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In this grim story, three murders of young girls are committed in a similar manner, and their bodies are all found in the woods. The only suspect, a young man assumed to be a paedophile, commits suicide during the investigation. A policeman becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of this serial killer and he continues to investigate even after he has been taken off the case.
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In a border town two sons of the local commander using stolen arms take hostages of eighteen girls in a dormitory, because they want to go West by plane.
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Set Decoration
레들은 선생의 추천으로 사관학교에 진학하고 쿠비니와 친해져 그의 누이 카타린과도 알게 된다. 세월이 흘러 중위가 된 레들은 주위의 인정을 받고 로덴 대령의 신임도 얻는다. 그는 사창가를 출입하거난 반정부적인 불만을 늘어놓는 동료들과는 달리 상관의 명령에 충성한다.
레들이 중령이 되었을 때, 첩보활동을 위해 제국 중심지에서 일하게 되지만, 자신의 일에만 충실할 뿐 다른 군인들에게는 눈의 가시같은 존재가 된다. 그런데 군내부의 정치 싸움에서 진 로덴 대령이 이러한 레들을 적국러시아의 첩자로 만들어 황실의 희생양으로 삼으려 한다. 이를 눈치챈 레들은 정치가들을 증오하며 자포자기하여 평생 우정을 준 쿠비니의 권총으로 자살한다.
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The parents of Kabala (Lucky Charm) and Facsiga (Wooden Top) are divorced. Kabala, an adolescent girl was awarded to the father, while Facsiga, the younger brother was awarded to the mother, but they do not really belong to anyone. The two children want to live together at all costs.
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Andras (Zygmunt Malanowicz), an older man employed as a furniture designer, gets a life-jarring shock when he returns from a trip and finds that some of the work he developed has been given over to a younger employee. This instigates a mid-life crisis over his own identity and his sense of security and self-worth, all exacerbated by a recent divorce and estrangement from his son. Recognizing that he needs help, the man goes for therapy and starts to face his problems. Therapy counteracts some of the damage of living, and the man starts to consider his son, his relationships with women, and his father in a different light.
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The characters of this fiction of sociogra-phic accuracy live in the reformatory school for girls in Rákospalota. They are all girls of similar pasts, desires and needs but Juli hates bars more than any of them, trying to make contacts with the world out there in order to leave the school behind forever.
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Aunt Ilka, who likes company, opens her house standing in the middle of a six-acre rose garden in the little town for the golden youth of the town. As a result of her benevolence, the tenants are in the position to adore not only the roses but a nice bunch of to-be-married girls of the town.