Johanna Gastdorf

Johanna Gastdorf

출생 : 1959-01-01, Hamburg, Germany

프로필 사진

Johanna Gastdorf
Johanna Gastdorf

참여 작품

Sophia, der Tod und ich
Seid einfach wie ihr seid
Die Innenministerkonferenz
The new Federal Minister of the Interior and Community (Lena Dörrie) is used to mastering big challenges. But a murder at the Conference of Interior Ministers is something else. Especially at the back of the Bavarian beyond, without any cell phone reception, isolated from the outside world. To make matters worse: The 16 interior ministers of the federal states (including Jan Böhmermann, Henny Reents, Christoph Zrenner) are of no help in clarifying the matter.
Schule am Meer – Frischer Wind
Sonja Minich
Patrick and Julia have an enviable, stable marriage, there is security and inspiration. But no sex. The couple's well-established life structure falls apart when they outsource the deficit with the help of a confident, attractive young woman, who completely underestimates her feelings.
Breisgau - Nehmen und Geben
Dorothea Danzeisen
Horst Lichter - Keine Zeit für Arschlöcher
Anni Kabuk
Based on the bestselling biography: Entertainer Horst Lichter has barely had time to relax on his holiday when his mother calls him. In her own dry way, she tells him that she has been diagnosed with cancer and that things are not going well for her. Immediately Horst returns to his hometown with his wife Nada. Returning home brings back childhood memories - of a loving father and a mother who held the reins firmly in difficult situations. Horst tries his best to support his mother Margret - he organises doctor's appointments and tries to provide a little variety into her daily life, even though the relationship between mother and son has been strained for a long time: he counters his mother's edgy, frosty manner as he had learned to do when he was young. He emphasises the positive side of any situation and is always ready to respond with a snappy retort. When Margret learns how serious her illness really is, Horst begins to rethink his own life as well.
Breisgau - Bullenstall
Dorothea Danzeisen
Wir bleiben Freunde
Sybille Salenbach
Klara Sonntag - Kleine Fische, große Fische
Ruth Dormagen
1770년, 본에서 평민으로 태어난 루트비히 반 베토벤은 어릴 때부터 엄격한 아버지 밑에서 혹독하게 음악을 공부한다. 루트비히의 아버지는 루트비히를 동시대에 먼저 태어나 이미 유명세를 떨치던 모차르트처럼 만들려고 하고, 루트비히는 힘든 상황에서도 묵묵히 음악적인 재능을 발휘한다. 루트비히는 자신의 재능을 알아본 네페를 스승으로 만나 작곡하는 법을 배우고 스승의 조수로서 궁중 오르간 연주자로 활약하지만 한편으로는 뛰어난 재능에도 불구하고 평민으로 차별당하는 현실에 힘들어한다. 곧 어린 루트비히는 자신의 재능을 사랑하는 귀족을 후원자로 두게 되고 귀족의 딸과 사랑에 빠지는데...
디 호흐차이트
Three friends from school, Thomas, Nils and Andreas, are still searching for love in their adult lives.
Stenzels Bescherung
Barbara Stenzel
Eine Klasse für sich
Suddenly going back to school, who hasn't woken up from this nightmare? For the teacher Fabian Sorge it becomes reality. Shortly before he became a civil servant, it came out that he forged his high school diploma as a young man.
Alte Bande
Dr. Sandinger
Diving Into Life
Susanne's husband left her six months ago; she doesn’t go out, she doesn’t visit her friends, she lies about having been left. Her only outlets are her work and her beloved synchronized swimming, until a young single mother and her daughter move into her building and turn her life upside down.
Flucht durchs Höllental
Erika Erlacher
The daughter of a lawyer is abducted. He becomes a hunted man himself.
The Goldfish
Olivers Mutter
Oliver is a banker and portfolio manager and leads a life in the fast lane, which one day comes to an abrupt end, as he builds a self-inflicted accident on highway with 230 km / h and raced through a guardrail. When he wakes up in the hospital again, he faces a devastating diagnosis: paraplegia. Actually, a rehabilitation stay of several months is planned in the hospital, but Oliver soon falls on his head and ends up in a disabled shared flat with the name "Die Goldfische"
We Are Half The World
Anita Augsburg
They were, at best mocked or ridiculed, at worst incarcerated, tortured, or even beheaded. But they would not be deterred. For decades ten thousands of women in Germany, Great Britain, in France, the U.S. and many other countries fought for their right to vote. Some used the institutions, others turned into media savvy politicians, and still others turned to terrorism, went on hunger strike, or died as martyrs. 100 years later we tell a multi-perspective and emotional story of the international fight, against all odds, for women’s suffrage as an important step towards equal rights.
Aufbruch in die Freiheit
Oberschwester Bärbel
Germany, 1971: Erika (Anna Schudt) is actually completely overwhelmed by her work in the butchery of husband Kurt (Christian Erdmann), the education of three common children and additional obligations, which brings the village life, as her doctor also revealed that she is pregnant again. Another baby is the last thing she needs now, and so she decides to drive to her sister Charlotte (Alwara Höfels) to Cologne and let the baby abortively secretly abort. Since there are complications during the surgery and Erika can only be rescued, but her husband still learns from the matter. It comes to a huge dispute, in which another topic is the future of daughter Ulrike (Lene Oderich). Without further ado Erika then packs her things and moves with her children to Charlotte. But at a time when legislation inevitably makes her dependent on her husband, she is denied a self-determined new beginning. Erika decides to do something to change that ..
작가 미상
Grandmother Malvine
1937년 드레스덴. 꼬마 쿠르트는 이모 엘리자베스가 심신미약자라는 오명을 받고 강제 이송되는 광경을 목격한다. 세월이 흘러 청년이 된 쿠르트는 미술학교에 진학할 기회를 잡지만, 소련 치하의 동독은 사회주의 리얼리즘에 입각한 화풍만을 요구할 뿐이다. 그러던 중 그는 패션 전공인 엘리를 만나 사랑에 빠지지만, 엘리의 아버지인 지반트 박사는 둘 사이를 탐탁지 않게 여기며 떼어 놓으려 한다. 예술과 사랑의 자유를 찾아 서독으로 도주하는 쿠르트와 엘리는 새로운 기회를 맞지만, 쿠르트의 작업이 계속되면서 두 사람 그리고 지반트 박사 사이를 묶어주던 불행한 과거가 그 모습을 드러낸다.
Luisa loves her teaching profession and is popular with her students because of her fresh teaching methods. But shortly after she refused to give a student a high school recommendation, a nude photo of her appears on her school's website. Her life becomes a gauntlet. Nowhere is she safe from sexual reprisals, her elementary school leaves her on leave and the police investigation leads nowhere. Then the young woman disappears. Traces in her house indicate a violent crime. Was Luisa the murder victim after the infamous slander?
Nichts zu verlieren
Wolfsland – Irrlichter
Gesine Schwenk
Keiner schiebt uns weg
Frau Radtke
My foreign girlfriend
Dr. Gonzor
Andrea Bredow makes friends quickly with her new colleague at the health department. Judith Lorenz seems nice and competent. And she does not like anything about office macho Volker Lehmann. But then the unbelievable happens: Judith is brutally raped by Volker Lehmann during her working hours in a storeroom. So she tells Andrea and later the police. Andrea encourages her friend to tell the truth. But Judith's behavior seems increasingly puzzling.
Mother Superior
How a revolutionary priest named Martin Luther changed the face of Christendom and the path of European civilization forever.
Willkommen bei den Honeckers
Margot Honecker
Max Bretschneider pretends to be a communist in order to conduct the last interview with Erich Honecker.
Chaos-Queens - Die Braut sagt leider nein
Toter Winkel
Elsa Holzer
Im Tunnel
psychologische Gutachterin
타고난 재능으로 최고의 자리에 오른 스탠드업 코미디언 아스트리드. 셀러브리티 답게 그녀의 일거수일투족은 화제가 되고, 뱃속의 아이 역시 태어나기 전부터 유명세를 치르고 있다. 그러나 출산을 세 달 앞두고, 아스트리드 부부는 뱃속의 태아에 문제가 생겼음을 알게되는데…
Fritz Lang
Thea von Harbou
Filmmaker Fritz Lang seeks inspiration for his first sound film by immersing himself in the case of serial killer Peter Kürten.
The Lost Brother
Aunt Josepha
A boy feels neglected by his parents because they grieve for his older brother, who went missing in the aftermath of the second world war.
Another Kind of Light
Gloria Fischbacher
Sissi and Theo are different, as one can hardly be more different. Theo, an intolerant, purposeful businessman who keeps people at bay, and Sissi, a young woman who has not yet found her way and still lives with her mother, would probably never have met if Theo did not go blind. Sissi is in rehearsal as a rehab trainer for the blind and Theo her first student.
Sein gutes Recht
Caroline Hilbert
Alle unter eine Tanne
Das Zeugenhaus
Elise Krollmann
Witnesses about to testify at the Nuremberg War Trials needed a safe place to wait. All under one roof, each with their own secrets. And the countess assigned to take care of them. What was her secret?
The Chosen Ones
In the late 70s, young Petra Grust begins teaching at the progressive Odenwald School. She is flattered by the trust placed in her by its widely respected headmaster Simon Pistorius. But gradually certain incidents at the boarding school begin to unsettle her. Petra then realizes that Pistorius is abusing Frank, a 13-year-old. When Frank is told that he has to spend school holidays with Pistorius, he tries to commit suicide. Petra tells Frank's father (the chairman of the school's governing body) but he believes Pistorius instead of his own son. Petra fails to convince people of the man's true nature. 30 years later, Frank goes to Petra, who has long since left the school and has stopped teaching altogether. He has never been able to speak about what happened but now, after the suicide of another pupil, he is no longer willing to remain silent. He wants Petra to bear witness at the school's forthcoming anniversary celebrations.
Zwei mitten im Leben
Bea Westkamp
Die Zeit mit Euch
Marlene Lichtenhagen
Karin Nickel
Lukas is 15 years old. His parents are separated and he cannot really come to terms with Karsten, his mother Beate's goal-oriented and career-oriented friend. Lukas would much rather move in with his father Jochen, who runs a car repair shop. In general, Lukas is not particularly successful in life, and he hardly finds any recognition among his peers. When Lukas' father wants to celebrate a business success with his son, the 15-year-old learns to appreciate alcohol for the first time. In his clique, too, alcohol is taken for granted. And suddenly everything seems so much easier to Lukas when he can just drink his heartache and worries away. He's also getting a little braver, because he wants to get closer to the attractive Sylvia. But Lukas has no idea what the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption can be.
Alles für meine Tochter
Kathrin Liebner
Teacher Ines and journalist Boris have been happily married for 14 years. But Ines suffers from her childlessness. Then she is confronted with a chapter of her life that has displaced her for many years: In a new student she recognizes her daughter, who she had released after adoption for adoption. Since Boris knows nothing about it, Ines can only trust her best friend Simone. Against her advice, she also seeks in private the proximity to the unsuspecting student. In doing so, she finds herself in a conflict between her responsibility as a teacher and her growing motherly feelings.
Halbe Hundert
Charlotte Merian
At the centre of the comedy ‘Halbe Hundert’ (‘half of hundred’) stand three strong women at fifty. As with so many women of their generation, the number on their birth certificate seemingly doesn’t fit to their sense of life at all. But all three of them stand before decisive changes. Anne is successful in her professional life as a hand surgeon who is acclaimed all across Germany. The victim of her flawless career is her marriage to Klaus, who had her back with regards to children and household for years and now has left her unexpectedly. Anne reacts with wounded vanity and books a young, attractive male escort for a congress. But the relationship, considered to be professional, throws Anne out of the loop emotionally. Charlotte has worn down herself for the family for years as she is diagnosed with breast cancer. With the illness in front of her eyes, Charlotte finds the courage to break out of old confinements…
Mittlere Reife
Karin Scholz
Having trouble coping with school and their teachers, five students are sent to after school detention by principal Seifert. To avoid expulsion they must take extra hours in ethics. It is their last chance. Stressed out with her own exams, the new trainee teacher Mechthild Bremer is not enthusiastic about being assigned to teach this class. Accordingly, the first couple of hours do not run smoothly. The five give her a hard time.
Schlaflos in Schwabing
Eine Frau verschwindet
Elke Ebling
A nameless man receives phone calls intended for someone else and ends up pretending to be that person, while a female character rebels against her author.
Männer ticken, Frauen anders
Tanja Bach
Alice Tanner, chief analyst of a rating agency, almost made it to the top in the main metropolis of Frankfurt. Then Michael von Marck is served to her as a competitor. Because one of the company chairpersons expressed doubts about Alice's judgment when it became known that she had a one-night stand with a married customer. Alice gets support from her friend from the bowling club and her half-sister: a secretly hidden bug in the men's washroom in the office complex of the rating agency is supposed to reveal the strategies of the male competitors to the female eavesdropper
Holger sacht nix
Eine Insel namens Udo
Frau Weber
Udo is invisible - no one ever seems to notice him. He makes the most of it, working as a department store detective and living off other people's lives as they never notice him tagging along. Until he meets the one woman who sees him.
Klarer Fall für Bär
Sabine Millner
Racheengel - Ein eiskalter Plan
Frau von Brederstein
At the beginning of the weekend, the detective commissioner Tina Campenhausen wanted to spend with her family, she is called to a hotel in Travemünde. Guest Brederstein lies dead in the tub. Everything points to suicide. Tina Campenhausen knows the dead that she keeps secret from her colleague. Tina is caught up in her past when her sister, Jenny Hansen, whom she has not had any contact with for years, is at her door. Does Jenny have something to do with the death of the hotel guest? Tina gets into the biggest conflict of conscience of her life.
Wie immer
An old lady visits her hairdresser at the same time every week. She is kind to the mindset, but the memory has begun to fail and she usually carries her garbage bag with her.
Es war einer von uns
Kommissarin Ute Burckhart
London. Liebe, Taubenschlag 2
Marion Kasperavijchek
London, Liebe, Taubenschlag
Marion Kasperavijchek
Frau Böhm sagt nein
Frau Heisterkamp
German TV film about the innner workings of a takeover battle and its emotional consequences. Inspired by the events of the Vodafone Mannesmann takeover.
Keine Angst
Durch diese Nacht
Schwester Hanna
Der Tiger oder Was Frauen lieben!
Frieda Knef
A biography of Hildegard Knef, one of Germany's biggest post-war stars.
A man, a fjord!
Waltraud Schwarz-Ebershagen
A fast-paced comedy full of misunderstandings: Norbert Krabbe from pan, unemployed Bürokaufmann and passionate contest participant wins a fjord in Lofoten. But how to get only to Norway - for "Norbert Crab Fjord" including his own cabin - when you're broke and one is already driving poor at S-Bahn? What Norbert lack of money, he makes through original ideas betting: Disguised as a cleaning crew, he makes his way to his daughter by train to Copenhagen, on we go as a hitchhiker and with ill-gotten ship tickets. Many abstruse encounters later, among others with Horst Schlämmer, Uschi Blum and the strong-smelling Norwegians Lars, who predicts the future based on a Dog Quartet, Norbert expects the next surprise at its destination ...
Frau Holle
Witwe Weber
A widow has two daughters. Louise, lazy she spoils and Marie who dutifully and eagerly helps her mother around the house. One day Marie falls into the well and wakes up on a flowery meadow in a land of dreams, where even bread and apple tree can talk.
Ihr könnt euch niemals sicher sein
Dr. Andrea Brock
Der 17-Jährige Gymnasiast Oliver Rother bringt seine Gedanken, Gefühle und Erlebnisse gern in Hip-Hop-Texten zum Ausdruck. Als ihm seine Lehrerin Selma Vollrath eine Sechs für eine Deutscharbeit über "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" gibt, die er im Stil eines Rappers getextet hat, verlässt er enttäuscht und wutentbrannt die Klasse. Dabei verliert er einen Zettel, auf dem er in einem drastischen Song ankündigt, Frau Vollrath töten zu wollen. Aus Angst, einen potenziellen Amokläufer im Haus zu haben, informiert die Schulleitung die Polizei. Als diese bei der Hausdurchsuchung auf Olivers Computer gewalttätige Videos findet und sich der Jugendliche nicht eindeutig von seinen Sprüchen distanziert, nimmt ein ungeahntes Drama seinen Lauf.
Stille Post
Ingrid Hoch
Andrea is a teacher at a gymnasium in Lübeck. She prefers to convince her students with arguments rather than punishments. But it can also be very specific: For example, when it comes to averting the advances of her problem student Niklas. He has fallen in love with her, much to the grief of his girlfriend and classmate Lisa. On a school trip, the situation comes to a head, Andrea feels increasingly pressurized by Niklas. Her husband Michael is not much help in this situation - the dentist has just started a new job and only his research in mind. Jealous Lisa tells in school that they do have a relationship, which makes their marriage very much tested.
Vertraute Angst
Anja Wegener
Familie ist was Wunderbares
Petra Bode
더 웨이브
Tim's Mutter
줄거리고교 교사인 벵어는 자신이 원하던 무정부주의 수업 대신 프로젝트 수업으로 전체주의 수업을 맡게 된다. 전체주의의 여러 모습을 수업시간에 적용하는 것을 통해 그 허구와 부정적 부분을 드러내려 한 벵어의 시도는 점차 그의 의도를 넘어서 파국으로 치닫는다.
The Unpolished
Stevie, a precocious 14-year-old girl must cope with the instabilities of her immoderate parents. When they decide to move to a small provincial town in Germany, Stevie attempts to slip into a normal life. Whilst her parents playfully escape their responsibilities, Stevie tries to make a good impression in town, spreading stories of grandeur and claiming to be the daughter of a diplomat. She makes progress. Yet the good weather doesn’t last and before long, she discovers that her parents have once more resorted to illegal means, as a way of supporting their leisurely lifestyle. As friends and hangers-on of her parents fill their new home, the chaos continually mounts. It is in this atmosphere of physical and emotional destruction, that Stevie must now start to define herself and perhaps even break free.
Der Untergang der Pamir
Moni Lange
The story of the German sail-training ship Pamir that sunk in a hurricane.
Die Mauer – Berlin ’61
Renate Sawatzke
17-year-old Guido suffers since his early childhood from neurodermatitis. After being taken to the hospital due to a heavy attack, he starts to question his personal and familiar environment and discovers that his parents’ relationship – which he assumed to be happy and sound – is built on lies. Unable to deal with this disappointment, he flees from it and moves in with his older brother and his roommates...
Der Vater meiner Schwester
Karola Schneider
소피 숄의 마지막 날들
Else Gebel
히틀러가 제2차 세계대전을 일으킬 무렵 독일에서는 히틀러 정권에 저항하는 학생 모임들이 우후죽순으로 생겨난다. 뮌헨에서 결성된 백장미단 역시 히틀러 정권을 비판하면서 독일 국민들을 일깨우기 위해 저항하는 학생 단체. 사랑과 시와 재즈를 읊조리는 여느 순수한 여대생과 다름 없었던 스무 한 살의 여대생 소피 숄. 그녀는 오빠 한스가 가입되어 있는 백장미단에 가담하게 되고, 젊은이들의 움직임을 도모하기 위해 행동을 결심한다.
Drechslers zweite Chance
Rita Gomulka
Cold Spring
A rebellious young woman is thrown out by her wealthy, but marbly parents and gets into a nightmare of poverty, prostitution and sickness.
Im Schatten der Macht
Christel Guillaume
베른의 기적
Christa Lubanski
2차 대전 후 독일의 어느 탄광촌. 아버지 없이 자라난 13살 소년 '마테스'에겐 같은 마을 출신의 축구선수 '란'이 영웅이자 아버지 같은 존재다. 그러던 어느 날, 러시아 포로수용소에 갇혀 있던 마테스의 아버지가 풀려나 가족의 품으로 돌아온다. 하지만 힘겨운 포로 생활로 심신이 피폐해진 아버지는 강박적이고 독단적인 행동으로 가족들과 갈등만 키워간다. 그러던 중, 그토록 기다리던 스위스 월드컵이 시작되고 역전에 역전을 거듭하는 파란 속에서 결승전에 진출한 대표팀. 그러자 냉담했던 아버지는 승리를 꿈꾸는 ‘마테스’를 데리고 베른으로 향하는데…
Royal Children
Abels Mutter
Marlies Bode
Halt mich fest!
Auch Männer brauchen Liebe
Two Women, Two Men
Nick and Charlotte are a married couple. As both are more than busy earning money, there is no time for love or sex - only Tuesdays. Soon, Charlotte finds a lover, Luis, who is an unsuccessful, married artist. He and his wife Eva also have no time for sex, as Eva has to support her artist and the couple's 3 and 6 year old kids by working in a restaurant. The secret affair of Luis and Charlotte lasts quite a while, they decide to spend a romantic week in Venice, Italy. But by accident, Eva finds out about the couple and their destination. She forces Nick, Charlotte's husband, to join her on a trip to Venice in order to restore her marriage as well as his.
Diamanten küßt man nicht
Inzest - Ein Fall für Sina Teufel
Tilly Marlony
Bunte Hunde