Tomy Wigand

출생 : 1952-07-12, Ludwigsburg, Germany

참여 작품

Wenn Papa auf der Matte steht
Climate Rescue for Beginners
What use is a good Abitur if the climate is changing? For 17-year-old high school student Lilly, there are more important things than school. It looks correspondingly bleak with their admission to the Abitur! While father Martin fails with a bang to lure her with a dream trip, mother Nina makes an unusual deal: if Lilly really crams from now on, her parents will in return help protect the climate. From now on, only fresh food will be cooked at home, lavender will replace industrial washing powder and you can go to work by bike! There are only exceptions for little brother Tom. But the road to an emission-free life is not a sure-fire success. After weeks, agency owner Nina and chief physician Martin are not only looking for secret exceptions to the rules, but also get into discussions about their lives up to now. And since Lilly doesn't quite stick to the deal with her parents either, the initially abstract discussion about climate-friendly living escalates into a true family crisis.
Dad Got Grounded
Paul is living the dream. He’s a pilot who gets to fly across the globe, and at home, his beautiful younger wife Susan waits for him. The only catch: he promised to retire early and take care of their 4-year-old son Franz. But when he breaks his word, Susan leaves him… alone with Franz. On top of that, the kids from his two previous marriages appear on his doorstep: lovesick, morbidly shy 22-year-old Jonas, and Tabea, a teenager in trouble. His kids make him face the dire truth: he’s a bad dad. Now, Paul has one week to show he’s capable of being a father, or Susan won’t come back. When Paul reluctantly shows his kids how much he loves them, they finally bond! But is that enough to win Susan back? - BetaFilm
Die Büffel sind los!
Die Müttermafia-Patin
Die Müttermafia-Patin
Der Kotzbrocken
Sophie Brand is overwhelmed: as a single mother with two jobs no wonder. A mountain of unpaid traffic tickets takes her to the judge, who buzzes her 300 social hours in a home for the disabled. In addition, he puts her on his own brother: Georg, a dreaded patient in the home, who sits in a wheelchair since an accident and only bitterness for his environment left. But Sophie can not rausekeln. So it happens that something special develops out of initial antipathy: trust, friendship, love. The emotional tragicomedy knows how to implement a supposed taboo subject sensitively.
Die Mütter-Mafia
A mother is good. Several mothers at once are hell! Conny is 37 years old and has so far let her life being arranged by others - especially by her husband Lawrence. Lorenz has made the previous gray mouse, a trophy wife and offers her a carefree life. And so Conny falls from the clouds, when her husband announced her at dinner that he wants a divorce. Of necessity Conny pulls together the two children in the ancient house of Lorenz deceased mother and realized with horror that from now on everything will be different. Since it holds its own for non-viable, she clings to a clique of high-society mothers...
Where shall we put grandma? Her permanently anxious and stressed daughter, Marie, knows exactly where: the neighbourhood’s idyllically situated retirement homem where she can find friends of “her own age”. But Granny has other ideas: She wants to see the Pope in Rome, and no one can stop her plan. She wants to finally confess a troubling sin to the highest possible power. She resolves to make the journey alone, and ends up one day on the doorstep of her granddaughter, Martina. What she doesn’t know is that Martina has a secret too, and that a private audience with the Pope is virtually impossible for mere mortals. Together with sly bon vivant, Lorenzo, the three set off on an adventure – but their attempt to receive a Papal blessing almost ends in disaster.
Das große Comeback
Willkommen im Westerwald
TKKG - The Secret of the Mysterious Mind Machine
Polly Blue Eyes
하늘을 나는 교실
A boy who was once a perpetual outcast finds friends in a new boarding school, united with his new peers gets involved in a heated rivalry with a group of students from a neighboring school.
Nicht heulen, Husky
Fußball ist unser Leben
Picknick im Schnee
Johannes Breutigam, a successful architect, is confronted with his real life on a New Year's Eve. His wife is cheating on him, his partner Losfeld has betrayed him and his company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Deeply depressed and desperate, he rents a hotel room on the 32nd floor. He writes a farewell letter to his wife and opens the window to jump into the depths. A young woman is standing on the window sill next door, apparently up to the same thing. With the promise to spend the last evening of the year with her, he manages to save her and himself for the time being. This is the beginning of a strange, romantic, comical story that takes place on a single New Year's Eve and in which two people change their lives
Twiggy - Liebe auf Diät
Heavyweight Ludwig Burg doesn't have it easy among his stylish colleagues at the Düsseldorf advertising agency. To make matters worse, he was of course chosen for the Slim-O-Matic campaign on television. A diet in front of the camera, so to speak...
문 44
2038년, 지구의 자원이 고갈되자 다국적기업들은 우주로 나가 혹성을 정복하여 위성으로 삼고 광물 자원을 캐온다. 그러나 광업 기지 위성(Moon, Mining Operation In The Outer Zone)을 둘어싸고 기업들간의 경쟁이 치열해지면서 무력 충돌에까지 이르게 된다. 그 중 하나인 우주 광업 회사에서는 우주 해적 파이라이트에게 위성을 다 빼앗기고 위성 44만이 남았다. 자체 방위력을 위해 전투기 조종사가 필요하나 아무도 지원하지않자 죄수들을 모아 올려보내게 되는데, 항법사로 일하고 있던 10대 소년들과의 갈등이 끊이지 않는다. 위성 44호에서 지구로 광물을 실어나르는 왕복선이 계속 도난당하자 사내 보안국 요원인 스톤을 보낸다. 스톤과 항법사 타일러는 범인을 찾기 위해 같이 일하던 중 조종사 사이크 상사를 현장에서 잡는다. 그러나 주범은 위성 44호의 총 사령관인 리 소령으로 회사의 비인간적인 처사에 불만을 품고 파이라이트 쪽으로 넘어간 것이다. 그 사실을 모르는 채 스톤은 임무를 완수했으므로 위성을 떠난다. 곧 이어 파이라이트의 총 공격이 시작되고 위성 44호는 위기에 처하자 리 소령은 왕복선이 모두 파이라이트에게 가도록 프로그램을 해놓고 위성을 떠나려고 한다. 그때 스톤이 돌아와 파이라이트를 무찌르고 직원들을 구해낸다.
미국과 유럽 합작의 기상 관측 우주선 플로리다 아크랩에서 심상치 않은 실험이 진행된다. 탑승과학자이자 기상 실험에 평생을 바친 맥스와 그의 보조인 빌리는 맥스를 따돌리고 진행된 이 비밀스런 실험에 우연히 휘말리게 된다. 한편 지구에서는 사우디의 리야드 공항에서 벌어지고 있는 인질극에 전세계의 이목이 집중되는데...