are not appreciated by all. Fellow teachers also complain about his innovative ways to inspire students. Two problematic students, King Kong and Grasshopper are headache to Mr. Zhu. Their mischievous behavior results in Zhu's humiliation and frustration. He resigns. Now it's the task for the students to win him back...
Fatal Love